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【#英语资源# 导语】稳定是和谐的前提,稳定压倒一切。在创建和谐社会中,要做到创造安定有序的环境。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Friends, standing here today, I have brought you the topic of speech "the responsibility of youth in creating a harmonious society".

  As we all know, the word "harmonious society" was proposed by the Fourth Plenary Session of the XX Central Committee of the party, and has become one of the current domestic political themes. Harmonious development is the reasonable evolution and step sublimation of sustainable development. To build a harmonious society is not only the ruling goal of the ruling party adhering to the "people-oriented", but also the responsibility of every citizen, but also the historical responsibility of youth theory in the new era.

  The stability of speech manuscr ipt of building a harmonious society is the premise of harmony, and stability is overwhelming. As a young man, in the creation of a harmonious society, we should create a stable and orderly environment. Stable and orderly environment, as far as oil enterprises are concerned, can be explained as production safety and stable team. As a young man, how to create a safe environment and play a vital role in safety production requires us to stand at the height of development, fully realize the importance of safety, firmly establish the safety concept, take the responsibility of safety of our post and team, study and formulate specific safety measures, study the law of safe production in southern oil fields, and give new situation New problems can actively think about countermeasures and build a solid security barrier. Without social stability, there will be no social harmony. As a young man, he should play a key role in the stability of the team and make great efforts to maintain stability. Our oil enterprises are the leading enterprises of state-owned enterprises, and "Iron Man Wang Jinxi" is also a model for the national workers to learn. Therefore, we should pay attention to the image of youth, maintain the image of youth, try our best to think for the colleagues and the masses around us, help them resolve conflicts, solve difficulties and maintain the stability of our team. I think only safety and stability are the most harmonious notes of our oil enterprises.

  How to create a harmonious society reminds me of unity. The ancients said good: people are Qi, Taishan moved. Mao Zedong once said: unity is power. Society is made up of groups, and groups are made up of people by person. Therefore, it can be said that the foundation of social harmony is the unity between people. Unity is victory. The development of the new China oil industry has written a song of hard work, solidarity and progress. As a young petroleum enterprise in the new era, it is strictly forbidden to copy plagiarism positions in China as the ownership of on-the-job data ownership or in life, we should pay attention to unity and create harmony between people; We should respect colleagues, understand colleagues, help them, treat people sincerely, be trustworthy and be good with others; We should unite people, respect people, put themselves in a position in a society with diversified interests, take the lead in establishing a new type of interpersonal relationship, actively practice scientific, healthy and civilized communication methods, strive to be a generation of good youth who unite upward, and make the song of unity loud and clear.

  Scientific development concept is to coordinate the harmonious development of human and nature, and to show the harmony between man and nature. This reminds me of the ancient mengchang monarch's allusion of "Hepu returning to the Pearl". In fact, this is the harmonious view of "the unity of heaven and man". As far as our oil enterprises are concerned, the harmonious coexistence between human and nature means respecting the natural laws, production and development, environmental protection and excellent environment. In our southern oil field, a series of policies in recent years have shown respect for natural laws. The construction of oil production station, well site meeting the standard, sewage discharge of zero, green well station construction and community management for many years, etc., make the earth restore naturally and make the living environment more and more perfect. Nowadays, the southern oil field shows a new scene of beautiful station, clear water road, and fragrant trees and flowers, which makes people and nature get along with each other. As young people, we should take our own practical actions, in both our work positions and daily life, we should respect nature, be close to nature, maintain nature, keep a drop of crude oil from falling into the soil, and let no drop of water waste. We should go out of a road of harmonious development of oil enterprises worthy of predecessors and people who are not inferior to the latter and nature, Create a wonderful life picture for us and our next generation.

  To be truly strong, it is imperative and the only way to build a harmonious society. Facing the new century, facing new challenges and creating a harmonious society, this is not only a responsibility of youth, but also a mission for young people. It is also a long way to go, which is the goal that young people must pursue unremittingly. Let us continue to sing "I offer oil for our motherland", and work together to depict a beautiful vision of harmonious coexistence.


  Dear leaders and colleagues, Hello!

  Today, I am honored to speak on behalf of our second group. Here, I would also like to thank the leaders at all levels of our center for giving me a platform and opportunity to show myself. As the saying goes: "opportunity is not lost, loss will not come." So I'm here today, and the topic I'm going to talk about today is: "building a harmonious society, building a beautiful home."

  As we all know, building a harmonious society is an important goal put forward by Comrade XX of the CPC Central Committee at the Fourth Plenary Session of the XX CPC Central Committee. It not only embodies the fundamental interests and common aspirations of the broad masses of the people, but also inspires the whole Party and the people of the whole country, and expresses the wish of the people of the whole country to live in a beautiful home.

  "Home" is an eternal topic. How good a song is“ I want to have a home, a place that doesn't need to be gorgeous. When I'm tired, I think about it. I want to have a home, a place that doesn't need to be big. When I'm scared, I won't be afraid. Everyone wants a home, but some people don't have it. " Colleagues, today we are very lucky, because we all have a home. What is it? That's the home of our logistics management center. How nice it is to have a home. It will be meaningful, proud, warm and happy. Today, we are very happy and proud to be here in this luxurious lecture hall. You say so! I remember that I formally came to our home of logistics management center in 20XX. On the first day, I felt the warmth and happiness of our home.

  At this appropriate time, it is necessary and correct for the CPC Central Committee to put forward the idea of building a harmonious society. The purpose is to strengthen the construction and management of socialism, effectively maintain social stability, create a good social atmosphere, form harmonious interpersonal relationship, improve the living standards of the masses, and let the masses of the whole country live a beautiful and happy life. For example, under the correct leadership of leaders at all levels and with the joint efforts of all staff in our logistics management center, our family has formed a harmonious atmosphere. The management level and service quality are getting better and better year by year, and have won high praise from leaders at higher levels and students. Some students in the letter said: "the college first-class equipment, first-class teaching, first-class service." Another example: our logistics management center last year and this year's winter training, our center staff, together to learn, together to discuss, together to work together, reflecting a harmonious family, very harmonious. Trained; We not only improve our cultural quality, but also get a lot of inspiration in practice; I will study hard, work hard, be a compound talent with culture, morality and ideal, and work hard for the construction and development of the college.

  I also firmly believe that with the correct leadership of the college, the strong management team of the hotel, and the joint efforts of all the staff of our logistics management center, we will certainly build a more harmonious and better home. Comrades and colleagues; Let's take immediate action to start the development: with the party's heart and the college's heart, build a new harmonious college and logistics management center. We all participate in and work together to deeply grasp the school running rules and characteristics of the college, improve the school running level and service quality, and strive to create a brilliant future for the college's teaching, scientific research and logistics support work.

  That's all for my speech. Thank you!


  Society is a big family, and each of us is one of them. Unity, mutual assistance and friendship are the essential moral qualities of life. Only with this excellent quality can we combine organically, take on the responsibility of building the motherland, and the society can develop harmoniously.

  On campus, we are around, solidarity, mutual help and love behavior can be seen everywhere. In the school spring games, we held a different tug of war. Although our class does not have many "heavyweight" players, but miraculously won good results, students cheered a, jump ah! What is it? It is our class students a incomparable unity and friendship heart, want to win honor for the class. So at a very important moment, we all worked together, thought about it, tried to make it one place, coordinated the actions, and finally, in that moment of heartshaking, we made every effort to win. It's not easy! This is the strength of unity and cooperation!

  Previously, the school organized the theme activity of "helping poor students donate". Let us primary school students have more love and help. Let those poor peers also study in flowers and happiness, and receive the same education as us. After hearing this news, the students all enthusiastically donated their usual savings of pocket money, 1 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan... Some students even donated 100 yuan! Although we donate not much money, but dripping into a river, expressed our love. We are very happy to read in such a spacious and bright classroom. But think about the students in remote mountain areas, not to mention reading, some even have difficulties in eating. It is unfair to them! Also bring disharmony to the society, I hope the whole society will care about and help them!

  In our campus life, there are also some discordant things happen. Not long ago, two students in our class were hurt by a big sesame thing. A classmate met the front classmate with careless hands when doing exercises. The former thought that the students behind were teasing her, and then they hit the students behind. So, they just like you, I really hit them. If it is not for the students to stop in time, I don't know what it will be like. Since then, they have ignored each other, sometimes they have to find small things to revenge and quarrel. This matter has been going on for several weeks, one of the students still want to transfer to school! Thanks to the students' telling the teacher, the teacher invited the two students to the office, and they were severely criticized and patient educated, which made them realize their mistakes and became good friends to help each other. If students are modest, tolerant and generous, there will be no such unpleasant things.

  Students, let us have more love, less disputes, more true feelings, less contradictions, let the notes of disharmony disappear in our lives, let us play a wonderful symphony with unity and mutual help! Let our society, our campus full of harmony, let each of our classmates in a harmonious environment thrive.

  Let us embrace happily in this warm family, let us feel the good exchange of human nature, frequent family and relationship make us excited. This feeling often flows quietly in my heart

  As a new generation of middle school students, we should strive to learn scientific knowledge while calling for a harmonious society. Meanwhile, we should unite, love and help each other with our students, so that the flower of the nation can spread all over the motherland.

