

时间:2021-08-19 17:24:31 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】每年的9月3日,为抗日战争胜利纪念日或抗战胜利纪念日,用以纪念抗日战争的胜利。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  In the hot summer of August, I went to Lugouqiao to visit the memorial hall of China's Anti Japanese war. The memorial hall was crowded with people. Victory in the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan and the world anti fascist war__ On the anniversary, with all kinds of commemorative craze, it is not surprising that such a scene appears. But in the ordinary days without celebrations, how can we promote people's pace of remembering history and continue people's enthusiasm to revisit history?

  Not long ago, a survey company conducted a survey on the "cognitive status of World War II" among young people in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Data show that World War II has become more and more "far" for the younger generation; For some key words of World War II, fewer and fewer young people know.

  __ Years later, living in a peaceful era, it may be difficult for us to understand the tragedy and pain of the past era, and we will never be able to feel the sins and disasters of the war of aggression. The smoke of war has long dissipated, but let today's people remember that on the land under our feet, there have been the most cruel and heroic wars, the bloody massacres of the aggressors, the amazing feats of the martyrs in the bloody war of resistance, and the tragic history of "every inch of blood", but no matter how time flows, we should not give up.

  People can't help but understand history. People don't understand this truth. According to the survey, 74.6% of young people want to strengthen education on the history of World War II, and 90% of the respondents believe that similar commemorative activities this year should continue in the future. Such expectations let us reflect on whether we have well created an opportunity for the young generation to approach history?

  It should be acknowledged that there are still many deficiencies in our education on the history of the war of resistance against Japan for future generations. Today, our history education is basically carried out in schools. Due to the monotony of the way, in the eyes of children, it is only a chapter in the syllabus and a "knowledge" that needs to be recited and assessed. In some countries, similar forms of history education are diverse. For example, let the students choose the name of a Jew who was killed during the war, and then use extracurricular time to investigate his history and the process of being killed by fascists. Finally, the whole class exchanges their reports, and the teacher scores according to the completion.

  Such education is not only practical and effective, but also shocking to the soul. In the process of searching for information, children gradually reveal that thrilling and cruel history by the disappearance of a life. It enables children who have begun to have the ability of independent judgment and analysis to not only remember the truth of history, but also gain the perspective of studying history.

  The scene of the times has changed too much. To make the younger generation really remember history, we can't stay in conceptual preaching. A truly complete and effective history education should be integrated into life. It should not only be seen in the memorial hall, but also read in books. It should also penetrate into the neighborhoods and scenes of our life in rich and appropriate forms, so as to become the "collective memory" of the whole nation.

  "We are not afraid of death, we are afraid of being forgotten." Yes__ The veterans of the war years ago said so. I hope our history education will enable young people to answer the souls of martyred compatriots as soon as possible: we have not forgotten.


  For more than half a century, the epic story of towering China and the stirring history of struggle have once again opened the gate of our memory. Perhaps the Daiwa nation is so restless. In order to achieve its goal of dominating Asia and the world, they have provoked again and again. Since the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates have frequently invaded the southeast coast of China. Remember Qi Jiguang's resistance to Japanese invaders and immortality; In the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Beiyang navy was completely destroyed... Finally in 1937, a series of major events such as "the Japanese army's all-round invasion of China" and "Lugouqiao Incident" were printed on the dusty calendar. We will never forget that Nanjing, once soaked in blood, is full of groans of lonely souls and demonic smiles. This__ The year's sea breeze can't disperse the smoke of gunpowder__ The years of rain, the stains of blood and those rusty bayonets witnessed the heinous crimes committed by one nation against another. During the eight years of Anti Japanese War, the Chinese people endured the greatest national sacrifice. While opening the pain, we also tasted the joy of victory. As a victorious country in this war, China has made great contributions to the world anti fascist war. This war is also China's first complete victory in resisting foreign aggression in modern times. Since then, China has also jumped from a backward country to a permanent member of the Security Council. China's contribution has been recognized by the world. In 1945, "Japan surrendered" and "the victory of the anti fascist war"... Looking at this picture of the war, we can revisit the golden and iron horses in those years. In the flames of war, the Chinese people's indomitable will to resist is still moving. At a critical moment of national crisis, the Chinese nation is united under the banner of the Anti Japanese national united front, fearing no hardship, no bloodshed and sacrifice, Share a common hatred and fight. In the era of peace, we should carry forward the great national spirit shown by the war of resistance against Japan, the sacred war of national liberation. It is a valuable spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation and will inspire and inspire the Chinese people to create a better future! Those real years were full of humiliation and resistance, but it was a magnificent epic and magnificent picture in the history of Chinese national liberation. The Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan was a just war against Japanese imperialist aggression carried out by the people of all ethnic groups, including compatriots in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao and overseas Chinese, under the banner of the Anti Japanese national united front advocated by the Communist Party of China in the 1930s and 1940s, on the basis of Kuomintang communist cooperation. It is an important part of the world anti fascist war and the main battlefield in the East. The Chinese nation has made great contributions and national sacrifices to the victory of the world anti fascist war.

  The Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan is the first national liberation war in modern times that China has won a complete victory against foreign aggression. The victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan has become a major turning point for the Chinese nation from defeat to revitalization, and has laid an important foundation for the Communist Party of China to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups to realize national independence and people's Liberation and establish new China, It has also had a great impact on the great cause of the people of all countries in the world to win the anti fascist war and strive for world peace.

  Commemorating the victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan and the world anti fascist war__ Promoting patriotism education with the vivid history of the war of resistance against Japan on the th anniversary will further promote the national spirit, pool national strength and enhance national self-esteem, self-confidence and pride. It is of great practical significance to encourage and mobilize the people of all ethnic groups and Chinese people at home and abroad to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the noble cause of promoting world peace and development.

  I have a better understanding of history. The long planned September 18th Incident of the Japanese Army led to the rapid fall of the northeast. After Japan occupied Northeast China by force, it directed its aggression at North China in an attempt to separate North China and create a second "Manchukuo". The crisis of the Chinese nation further deepened. Chinese patriotic soldiers and people successively carried out the Great Wall Anti Japanese War, Chahar Anti Japanese War and Suiyuan Anti Japanese war. The December 9th movement led by the Communist Party of China promoted the awakening of the Chinese nation and marked the arrival of the climax of the Chinese people's Anti Japanese and national salvation democratic movement. The atrocities of the Japanese army were even more terrible: Massacre, plunder, bombing, destruction of women and children, enslavement and poisoning, abduction and killing of workers, implementation of bacteriological war and chemical war. These acts were heinous. However, with Japan's surrender and the victory of the war of resistance against Japan, new China was founded in 1949.

  The Chinese people have always loved world peace. The Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan is an important part of the world anti fascist war. The Chinese people have made great national sacrifices for the victory of the world anti fascist war and made important historical contributions to the maintenance of world peace. History is not only a mirror, but also the most philosophical textbook. Today's world peace and development are the themes of the times. Maintaining world peace and promoting common development are the common aspiration of people all over the world. Today, China has entered a critical period of reform, opening up and modernization. Accelerating modernization, completing the reunification of the motherland, safeguarding world peace and promoting common development are the solemn mission entrusted to us by history and the times.

  Let me further understand that China has made great contributions and national sacrifices to the victory of the world anti fascist war in modern history, which has stimulated my patriotic enthusiasm, remember history, never forget the past, cherish peace, create the future, and do my job well with practical actions.


  The military parade in the capital on the anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan was held on September 3, not for hatred, but to remember history and watch peace. This is a commemoration of the great victory of justice over evil, light over darkness, progress over reaction; This is a demonstration of the Chinese people's firm will to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; This is a declaration of the Chinese people's strong determination and unshakable principled stand to safeguard world peace!

  "Remember history, cherish peace, do not forget national humiliation and realize the Chinese dream."__ The great victory that determined the future and destiny of the world years ago will always be remembered in the hearts of all peace and justice loving people. To hold the military parade in the capital on the anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan and solemnly commemorate that great victory is to remember history, not forget the past, cherish peace, create the future, better promote the glorious cause of building a well-off society in an all-round way, realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and better promote the noble cause of human peace and development. The great victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan is the result of the united struggle of all our compatriots of the Chinese nation and the result of the Chinese people fighting side by side with the people of the world's anti fascist allies. The Chinese people are proud of the great victory in the war of resistance against Japan and the great victory in the world anti fascist war with the people of other countries.

  __ Five years later, the warning of history is still there, but Japan's right-wing forces have repeatedly openly trampled on the international order in an attempt to overturn the history of aggression. From paying homage to the Yasukuni shrine to lifting the ban on the right to collective defense; From throwing out the "undetermined conclusion of aggression" to the so-called background investigation of the "Kono talk" on the issue of comfort women; From exaggerating China's threat to trying to take away our Diaoyu Islands... History is not only a textbook, but also a sobering agent ".

  The purpose of the military parade is to warn those who ignore the facts and tamper with history that China is no longer a poor and weak nation in the past; It is to remind our compatriots to remember the sacrifices of our ancestors and the hard won peaceful life today; It is to eulogize the spirit of countless martyrs who fought hard and poor their lives in pursuit of national self-improvement. The Chinese nation, which has experienced vicissitudes and hardships, loves peace more and knows how to cherish peace more.

  The Chinese government solemnly held the victory of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan and the world anti fascist war__ The purpose of the anniversary is to remember history, cherish martyrs, cherish peace and create the future. We hope that by holding commemorative activities, we can arouse everyone's yearning for and adherence to peace, avoid the recurrence of historical tragedies, jointly defend the fruits of the victory of World War II and create a better future for mankind.

  Today, we are closer than ever to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We should pool Chinese strength and strive for a common dream. The history of the war of resistance against Japan has eloquently proved that it was with the hearts and efforts of all the Chinese people that they gathered the majestic force to win the war of resistance against Japan. If we unite under the banner of patriotism, defend human dignity and historical justice, and safeguard national sovereignty and world peace, we will be able to create a new future and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

