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第Ⅰ卷(选择题60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的选项。 1. India is Asian country with second largest population. A. the; a B. an; a C .an; the D. an; / 2. Life can be hard __________, but you must keep your head held high and stay positive. Never let anyone bring you down. A. at all times B. all the time C. at a time D. at times 3. ---When will the railway that connects the two cities open? ---_____ next year. Only two thirds been built. A. Until; has B. Not until; has C. Until; have D. Not until; have 4. ---The cakes are quite delicious! Can I have one more? ---Sorry, there is _________ left. What about some biscuits? A. none B. no one C. nothing D. nobody 5. ---Has David finished his project yet? ---I guess not. He on it at lunchtime. Do you want me to confirm it? A. is working B. was working C. has worked D. had worked 6. A number of visitors __________ Yangzhou many times because of its beauty. A. has gone to B. has been to C. have gone to D. have been to 7. She was so angry at _____ he was doing ______ she walked out without saying a word. A. what; that B. that; what C. that; that D. what; what 8. The only problem is that the table ______ too much room. So you can’t buy it . A. takes up B. takes off C. makes up D. makes up of 9.---Could you tell me_________? ---Sorry, I have no idea, either. You can ask the policeman over there. A. what's happened to them B. how I can arrive the museum C. when did the accident happen D. where they had gone to 10. ---Are you happy with the result of the exam? --- Not at all. I can’t have ____________. A. the worst one B. a better one C. a worse one D. the best one 11. I really think that people should __________ rivers to protect our environment. A. be prevented from polluting B. prevent from polluting C. be prevented to pollute D. prevent to pollute 12. ---Jane is lucky to have got the well-paid job. ---Yes, ________she is young and has little experience. A .as B. unless C. though D. since 13.--- ____ I make a phone call here, Mr. Chen? --- No, you ______, but you _____make a phone call in the lounge(休息室). A. Must; may not; have to B. May; mustn’t; can C. Should; can’t; may D. Must; needn’t; have to 14. ---How did you find the trip to Yangzhou? --- ___________. A. very fantastic B. first by train, then by bus C. It was not far from our hotel D. The guide took us there 15.---All the people of Yangzhou need to work together to make our city more beautiful. ---That’s it . __________. A . Practice makes perfect B. Many hands make light work. C. When in Rome, do as the Romans do D. A friend in need is a friend indeed 二、完形填空(本题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的选项。 One sunny Monday,I decided to go for a walk on the path near my house with my husband.On my  16  was a very special ring:I'd just picked it up from jeweller's the day before because I had it designed to hold a diamond my grandmother gave me for my 23rd birthday.I looked down at my ring as I began my 17 ,feeling as sunny as the day. When I looked again at the end of the path and found the diamond was  18 .Anxiously,I started back along the path,looking for the  19  stone.In my heart,I knew how hopeless my search was.The path was long and covered with leaves.As I searched the  20 ,crying and upset,I met an old gentleman."What's the matter,love?"he asked  21 ."Lost something?"I explained about the missing diamond and showed him the hole in my ring.He whistled."That's going to be hard to find.Tell you what,love,I walk  22  this path every day.I'll keep my eyes open for it."I thanked him, 23 nothing,but told him my husband often walked our dogs along the path  24 he might find something. A few days later,my husband met the old man on the path."Guess what?"he said."I found your diamond!"   25 he'd found the tiny stone and was willing to hand the diamond back to my husband,saying casually(未经考虑地),"It was  26 that I found it.I only have 50percent eyesight in one eye."When my husband offered him money for his help,he refused it.He  27 have easily kept the diamond,or sold it,as it's worth several thousand dollars, 28 ,thanks to this man,I'll spend the rest of my days trying to do something like that for  29  person.And what I have to do is to look at my ring and  30  myself that there are kind and generous souls there. 16.A.pocket B.foot C.head D.finger 17.A.work B.path C.walk D.talk 18.A.losing B.loss C.missing D.missed 19.A.big B.tiny C.colourless D.shiny 20.A.street B.ground C.room D.route 21.A.kindly B.sadly C.happily D.friendly 22.A.through B.cross C.along D.over 23.A.getting B.expecting C.explaining D.telling 24.A.because B.when C.if D.since 25.A.Hopefully B.Naturally C.Unluckily D.Unbelievably 26.A.usual B.funny C.common D.lucky 27.A.might B.could C.should D.must 28.A.however B.and C.or D.so 29.A.the other B.others C.another D.other 30.A.ask B.remind C.warn D.promise 三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出选项。 A With the development o f science and technology, our daily life is becoming more colorful and more convenient (便利). An Underwater Hotel It looks like a spaceship but it is actually a picture of an underwater hotel. A company plans to build in the sea which is about 18 metres below the surface(表面).The whole building is underwater and you can get to it by swimming and diving. Google Glass Google Glass is a pair of glasses with a battery(电池)hidden inside the frame(边框). It can perform many of the same tasks as smart phones. The glass has a hidden camera and a tiny screen. It is designed to take hands-free photos or videos of anything people are doing. A New Kind of Shirt Hate washing clothes? You’re going to love this kind of shirt made by an American clothing company, Wool & Prince. This shirt can be worn for 100 straight days without washing! The Wool & Prince shirt never needs ironing(熨烫). The Digital(数字) Library Can you imagine walking into a library and finding all books have turned into computers? The first bookless public library is planned to open in San Antonio, Texas. Computers will take the place of books soon. 31. You needn’t use ______ when you take photos or video with Google Glass. A. a camera B. a screen C. a battery D. your hand 32. The digital Library tells us something about a library without ______. A. books B. computers C. bookshelves D. reader 33. Which one of the following can reduce our housework in our daily life? A. The underwater hotel B. Google Glass C. The Wool & Prince shirt D. The digital library B When I was four years old, I wanted nothing more in life than to play the piano. My best friend Betty had a piano. But Betty hardly played it at all. She would rather play hide-and-seek. It didn’t seem fair. One day my mother came to pick me up from Betty’s house. “Watch this!” I told her. Then I ran to play a song I had learned that morning. I was so proud of what I’d learned. “That’s nice, Jenny,” she said. “But we can’t afford a piano.” When I turned six, my mother bought me a recorder(直笛). The problem was that I didn’t love the recorder. When I played the recorder, I didn’t feel anything special inside. I asked my mother if we could have a piano. “We still can’t afford one,” she said. “One day, I promise.” In the sixth grade, my mother traded in the recorder for a real clarinet(黑管). I like the clarinet more, but it still wasn’t a piano. It wasn’t the music that was inside of me. One day, when I was in the seventh grade, my mother cut an ad out of the newspaper. We drove to a stranger’s home in Providence, Rhode Island. The woman had a beautiful, dark wood piano from Russia. It was called an upright piano because it was tall. It was so shiny that it looked like it was wet. “We’ll take it,” my mother said. “It has a nice sound.” After that, I played the piano every single day.When I left for school in the morning, I would leave the sheet music open on the piano. When I got home, I would walk straight to the piano and sit down and start playing the sheet music. I even played if I stayed home sick. I had finally found the music inside of me. Do you struggle with music? Have you been given an instrument to play, but you just can’t play it? Maybe you think you’re just no good or that you don’t have any musical talent. Don’t get discouraged. It’s not true! We all have music inside of us, even if it’s just what we listen to. Now it’s up to you to find the right way to set that music free. 34. What did Jenny get when she was six? A. A clarinet. B.A recorder. C. A violin. D. A guitar. 35. How did Jenny get her piano? A. Betty gave it to her. B. She traded in the clarinet for it. C. She got it from her uncle. D. Her mother bought it from a stranger. 36. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Betty was more interested in playing the piano. B. An old woman sent Jenny a clarinet from Russia. C. Jenny enjoyed playing music with the right instrument. D. Jenny’s mother borrowed a recorder in her seventh grade. 37. What is the passage mainly about? A. How Jenny found the music inside of her. B. What benefits Jenny got from making music. C. How Jenny learned to play musical instruments. D. What trouble Jenny had taking up music as a hobby. C If you had billions of dollars, would you donate almost all of it to charity? Well that’s what Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder (创始人) of Facebook, just said he would do. Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan promised to give 99 percent of their Facebook shares (股份) to society throughout their lifetime. Right now that is about $45 billion (289 billion yuan), and they plan to donate the money to things like science and education. Many billionaires have done similar things. Bill Gates, creator of Microsoft, made The Giving Pledge, which is where billionaires promise to gradually give away more than half of their wealth to charities. This started in 2010, and now 139 people from 15 countries signed up for it. But giving back and helping others isn’t just for big billionaires. People like Zuckerberg and Gates may have more to give, but people with less are doing it too. Especially around the holidays, people want to do their part and give back to people who are less lucky than them. Schools may have food collections where people bring a few food items, and together they can make a big donation to places like homeless shelters. People also host special events like concerts or runs to be creative while raising money. Regular (普通的) people donate whatever they can to US charities like the United Way and the American Red Cross. Then these charities are able to help US communities in different ways like education, health and improving the lives of the poor. These individual (单独的) donations come together to make a big difference. 38. Mark Zuckerberg . A. is a billionaire who wouldn’t like to help charities B. is CEO and founder of Facebook C. promised to donate all of his money to charities D. cares about his shares and children’s education 39. The Giving Pledge . a. started in 2010 b. is only for US people c. has attracted 139 people d. is an organization of billionaires A. ac B. bc C. cd D. ab 40. Paragraphs 5 and 6 talk about . A. what charities are in the US B. why people like to help others C. how regular people help others D. what schools do during the holidays 41. From the passage, we can learn that . A. billionaires have the duty to donante money B. people who are less lucky are willing to help others C. the homeless should make a donation as well D. not only rich people but also regular people can help others D Experts know that a disaster is coming but they do not know when it will happen. They do know that it could cause a lot of damage. They think it will be worse than a hurricane. The disaster they are worried about is an earthquake. There is a break in the earth’s crust (外壳). It is called the San Andreas Fault. The San Andreas Fault is in California. Many earthquakes happen along the San Andreas Fault. In 1989 there was a big earthquake on the fault. The earthquake was called the “Loma Prieta Earthquake”. Many people were hurt or died. Many buildings were ruined. Lots of people lost their homes. Roads and bridges were also damaged. A large earthquake could happen in Southern California. Many small earthquakes have happened in the last year. Earthquake experts think that a large earthquake will happen there soon. They think a big earthquake will happen in the next few years. The S an Andreas Fault has many power lines stretched across it. There are water channels close to the earthquake fault. A large earthquake in Southern California would destroy energy and water supplies (供应). Lots of people would be without power or water for weeks. Buildings that have not been built strong enough would be destroyed. Not all hospitals would be able to help people who were injured. Many people would die or be homeless. People need to be prepared. They need to know what to do if an earthquake happens. Everyone in California should have a survival kit at home. The emergency kit (应急箱) would include food and water. There should be medication and first aid supplies in the kit. A good survival kit will also have a portable radio, flashlights and spare batteries. All of the supplies in the kit should last at least 3 days. 42. We can probably find this passage in . A. a science book B. a sports newspaper C. a travelling magazine D. a detective storybook 43. Which of the following isn’t mentioned as a result of the “Loma Prieta Earthquake”? A. Many buildings were ruined. B. Roads and bridges were damaged. C. Many people were hurt or died. D. Lots of animals lost their living areas. 44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. All of the supplies in the emergency kit will last at most 3 days. B. A large earthquake in Southern California would destroy food supplies. C. A break in the earth’s crust in California is called the San Andreas Fault. D. Lots of people would be without power or water for days after the earthquake. 45. The purpose of this passage is to tell people that . A. there will be a terrible earthquake in weeks B. the earthquake may cause such serious results C. the coming earthquake will destroy a lot of supplies D. the earthquake is so terrible that we need to be prepared 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题60分) 四、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词) 46. You can’t remember so many _____________(科学家) telephone numbers in such a short time. 47.When Mr. Jiang got home, he found his__________ (私人的) papers were spread all over the floor. 48. To __________(满足) his son’s curiosity, Father took him to that lonely island by boat. 49. This pair of leather shoes Steven gave you yesterday is __________ (特地) made for you. 50. The boy who won the drawing competition is the ________(骄傲) of his class. 51. The food your mother cooks is _________ (taste) than that my mother does. 52.We decided to explore that _____________ (know) area. No one has been there before. 53. Many modern stations have been built, so these old ones will be out of __________(serve) in the future. 54. Jack’s father passed away in a car accident in his early ___________(five). 55. I have realized that small children are really _____________ (tire) to deal with. 五、任务型阅读(共10空;每空1分,计10分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格信息. (每空一词) Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs Passed Away Steve Jobs, the founder and former CEO of Apple, died on October 5 at the age of 56. Jobs had been fighting with cancer since 2004. In August 2011, he quit as CEO. When asked what Steve Jobs is best remembered for, many of us would name a particular product: the iPod, the iPhone or the iPad, for example. But in the eyes of Eric Jackson, a reporter with Forbes magazine, Jobs brought much more to the world than these popular devices. Some of the lessons he taught us were equally inspiring. Jobs taught us how to face failure. He was fired by the successor(继任者)he himself chose. Despite this, Jobs didn't hide away. He picked himself up and continued to follow his passion. Another valuable lesson he taught us was to listen to that voice in the back of your head — the voice that tells you if you’re on the right track or not. Most of us simply decide that we’re going to work in finance or become a doctor because our parents tell us this is what we should do. But Jobs believed and showed that it is wise to listen to that voice in your head, whatever it is telling you to do. “Steve was among the greatest American innovators— brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it.” said the former US President Barack Obama. Jobs’ death Steve Jobs, who started Apple, died of __56__ on October 5. __57__ for people remembering Jobs ﹡Many people are fond of particular devices, ___58__ the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. ﹡Some people, such as Erick Jackson, are inspired by his words. __59___ that Jobs taught us Facing failure bravely Even though Jobs was fired by the successor he himself chose, he still ___60___ his passion. ___61__ to the voice in your head It is wise to ___62___ whatever the voice in your head is telling you to do. Remarks on Jobs from the US __63___ As one of the greatest American innovators, Jobs was brave enough to think in a _64__ way, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and had the _65__ to do it. 六、缺词填空(共10空;每空1分,计10分) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,填写所缺单词。(每空一词) If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their n 66 ? To remember 11 numbers is not difficult. H 67 , because of the smartphone (智能手机), many of us are losing this a 68 , Record Japan reported. What’s more, smartphones make our skills at giving directions weak, as well as killing face-to-face communications. Even when friends are having a meal together, it’s c 69 for most to check their phones. A 70 to a report by Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, an American company, Chinese people spend on average 170 minutes on their smartphones daily. For students, an addiction(上瘾) to smartphones does no good for studying. Research in Japan showed children who s 71 more than four hours a day on their phones do much w 72 in school tests than those who play with their phones for 30 minutes. It’s t 73 that the smartphone has made our lives easier. But many also think they spend too much time on it, and this is bad for their study or work. People are trying to change that. A new app(应用程序) n 74 Forest was introduced this month. It lets users plant a seed (种子) that grows into a tree over the next 30 minutes. During the half hour, users cannot use their phones, or the tree will die. A restaurant in Los Angeles, US, gives people a 5 % discount (折扣) if they don’t c 75 their phones during a meal. Owner Mark Gold said that he hopes it gives people a way to enjoy their meal and really talk with friends and family in person. 一、 单项选择 1-5 CDBAB 6-10 DAAAC 11-15 ACBAB 二、 完形填空 16-20 DCCBB 21-25 ACBCD 26-30 DBACB 三、 阅读理解 31-35 DACBD 36-40 CABAC 41-45 DADCD 四、 词汇运用 46. scientists’ 47. private 48. satisfy 49. specially 50. pride

