
时间:2023-07-29 05:03:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】暑假来了,把压力统统的装进书包,把紧张的情绪抛入云霄,让快乐的云团头上萦绕,让轻松的步调迈得逍遥。祝你暑假快乐天天,以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《初中生暑假见闻英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.初中生暑假见闻英语日记 篇一

  A burst of bird chirping woke me up, and I stretched out and got out of bed, putting on my clothes. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I went to have breakfast. I set off with everything ready, because today I am going on a vacation with my aunt and sister. Dad said to me in the car, "Remember to say hello to your aunt when you see her." I said, "Oh, I see

  When we arrived at my aunt's house, my sister and I played for a while and then set off. We sang and laughed happily along the way. Although it takes over two hours of driving to reach the resort, I feel like it only takes fifteen minutes.

  When we arrived at the parking lot, we picked up the heavy luggage and the hotel staff quickly came forward to help. Because our place of residence is on the mountain, the hotel arranged for a butler to help. He carried his luggage onto the cable car, which then carried it to our room. It was really fun for the cable car to pass over our heads! We walked along the shaded path and soon arrived at the resort.

  In the evening, we were going to have a barbecue, and the butler brought in the barbecue tools and made a fire. We children flocked to grill our favorite food. I couldn't wait to fork the chicken leg with a fork and brush it with oil. I roasted it over the fire, constantly flipping it over. The chicken leg emits an enticing fragrance, and I took a bite. Wow, it's really a delicious food in the world!

  This trip really left me with endless memories!

2.初中生暑假见闻英语日记 篇二

  The weather has been very hot these days, and my mother suggested going to summer vacation. After some discussion, I decided to go to Sunshade Mountain in Zhangxian. Grandpa drove us to the destination.

  Trees are everywhere on the Sunshade Mountain, looking from a distance like a huge emerald or a large green umbrella, covering the earth. Walking towards the mountains, there are many small butterflies dancing gracefully among the flowers, adding vitality to them. Walking further into the mountains, there are also roaring springs, magnificent waterfalls, towering peaks, and beautiful scenery that makes people feel relaxed and happy.

  Suddenly, I found my mother missing and hurriedly called her with my watch, but there was no signal in the mountains and the phone couldn't be connected. Grandpa and I had to move forward. At the junction of the first line of sky and the sky ladder, I said to my grandfather, "Wait for me below. I'll climb a little bit and feel it before I come back." My grandfather nodded. The first line of sky is composed of two rocks larger than the building, separated by three meters, and the ground is damp and smooth, with a total length of 200 meters. I grabbed the rope and climbed up step by step, constantly slipping under my feet. Mud stuck to my hands and pants, so I slid down and washed my hands with the nearby spring water. At this moment, my grandmother also caught up with me. Everyone felt tired from their feet and went down the mountain.

  Finally, there was a signal. I contacted my mother and found out that she had climbed the sky ladder and come down from the back mountain. We met in the parking lot together, had a meal in the nearby small shop, and then went home.

  Today is really a tired and happy day!

3.初中生暑假见闻英语日记 篇三

  This afternoon, the scorching heat was unbearable. The scorching sun was scorching the ground, making it a bit suffocating. The little dog at the entrance of the community was lying lazily on the ground with its tongue out.

  In the afternoon, it was the graduation ceremony of the dance class, and the scorching weather did not affect my mood to attend the graduation event at the dance class. In order to prevent the sun from tanning me, I sprinted to the dance class classroom in one breath.

  After a while, the dance teacher walked into the classroom. The originally noisy classroom suddenly quieted down. She said to her classmates, "Today is the last day of everyone's dance class this semester. In today's class, we will play a few games and give a small gift to the students who have performed well this semester as encouragement

  The classmates cheered again when they heard about playing games. Then the teacher arranged a game called "Catch Ducks", where each person took turns saying "Catch Ducks" and "Catch a few". However, if I didn't say it correctly, I was fined for performing a performance. After thinking for a while, I suddenly remembered an ancient poem - "What I saw in the Book on a Boat Night". I recited it to everyone and received applause from my classmates.

  The hour long game soon came to an end. The teacher started giving us gifts, and the notebook he gave me was printed with a green little dinosaur, which was very cute and I really liked it. I feel like this is the happiest dance class.

4.初中生暑假见闻英语日记 篇四

  Today is another hot day. I woke up in the morning and went to Teacher Zhang's piano shop. Why did I go to the piano shop? Because today, Mr. Zhang will take me to the Baiyin Cultural Center to have a chorus class. Mr. Zhang is our chorus teacher. In this class, Teacher Zhang taught us how to sing 'Insects Fly' and divided it into two parts. We boys sang the low part and girls sang the high part. Our boys have a loud voice, and among them, my voice has taken the girls out of tune. The teacher always stops in the middle of singing and says to the girls, "Remember the melody of your singing, sing it confidently and boldly, and you won't run away from the boys." This kind of thing is not the next time, and it's still the same until now. Whenever such a thing happens, when the teacher is talking to the girl, we boys laugh on the side and make the girl blow her beard and stare in anger. Okay, the girl doesn't have a beard at all!

  Under the careful guidance of Teacher Zhang, the girl gradually found her own melody, and we boys continued to maintain our singing voice. Finally, everyone worked together "intimately". This class was really exciting, and amidst our laughter and laughter, the class ended unknowingly.

  This is really a meaningful morning! I like singing and it makes me feel happy. When I grow up, I want to become a singer. Now I want to work hard to learn singing and bring the joy of singing to more people, learning more songs!

5.初中生暑假见闻英语日记 篇五

  A few days ago, we went to the picturesque Yuanjiajie, where mountains surround and trees flourish, making it a beautiful place.

  The branches and leaves of those big trees on the mountain are green, like big green umbrellas. Suddenly, my mother's finger turned to a tree and said, "Look, what's that?" I looked in the direction my mother pointed. Ah, there were many monkeys, some sitting on the railing, some lying on the branches, and some eating the food people fed him. I saw a little monkey eating a piece of milk candy, but just took a bite and threw it away. I never expected the monkey to be picky about food. Then my mother encouraged me to feed the monkey. I carefully took out the peeled Corn kernel from the bag and scattered them on the ground. The monkey smelled the smell of corn, ran quickly to pick up the Corn kernel and ate them with relish. I was so happy. Under the tree was a clear river, and a little monkey was deftly swinging on the swing. Suddenly, with a "plop" sound, the little monkey fell into the river. I am so anxious that the little monkey is about to drown. But it quickly swam to the other bank, and I let out a burst of exclamation, so the monkey can still swim!

  In the blink of an eye, it was noon and my stomach was growling with hunger, so I had to reluctantly return to the hotel. What an interesting day!
