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【#情人节# 导语】爱情是一种美妙的感觉。在拥挤的城市中,总有那样一个人与你双目相对,心心相印,许下三生三世的诺言,下面是®文档大全网为大家整理的有关情人节英语作文,欢迎阅读参考。


  Here are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.

  Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.

  Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a ball.


  Valentine’s Day is coming soon, it is on February14. The day is a big day for the couple, they need to spend the special day with romance, the boys are always buying gifts to their girls, the most common thing is to buy flowers and have dinner, maybe they could do something more interesting. The boys can surprise their girlfriends, they can take the girls to the place where they get to know each other, wondering around for a while and remembering those beautiful days, just like they know for the first day, how romantic! This will give the love relationship something new, which can enhance their relationship. The girls can surprise their boys with some gifts they make by themselves. Girls are good at hand making, so they can make out some gifts instead of buying, because the boys will be moved by your heart. Valentine’s Day is romantic, are you ready?


  Valentine’sDay is on the February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries aroundthe world, although it remains a working day in most of them. After New Year'sDay, it is the most celebrated holiday around the world. It’s a holiday forlovers or couples. This is a festival of love and romance, as well as flowers,chocolates, greeting cards. On that day, there are many activities for couplesto celebrate, showing their love to mate. Gift exchanging is the most common. Inrecent years, February 14 become much more popular than before, although thereis another Valentine’s Day in China. Besides, there are many people choose thatday to propose marriage or get married. In short, it’s a day of love.

