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Unit 1 How tall are you? Part B
1.stronger(对应词)________________ 2. smaller(对应词)________________
3.angry (比较级)________________ 4.heavy(比较级)__________________
5.much (比较级)____________________ 6. hot (比较级)___________________
7. let’s (完全形式)__________________ 8. foot (复数)_____________________
1. He is taller and _________________ (更重) than Zhang Peng.
2. What ______________ (尺码)are your shoes?
3. My head is ________________(更大)than yours(你的)
4. Whose feet are __________________(更小)?
5.How _____________ are you? (你多重?)
6. You’re _____________ (更强壮) than John.
1. Your feet are bigger than mine.
2. You look taller than me.
3. Mike’s fish is smaller than Zhang Peng’s.
4. My shoes are size 36.
5. 我比Mike更重。
6. 我比你更高、更强壮。
( )1. My ruler is 15 cm. Your ruler is 20 cm. Your ruler is longer than ________.
A. me B. I C. mine
( )2. _______ size are your shoes? – I wear size 38. A. What B. Where C. Why
( )3. --How _______ are you? – I’m 45 kilograms.
A. tall B. heavy C. heavier
( )4. You’re _____ than me.
A. heavy B. heavier C. tall
( )5. I am bigger and _______ than you.
A. tall B. strong C. stronger
( )6. –Who is _________, Mike or Amy?
A. tall B. strong C. stronger
( )7. –My brother is 40 kilograms. I am 42 kilograms.
– So your brother is _________.
A. thin B. thinner C. stronger
( )8. –Whose feet are _________ , Lily or Lucy?
A. small B. smaller C. long
1.He is 46 kilograms. (就划线部分提问)
2.My shoes are size 38. (同上)
3.is, sun, the, my, lower, shadow, when, gets, longer (.) (连词成句)
4.Mike, him, is, than, heavier (.) (同上)
5. Those shoes are nice.(改为一般疑问句)

六年级下册英语单元试卷:Unit 1 How tall are you Part B.doc
