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【#三年级# 导语】英语练习首先解决了面对应试教育的问题,让你多方位学习和掌握英语类型题的解决方法,其次,做英语练习题可以让你增加做题量,积累更多英语知识点,对将来的发展也有很大的作用。以下是®文档大全网整理的《小学三年级英语练习题3篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。



  铅笔盒        window          apple               雨伞

  窗户          zoo             umbrella             苹果

  动物园        star             noodles              香蕉

  星星          pencil-box       banana               面条


  grandpa    grandma    father    mother    brother    sister

  _______    ______     _____    ______    ______   ______


  black   pink  white  blue  red  orange  green  yellow


  D______F______G______ H_____ J_____ M_____ O_____  T_____

  e _____ a ______ i ______r_____  n_____ u _____  x ____  p_____


  (  ) 1.A. cat    B.orange    C.rabbit      D.lion

  (  ) 2.A. pen          B.book     C.frog       D.bag

  (  ) 3.A. jeep         B.one      C.two        D.three

  (  ) 4.A.teacher       B.boy      C.girl       D.egg

  (  ) 5.A.eight         B.fish     C.five       D.six

  (  ) 3.A. jeep         B.one      C.two        D.three

  (  ) 4.A.teacher       B.boy      C.girl       D.egg

  (  ) 5.A.eight         B.fish     C.five       D.six


  Let’s  make  a New Year card.        It is yellow.

  What color is it?                     I am nine.

  How old are you!                      Good idea.

  Glad to meet you?                     No,I am not .

  Are you our mother?                   Sure.Here you are.

  May I use your pencil?                Glad to meet you, too!


  A.Give me your ruler,please.      B.What is your phone number?

  C.How are you?                    D.What is your name?

  (      )1. ______.I am fine,thank you.

  (      )2. _____. 3246579.

  (      )3. _____.My name is Sally.

  (      )4. ____.Here you  are.



  ( )1.A.dumplings B.hamburger C.noodles D.spider

  ( )2.A.dragon B.boat C.car D.ship

  ( )3.A.knife B.chopsticks C.fork D.rice

  ( )4.A.watching B.kite C.swimmingD.riding

  ( )5.A.play B.fast C.sing D.dance

  二、单项选择 。

  ( )1. Do you use chopsticks________ England?

  A. in B. on C. to D. of

  ( )2. These ducks __________ very naughty.

  A. is B. am C. are D. be

  ( )3. Can I have __________ ice cream?

  A. a B. an C. the D./

  ( )4. English people use a knife ______- fork.

  A. but B .and C. too D./

  ( )5. Please ________ quiet! Your mum is sleeping.

  A. is B. am C. are D.be

  ( )6. A: What are you doing?

  B: We are making _________ cake.

  A. a B. an C. the D. /

  ( )7. My father is listening ________ music.

  A. of B. to C.on D. in

  ( )8. This is _________ sweater.

  A.Sam B.sam C.. Sam’s D.sam’s

  ( )9. It s easy _______ English people to use a fork.

  A. for B. of C. in D.to

  ( )10. I _______ eating a hamburger.

  A. is B. am C are D. be


  A           B

  ( )1. This bird can   A. swim.

  ( )2.This duck can   B. play football.

  ( )3. This dog can   C. dance.

  ( )4. This boy can   D. fly.

  ( )5. This girl can   E. run.

  四、阅读短文,判断正( T )误( F)。

  This is Amy s family.Amy is doing her homework.Her mother is making a cake.Her father is making a plane.Her grandma is watching TV.Her grandpa is listening to music.The dog is running after the cat.

  ( ) 1. Amy is sleeping in bed.

  ( ) 2. Her mother is watching TV.

  ( ) 3. Her father is making a plane.

  ( ) 4. Her grandma is watching TV.

  ( ) 5. The cat is running.


  一、 正确书写所给字母的大小写。

  F_________ 2.H_________ 3.E_________ 4.q_________ 5.t_________

  二、 把下面的英语和所给的汉语对应起来,将其序号填入题前括号内。

  ( )1.pen A. 钢笔 B. 铅笔 C. 书包

  ( )2.ear A. 眼睛 B. 嘴 C. 耳朵

  ( )3.apple A. 苹果 B. 香蕉 C. 葡萄

  ( )4.red A. 红色 B. 黄色 C. 绿色

  ( )5.Chinese A. 日语 B. 英语 C. 汉语

  三、 找出下面三个单词中与其他两个不同类的那个单词,将其正确的序号填入题前括号内。

  ( )1. A. pen B. pencil C. leg

  ( )2. A. eye B. mouth C. teacher

  ( )3. A. pencil B. Chinese C. English

  ( )4. A. table B. bag C. chair

  ( )5. A. cat B. eraser C. dog

  四、 把下面的英语单词和其汉语对应起来,将其序号填入题前括号内。

  ( )1.book A. 书本 B. 铅笔

  ( )2.panda A.猴子 B. 熊猫

  ( )3.green A. 绿色 B. 黄色

  ( )4.basketball A. 足球 B. 篮球

  ( )5.cool A. 暖和的' B. 凉爽的(酷的)


  ( )1. Good morning. A. 见到你很高兴。

  ( )2. Nice to meet you. B. 早上好

  ( )3. two big eyes. C. 十岁了

  ( )4. Ten years old. D. 摸你的眼睛

  ( )5. touch your eyes. E. 两只大眼睛


  ( )1.Where is your bag ? A. It’s a pencil.

  ( )2.Is this your pen ? B. My bag is blue.

  ( )3.What color is your bag ? C. I am ten years old .

  ( )4.How old are you ? D. It’s on the desk .

  ( )5.What’s this ? E. No ,it isn’t.It’s Li Hong’s .


  ( )1.见到你很高兴,怎么说?

  A. Nice to meet you . B. How are you ?

  ( )2.你想知道对方的名字,应该怎么问 ?

  A.Hello ! What’s your name ? B.Yes , My name is John.

  ( )3.你在路边捡到一只钢笔,你问你的同桌说这是你的钢笔吗?你该怎么说?

  A. Where is your pen ?. B. Is this your pen ?

  ( )4.有八个苹果。

  A. There are eight apples. B. She has eight apples.

  ( )5.你今年多大了,应该怎么说:

  A. How are you ? . B. How old are you ?

