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新概念英语第4册课后习题答案:   Unit 17 BBADA BBDCD CA   新概念英语第4册课后习题:   Multiple choice questions 多项选择题   Choose the correct answers to the following questions.   Comprehension 理解   1 One of the reasons rabbits multiplied so rapidly in Australia is that they ______.   a.were unwisely introduced by enterprising settlers   b.breed rapidly   c.overran the continent   d.overcame their natural enemies in the Antipodes   2 Scientists found ______ of spreading myxomatosis.   a.one way   b.two ways   c.three ways   d.a large number of ways   3 The disease was spread right across the continent of Australia largely because ______.   a.of the mosquito   b.of the rabbit   c.scientists let infected animals loose in burrows   d.Australia encouraged diseased rabbits to migrate to other places   4 Myxomatosis, that was a blessing in Australia, proved to be ______in Europe.   a.domesticated   b.a disease   c.profitable   d.a curse   Structure 句型   5 This rabbit had no natural enemies in theAntipodes ______.(1.2)   a.and as a result it multiplied   b.in order to multiply   c.so that it might multiply   d.because it multiplied   6 It______ and caused devastation.(1.3)   a.burrowing   b.burrowed   c.was burrowing   d.has burrowed   7 ______ were local epidemics created? By infecting animals.(1.6)   a.Why   b.How   c.Where   d.When   8 It was ______ to create local epidemics of this disease.(11.6-7)   a.potent   b.able   c.enabled   d.possible   Vocabulary 词汇   9 It caused devastation by ______ the herbage.(11.3-4)   a.burrowing into   b.infecting   c.consuming   d.digging   10 By infecting animals and ______them loose in burrows ...(1.6)   a.allowing   b.leaving   c.introducing   d.turning   11 The rabbits were able to ______this disease to a certain extent.(1.10)   a.react to   b.prevent   c.withstand   d.oppose   12 Australia ______the rabbit as a pest from Europe.(1.13)   a.inherited   b.obtained   c.assumed   d.claimed

