

时间:2024-07-06 22:08:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】想在大学校园里找到学习的地方,恐怕没那么容易。就算你非常幸运,在某一阶段可以免受室友打扰,独自使用寝室,但是,你仍需时不时地换换风景。以下十个地方是校园学习的去处。以下内容由®文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

1.Look for nooks and crannies in the undergraduate library. See if you can rent a carrel or small study room. Head to a floor you've never been to before. Check out the stacks and find a small table pushed against a wall somewhere. There are undoubtedly little spaces you can find that will help you focus on your task(s) at hand.
2.Check out the graduate libraries.Head to the medical, business, or law library for a completely different scene. Nice furniture, quiet study rooms, and nicer digs are much more common here, and you'll be less likely to bump into (and get distracted by) people you know.
3.Check out the smaller libraries on campus.Many large schools have tiny libraries scattered around. Ask for a directory of libraries and find one that is small, not busy ... and perfect for getting some work done.
4. Head to the campus coffee shop.If you work best with some background noise and a distraction now and then (not to mention having access to food and drinks), the campus coffee shop may be a good bet.
5. Head outside.Reading out on a lawn (weather permitting, of course) can be a great way to get some fresh air, clear your mind, and still get some work done. If you're worried about running into people you know, head to a part of campus you (and your friends) don't usually visit.
6. Check out empty classrooms.You don't have to be in class to take advantage of a nice classroom: if a room is unoccupied, feel free to claim it as your own and get to work.
7. Utilize the campus computer labs.You don't have to be using a computer to take advantage of the quiet atmosphere that most labs provide. Grab your work, your laptop, and an empty seat at a table and enjoy the lack of noise and distraction.
8. Camp out in the dining hall during off hours.When everyone is free for lunch, the dining halls are totally chaotic. But between meals, they can be quiet and peaceful. Grab a snack and enjoy the large table space you wouldn't otherwise have access to.
9. Peek into a writing/resource/tutoring/learning center.Many campuses offer resources for students working on projects. Even if you're not meeting with any of the center's volunteers or staff members, see if you can work there for a few hours.
10. Head to larger venues that aren't in use.Large theaters or music halls often aren't in use all the time. Head to one of these areas for some quiet time in a place that can help free your mind from distraction. Reading Shakespeare in an empty theater may be just what you need to get into your assignment!

