
时间:2022-07-27 23:30:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在这个暑假里,我有许多点点滴滴难忘的事情,让我留下甜美又温馨的回忆!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On the last day of summer vacation, I had a great time! Because my brother and I went to my uncle's house. We had a good time with our cousin. In the afternoon, we also did a very interesting thing.

  In the afternoon, I played a game of chess with my cousin. I lost. My cousin was very happy. In this cheering, my aunt said, "let's go to the sunny garden to feed the fish!" "Good!" My cousin jumped up happily, and my brother was also very happy. Our pockets were full of small steamed buns, all armed for departure. With the order of our aunt, we set out.

  When I got to the pond, I looked down and saw that the water was calm and muddy. Sometimes a few dragonflies will stand on the dried reed. There is no fish in the water at all. My cousin took out a small steamed bun, crushed it and sprinkled it on the water. After a while, a spectacular scene appeared: many colorful little goldfish swarmed up from the bottom of the water and grabbed the cake residue. I was stunned, and I quickly sprinkled cake dregs.

  More and more fish, look! How beautiful that black and white goldfish is! It is very alert and agile. It just finished eating a little food on the water and disappeared into the water. Ah, that little yellow and white goldfish is so lively and cute. It swims leisurely on the water and eats a few mouthfuls of food on the water from time to time. That, that! That little goldfish is golden, dazzling and charming. It is like a goldfish princess. The circle of white on its head is its crown. It's so beautiful!

  Time is flying. The sun has set. It's time for the little goldfish to go home, and we should also go home.

  This is a really happy day!


  This summer vacation, I came to a strange place - Malaysia.

  The first stop of the trip to Malaysia is Langkawi. In Langkawi, I visited the mangrove forest. In the mangrove forest, I advanced to the bat cave. In the bat cave, I shone a flashlight on the wall and saw bats hanging upside down in black coats on the rock wall without moving. It turned out that the day was the time for bats to sleep. When I came out of the bat cave, I also met a naughty little monkey. It grabbed the potato chips in the hand of a child beside me at a fast speed, crossed the fence, hid behind a stone and tasted the spoils proudly. Taking a fast-moving cruise ship, I shuttle through the dense red forest. From time to time, there are eagles, the symbol of Langkawi, flying over the water. The surrounding scenery is refreshing.

  Farewell to Langkawi, I came to Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur has many beautiful buildings. The golden roof and white walls of the national mosque are like castles in fairy tales. What impresses me most is the landmark of Kuala Lumpur - the twin towers. Two identical towers are connected by corridors in the middle. It's really amazing. The twin towers in the night are more beautiful. I stood in the room and saw that the twin towers opposite me looked so majestic and magnificent in the night.

  Malaysia, I haven't played enough.


  Summer vacation! We are very happy that we can finally put aside everything and enjoy this holiday freely. But something unexpected happened - my sister had chickenpox!

  On that day, when taking a bath in the evening, my mother found that my sister had many red spots and blisters, so she came to her own conclusion: "my sister has hand, foot and mouth disease! Go to the hospital quickly!" As soon as my aunt heard it, she also came for consultation. The two people jointly diagnosed that my sister had chickenpox. So I came to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed chickenpox and only prepared some medicine and ointment. Then he hurried home and put the ointment on the chickenpox. We just had a false alarm. We all thought it was all right now.

  However, the next morning, all of us were surprised. My sister not only had a high fever, but also had more chickenpox. Like the stars in the sky, her face was full of chickenpox, and her limbs, trunk, even scalp and mouth were full of chickenpox, which was a mess. Some of her chickenpox are bright, some are crowded together in groups, and some are a red dot, dense. Seeing this, we hurried to the hospital and came to the dermatology department. The doctor said that we had to hang salt water and refill the medicine.

  Looking at her miserable appearance, I think her sister is really miserable! She couldn't help catching it every time, but everyone warned her repeatedly: "don't catch it, otherwise it will become more and more serious!"

  Under the effect of the ointment and the careful care of my aunt, a few days later, my sister's chickenpox was cured, and I could enjoy the cool wind of nature and the cool water world.


  Summer vacation is coming soon, summer vacation! Yes, these two words remind me of what happened in the summer vacation last year. That matter has been deeply buried in my heart and I can't forget it.      I remember that on Sunday in the summer vacation, my parents took me to travel. When I took the subway, I saw such a picture: there were about ten factory workers sitting on the ground of the subway. I was very curious and kept thinking, "why do they sit on the ground when there are seats on the subway?" I asked my father with this question. My father said, "maybe they were afraid of soiling the seats because they didn't change their clothes." This answer surprised me too much. They paid for the subway themselves, but they sat on the ground for fear of fouling their seats!

  "It's up to you this time!" Mother said. I understood her meaning, walked up to a worker and said, "uncle, we have a seat there, you can sit there!" As soon as he finished speaking, the worker said, "it's okay, little girl, it's good for us to sit here." I had no choice but to walk back to my seat and say "sorry" to my father.

Yes, they make money and work hard by their own efforts. Maybe there are new children in their family. Their parents over half a hundred years old need them to feed them. They have always adhered to their faith and their work. I want to say, "you are our pride! You are the pride of China!"


  Summer vacation life is rich and colorful, full of flavor and endless aftertaste. The most unforgettable thing for me is that I counted the stars with my brother.

  It was a night when the moonlight was bright and splashed on the ground, which reminded me of the ancient poem we learned: "the bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground". There are stars in the sky, like small eyes.

  We sat at the door and looked at the stars shining in the sky, as if winking at us. My brother asked me curiously, "sister, how many stars do you say there are in the sky? Can we count them all?" I thought for a while, but I don't know. We have learned an idiom called "stars". The stars should be countless bit by bit, right?

  My brother still doesn't believe it. He can only count to onehundred. He's still there, counting 1, 2, 3, 4... Come and go! After a while, I counted again from the beginning... I was going to laugh at him, but he ignored me and kept counting there.

  It suddenly occurred to me that I also laughed at my brother. It should be my brother laughing at me. Teachers often tell us that we should persevere in everything. Isn't that what my brother does? Although he can't count well, he always insists. Shouldn't he be an example for me to learn?

  Thinking of this, I also ran to my brother and counted with him, 1, 2, 3, 4

  That's really an unforgettable thing!


  This summer vacation I got a part-time job in a snack bar. At the beginning, I couldn't do well at all and often made mistakes. I was very low-spirited, but father and mother encouraged me a lot. So I began to try my best. Gradually, I could do a very good job. I felt very excited when I received my pay for the first time. I already made up my mind to find another part-time job in this winter vacation. I believe I can do better next time.


  During the summer vacation, my extracurricular activities are rich and colorful, including skateboarding, roller skating, and learning to swim... But the most unforgettable thing for me is that I do slides to help my brother improve his English.

  I first collected some pictures of pleasant goat and grey wolf, which are children's favorite now, and then the production began.

  I first type the title: "primary school students' third grade English", then type the English words one by one in the text box, arrange them vertically, input their Chinese meanings from the right side of the words, insert the pictures just collected, adjust the size, so that each Chinese meaning is covered by the pictures, and use different ways to make them exit slowly, such as diamond, whip, throwing... In this way, When my brother says the Chinese meaning of a word, I'll let the picture exit one, and I'll know whether he's right or not.

  As soon as the slide was finished, I hurried to let my brother come to my house to play - in fact, I had two purposes, one was to help my brother improve his English, and the other was to show you my talent.

  Sure enough, my younger brother was very interested in slides. The words he didn't answer at the beginning were answered quickly. It seems that my slides play a great role! Adults are also full of praise for my slides.

  Hearing everyone speak together, my heart is happy, not to mention how happy, I must study harder and make more beautiful slides!


  One of the most unforgettable things for me this summer vacation is what I saw and heard about visiting Earth Buildings in Xiamen.

  In the scorching summer, our family came to Xiamen. On the first day, we followed the guide to visit the earth building in Nanjing, Fujian Province. The Tulou is surrounded by mountains, which looks very mysterious. On the way up the mountain, I saw that the mountain road was uneven, the mountains were rolling, and the top of the mountain stood in the clouds. The clouds surrounded the top of the mountain, like white silk scarves wrapped around the top of the mountain. The scenery was very beautiful.

  First, let's go to the Tulou group, which is called "four dishes and one soup". Looking down from the observation platform, the Tulou group is like the plum blossoms scattered by the goddess of heaven. There are half moons, circles, squares, and double circles, which are dizzying.

  Earth buildings are all built with soil and lime mixed together. There are no windows on the first and second floors, and the windows start from the third floor. I think it's very strange. After the tour guide explained, it turned out that people at that time did this to prevent wild animals in the mountains from climbing in from the windows on the first and second floors and hurting people. This really gives me insight.

  We then went to see the "mother of earth buildings" - Yuchang building. Its characteristic is that it has not collapsed for 702 years. Other earth buildings cannot be compared with it in terms of architecture. In the Tulou, I also saw hens hatching eggs. I was a child who grew up in the city. This scene is not usually seen. I am very curious. By visiting the Tulou group, I learned about the local customs, increased cultural knowledge, enriched my experience, expanded my horizons, and left an unforgettable impression on me.


  At home during the summer vacation, my sister kept saying in her ear, "what do you study in the summer vacation?" My head was about to explode when my mother told me to learn the piano. I said, "No." My sister said, "then learn the guitar. It's very handsome." I was attracted by this sentence and hurriedly said, "Mom, I'm going to learn guitar." My sister then said, "remember to teach me when you have learned."

  After learning guitar for a day, I found it difficult to learn it. I said, "Mom, I won't learn it." Mother said that she had paid the tuition and must continue to study. I reluctantly agreed. I study there every day. It's like being in a cell. I have to study for several hours every day. When I get home, my mother will force me to play for an hour. Sometimes, after playing for a long time, the skin of my hand is broken, and my fingers feel very painful. If I play wrong, I have to play again until I can play well. If I can't play well, I won't eat. Sometimes I don't watch TV.

  After a few days, my sister learned the piano and came back and said, "let's have a competition." I said, "OK." I admire her for her ease in playing the piano without even looking at the keys. It's my turn to play, and I can't bear to listen. My sister laughed at me and said, "you play at a speed like a turtle." I was so angry that I really wanted to beat her up.

  I regret more and more. Why did I learn guitar at the beginning? If I had to choose again, I would definitely not choose guitar.


  Summer vacation arrived, my parents helped me sign up for the summer dance training class, and then I found that I liked dancing.

  When I came to the place where I learned to dance, I was very curious and looking forward to it! Maybe this is the natural hobby of girls! Stepping into the dance classroom, "ah! How beautiful!" I shouted in surprise. At this time, the dance teacher came to me and said gently, "don't watch it anymore, children! Join us to learn dance!" Under the guidance of the teacher, I quickly changed into a beautiful pink dance dress and white dance shoes, and practiced happily with other little dance partners.

  In the first few days, the dance teacher taught me not hard, and soon I will jump up with him. But with the deepening of learning, I found that the movement of dancing became more and more difficult, and I had more time to learn the basic skills: pressing legs and stretching tendons. My heart began to be afraid of hardship. At this time, the dance teacher found my problem, came up and said to me carefully, "you dance well, and you must keep practicing! You will jump out of more beautiful movements in the future, but if you give up now, you will not dance in the future." In order to learn my beloved dance well and jump out of the enviable beautiful dance posture, I accepted the teacher's advice and gritted my teeth to continue training.

  Through the dance training of the whole summer vacation, I learned that in the face of difficulties, I can't bow my head. I have to move forward bravely and strive to overcome difficulties in order to achieve success. Happily, although the process was difficult, I finally learned to dance.
