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Unit 9 Section A 一: 1. prefer 2. dialogues 3. suppose 4. down 5. spare 6. smooth 7. war 8. director 二: 1. Australian 2. electronic 3. relaxing 4. songs 5. enjoyable 6. watching 7. dislike 8. Laughing 9. sadder 10. scary, scared 11. inexpensive 12. Salty 三: 1. has great lyrics 2. along with 3. dance to 4. may not be 5. different kinds of music 6. stick to, depending on 7. plenty of 8. shut off, in time 9. Once in a while/From time to time /Now and then 10. make, happy 11. don't mind 12. seem less serious 13. doesn't, anymore 四: 1. music that/which I love 2. that/who play different kinds 3. What kind of 4. that/which I lost 5. that/who looked after Section B 一: ACAA BCCC 二: 1. sensed 2. pain 3. reflected 4. performed 5. pity 6. masters 7. praised 8. wounded 9. comfortable 10. serious 三: 1. painful 2. beauty, sadness 3. musical 4. ability 5. popularity 6. interested, interesting 7. musicians 8. Scary 四: 1. looked up 2. in total/all 3. It is a pity 4. not only, but also 5. folk music 6. that/which was played on 7. musical instruments, such as 8. one of China's national treasures 9. during his lifetime 10. is famous/known for 11. grew worse 五: 1. who/that 2. which/that 3. which 4. whose 5. who/that/whom 6. That 七: CABCC AEDB 10. Yes, it is. 11. Four. 12. Because music is mathematical, with notes in order. 13. By working together. 14. It about why music is an important subject that every child should study. Unit 10 Section A 一: 1. bow 2. expected 3. customs 4. greet 5. value 6. capital 7. noon 8. mad 9. northern 10. seasons 11. worth 12. Manners 二: 1. to bring, left 2. supposed 3. relaxed 4. Spending 5. to be 6. calling 7. to do 8. eastern 9. discussing 10. to be 三: 1. shake hands, for the first time 2. make plans to 3. make mistakes 4. To my surprise 5. drop by 6. get mad/angry with/at 7. It's very important for us to 8. on time 9. made some friends 10. with the windows open 四: 1. Am I supposed, Yes, are 2. are supposed/expected to greet 3. What are, supposed to do 4. don't have to 5. are expected to be 6. made plans 7. It is, to be on time 8. gets mad Section B 一: ABCBA ADCBA CDBAC 二: 1. empty 2. basic 3. exchanged 4. teenage 5. granddaughter 6. behave 7. except 8. elbows 9. gradually 10. Suggestions 三: 1. inviting 2. am having 3. study 4. crying 5. get, getting 6. to say 7. hearing 8. to put 9. excited, leaving 10. to make, feel 四: 1. There is no reason 2. As you can imagine 3. It is impolite 4. host family 5. worry you 6. used to 7. be/get used to 8. be different from 9. am comfortable working 10. show/turn up 五: 1. nervous 2. use 3. behave 4. manners 5. great 6. polite 7. supposed 8. rules 9. point 10. Walking 六: 1. not supposed 2. Is the youngest person expected 3. What was, supposed to do 4. am having fun 5. because of, sore throat 七: CCDBA FFTFT

