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【#英语资源# 导语】阳光普照大地春,妇女节日又来到。春风吹拂送温暖,百花齐放露笑颜。莺歌燕舞乐不停,欢声笑语说不完。祝福声声快送到,一片真情在心间。祝妇女节快乐!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Tomorrow is March 8th women's day. In order to celebrate my mother's festival, I personally made an exquisite greeting card and prepared to give it to my mother. I am doing it. In front of my eyes, my mother's earnest instruction and guidance to me at ordinary times, and my mother's meticulous care and love for me. We should repay them with good results

  "Ding Dong, Ding Dong" the doorbell rang. It must be my mother back. I hurried to open the door. When I saw my mother, I quickly said to my mother, "Hello, mom, please come in." With that, I took my mother's bag and helped her sit on the sofa. I took my mother's slippers, changed her shoes and poured her a glass of water. My mother looked at me in surprise and said, "Why are you so good today?" I said, "children should be filial to their parents!" Mother said happily, "our baby daughter has grown up!" I then said, "Mom, there are surprises, but wait and see."

  After dinner, I asked my parents to sit on the sofa, then took out the greeting card from the house and hid it behind me. I went to my mother, handed the card to my mother and said to her, "open it yourself!" My mother opened the card like a letter or a letter, saw the words "happy March 8th" and heard my blessing to her. I was very moved. At this time, I sang a song, "mother, you are like the moon, emitting warm light..." my mother looked up at me with glittering tears in her eyes. I ran over and dried the tears in my mother's eyes, Say, "Mom, what are you crying about on a good day?" The mother said, "my child, my mother is very moved. Someone can give me a holiday on March 8th!" I then said, "Mom, I'll give it to you every day after March 8th!" My mother was moved to cry again, and I recited a poem to my mother: "mother is like a long-lasting light, smiling at the ups and downs and obstacles in our journey; maternal love is strong, eternal, deep pool and clear mountain spring..." maternal love is a green land full of fragrance and pleasant. Let's repay our parents' love with our own practical actions, Don't let your parents be sad and sad because of us.


  Women's Day is coming. Have you ever thought about doing something meaningful in this festival that belongs to you?

  In this national festival? Have you ever heard the distress signal sent by mother earth to mankind? Suzhou, our hometown, is known as water town, known as heaven, and this water country is now facing an unprecedented crisis. Suzhou's rivers, which extend in all directions, have always been our pride as people of Suzhou Water Town. Over the years, people have been destroying it for convenience. Now, most of the river is no longer clear, and some rivers are even covered with piles of white garbage. The river in front of my house is a good example. I remember when I was a child, the river was full of people in summer. Some old and small people went to battle. Everyone played and played in the water. How happy! But now, the water is polluted, and there is a layer of white garbage floating on the river, emitting bursts of stench. In the past, the clarity can only be expressed by the word aftertaste.

  You should take care of your hometown by yourself, but now, you can see several garbage bags not long after walking on the street. People just throw their garbage on the main road, which is convenient for themselves and pollutes the environment. Save yourself and others. Sanitation workers sweep here and there, but the next day, there are more garbage, so they can't clean it up. As soon as the front was swept, someone lost it in the back. Maybe we were one of them not long ago, but today, I want to protect the environment and the earth with you.

  We should start with the development of environmental protection and reduce the use of plastic bags. We should also advocate the direction of environmental protection and reduce the use of plastic bags all over the country.

  At the same time, I hope you can join me in calling on relatives and friends to protect the environment during this festival. Through our actions, we can influence others, make social morality better and better, make this big family of environmental protection stronger and stronger, and make our hometown Suzhou a garden city as soon as possible.

  The earth, our common mother, is waiting for her children to protect her, save her and let her appear in a new state in front of the world.


  Today is March 8th women's day, a national women's day and my mother's day. Today, I must do something for my mother to make her happy.

  In the morning, I got up first and washed my face. Quietly waiting for my mother to wake up, suddenly my mother woke up and looked very energetic. I said to my mother, "I want to give you something, but you must close your eyes.". I gave my mother a flower. I know my mother likes flowers. My mother was very happy to see it and kept kissing my face, which made my face red. After a while, my mother went to wash her face. I said, "Mom, I'll get you water and wash your face." Mother said, "No." I said, "no, today is women's day. I must work for you." Mother said, "well, well, it seems that my son has grown up and is becoming more and more sensible." I immediately ran over to wash my mother's face, and my mother smiled again. Dad saw me wash my mother's face and praised me for growing up and being sensible. In the evening, I wash the dishes, face and feet for my mother. We live in laughter all day.

  I think this is not enough for my mother. When I grow up, I must repay my mother and father for their upbringing.

  Every March 8 is women's day. On that day, men are generally allowed to do things and women rest. It's almost women's day. It's time to give a gift to my mother.

  On that day, I will give my mother a big surprise, that is to write a letter for my mother with a small gift in it. What is uncertain, it is estimated that it will take some time to think and do.

  If it's too little, I'll add a little more and play a zither for my mother. It can also be regarded as a concert for her. If I cook, I will make scrambled eggs with tomatoes and fungus. Soak the fungus first, then wash the tomatoes. Finally, break the egg, put some salt, put some vinegar, put a little monosodium glutamate, and then put a little oil. Finally, cut the fungus and tomato into pieces, put them into the pot, beat the egg into "pulp", pour it in, fry it, and then put it out. The scrambled eggs of tomato and fungus are ready.

  When the rice is dry, it is easy to add water to the rice pan and then dry the rice. After it is steamed, it will give a warning, such as "rice is open! Rice is open!" At this time, unplug the power and a meal will be ready.

  This is my gift to my mother on women's day.


  Quietly, quietly, March 1, March 2, March 3... March 7, March 8 women's Day is coming.

  Here, first of all, I wish women all over the world to enjoy the blessings given by people around them in this festival of their own. In fact, as a child, we should bless our female teachers. When you enter the school, the teacher is like your second mother. She preaches and gives you the methods and formulas of life. She teaches you how to face difficulties, how not to bow your head before difficulties, and how to stand up bravely in case of failure. It's her, our teacher. This is also their festival. We want to send the sweetest blessings. Just three On the day before the eighth women's day, we began to get busy. Everyone was filled with the taste of sweet milk. We made two copies by ourselves, one for our dear mother who raised us. The other is for our teacher. Everyone is looking forward to the future, and the little heart has unprecedented excitement and enthusiasm.

  After the greeting card was made, we discussed and finally decided to put the envelope full of blessings into the teacher's newspaper. I am the messenger of blessing. Walking on the road of blessing, I was very proud. I felt that we had grown up... Everyone remained silent and waited for the teacher to open the newspaper. I felt my heart beating at that time. The teacher opened the envelope with a look of relief and pride on his face. The more the teacher looked, the more excited he became. When she finished reading, the first sentence was: "my child has grown up!"

  Flowers are for you, my mother. Another greeting card I made is for my dear mother. You know, it took me three whole classes to finish this card. Therefore, I looked and looked with pride, filled with joy in my heart. I posted the letter. Every time after class, I would stare at the white sky and a group of free geese flying over the roof. How I longed for the geese to take my message to my mother quickly. Look forward to... Desire... Flaw want... Excitement... My little heart becomes colorful! I finally stayed up until Friday. After school, I went straight home. Mother is waiting for me outside the door! Looking at my mother's kind smile, I rushed into my mother's arms like an arrow. Too tired, I laugh in my dream


  "March 8th" women's Day is coming. My plan is to give my mother 37 lucky stars. Because my mother is 37 years old, in addition to these, I'm going to use my pocket money to buy chocolate for my mother.

  In the evening the day before March 8th, after I made 37 lucky stars, I took out 20 yuan from my pocket money and asked my father to accompany me to the grocery store to buy gifts. I fell in love with three chocolates, so I decided to give my mother one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. As the saying goes, "good always stays at the end." Besides, the prices of the three chocolates I bought were different, so I decided to send out the chocolates and 37 lucky stars in the evening. In order not to let my mother know my plan, I also bought 2 packets of instant noodles and 3 pieces of chocolate in the same bag as a cover. When I got home, I found that my mother was still cooking dinner in the kitchen, sneaked into the bedroom, hid the chocolate and walked out of the room.

  On the "March 8th" day, my mother was very happy after receiving two chocolates from me one after another. She had been laughing all day. She even smiled and said "it's nice to have a daughter" during her nap! I think: Mom, the good play is still ahead! In the evening, I let my mother sit on the sofa, gave my mother this chocolate and 37 lucky stars, and took out my own "mother's love" to read to my mother. Thank you, mom! I wouldn't have come to this beautiful world without you. When I was a child, I couldn't walk or talk. You took the trouble to teach me the first step and learned to say the first sentence. After school, I often make mistakes in my homework. It's you who patiently help me correct

  How much effort have you made for me over the past few years! It's not enough for you to repay your love for me with these 37 lucky stars and chocolate. I condense your deep love into this little heart. Mom, I wish you a happy holiday!

  Mother was stunned. She didn't seem to expect me to have such a move. There are tears flashing in my mother's eyes. I know it's happy tears. My mother hugged me tightly: "thank you, my baby, my mother feels so happy.".


  I picked up my sleeves, took out a dress, soaked it with water, then put soap on it, and then rubbed it hard. Rub and rub, my hands are red, but there is still a little oil on my clothes. I had to rinse it with a brush and then wash the clothes with clean water. I really want to help my mother do a few things to let her have a happy holiday. On women's day, I also learned to care for my mother, which made me feel very happy.

  Tomorrow is women's day. I always want to do something for my mother, but I don't have a chance. Today is a good opportunity -- I want to do something for my mother. Mom never asked me to do anything for her. I must surprise her today. In the evening, my mother came back. I hurried to the kitchen and added some hot water to the tea I had made long ago. When the temperature was moderate, I took the tea to my mother, handed it to my mother and said, "Mom, you work hard for me day and night. Drink tea and have a rest." Mother listened and said, "thank you, daughter. These days you wash your mother's feet and bring tea to your mother. You've really changed and grown up." I listened to my mother and said, "Mom, tomorrow is women's day. It's your holiday. Of course I want to do something for you. I also want to say to you, mom, you've worked hard, I love you." I can see that my mother is very happy and happy for my actions. But all I did was serve a cup of tea for my mother, which shows how much my mother loves me. In the future, I will often do something for my mother, such as serving a cup of tea to my mother, sending a bunch of flowers to my mother and so on. I want my mother to feel my love. Love is sunshine, love is rain and dew. Only when you learn to love your mother, your father and all the people around you will you understand the true meaning of love. On women's day, I also learned to care for my mother, which made me feel very happy.

  I picked up my sleeves, took out a dress, soaked it with water, then put soap on it, and then rubbed it hard. Rub and rub, my hands are red, but there is still a little oil on my clothes. I had to rinse it with a brush and then wash the clothes with clean water. I really want to help my mother do a few things to let her have a happy holiday. On women's day, I also learned to care for my mother, which made me feel very happy.


  Today is women's day, my mother's day. I thought about giving my mother the most meaningful gift. Send a bunch of flowers, it's too tacky; Send a sweater. It's too expensive and there's no money; Send a greeting card. It's too ordinary. What shall I do? I thought hard for a while, and suddenly my eyes lit up. That's right! Just buy this! Just after school, I flew to the gift shop to choose holiday gifts for my mother.

  Open the door of the gift shop. The gift shop is not only dazzling with a wide range of goods, but also crowded with primary school students who buy gifts for my mothers.

  A little lip balm came into my eyes. My mother's lips often cracked. When it came to winter, it broke a small mouth. If it had, my mother would not only become bright and bright, but also make my mother young. Thinking of this, I did not hesitate to take out the money and bought the lipstick for my mother.

  When I got home, I always felt something less, so I put a beautiful wrapping paper on the lip balm, what a beautiful flower on it. Took out the tea, poured boiling water, made a cup of hot tea for my mother, and then put them on the table.

  The clock struck seven, and my mother came back on time with her tired body. As soon as she entered the door, she saw my "heart". My mother didn't react for a moment, but after a while, she cried and cried happily. At that moment, I had a myriad of thoughts: how many days and nights, how much love my mother paid. Think carefully, my mother's love is free! I must let my mother feel my love every day!

  Although this is a humble lip balm, but in my mother's eyes, it has become sacred as a cross, sweet as candy, and beautiful as flowers. Because it contains thousands of good wishes and deep love for my mother!


  This year, the XXX anniversary of International Women's Day is celebrated. Women's Day is a holiday for mothers all over the world. First of all, I wish mothers a happy holiday and live younger and younger. This day. We will see many children with income who will present a bunch of beautiful flowers to their mother or have a grand celebration banquet. These do bring spiritual and material enjoyment to mothers. As students, we should express with excellent grades and good performance, or say a word of gratitude to our mother, which is always more meaningful than the form of the former.

  Yes, with the crisp cry, I came to this world. This is the credit of the angel mother, which means that the mother has more responsibility. Mother is the first teacher in life. She taught me to eat, walk and be a man with love

  When I entered the school gate of primary school, my mother had to pick me up and back no matter it was windy or rainy; When you get home, you can eat delicious food; Can sit beside me at night and help me finish my homework; In the cold winter, you can knit a sweater for me so that I don't feel cold. Under the light, I saw that my mother's smooth forehead had wavy wrinkles, which were reflected one by one. I know she has paid a lot and a lot on me. I think I will repay her with my efforts one day. Mom, your care and warmth are like countless stars in the sky and as precious as the drizzle in spring. The mother's spirit is like that of the wild goose mother, covering the wild goose with her wide wings and warming the wild goose with her warm feathers.

  Tonight, I thought of a way to express that is to cook a bowl of dumplings for my mother. Because I never went to the kitchen, I probably didn't put enough sugar in the first time. When I brought a bowl of cooked dumplings to my mother, my mother went to eat happily and sweetly. While eating, she soothed my disappointment with praise.

  My mother loves me very much, really and affectionately. Just as the river feeds small fish, my mother is the river and I am the fish. The river cares for the growth of fish, and fish always love the river. I love my mother forever.

  Mom, I can't participate in the first half of your life, but I will accompany you to the end of the second half of your life.


  Today is women's day, our mother's day. What's a good gift for mom? Send greeting cards? Last year was to send greeting cards. Send flowers? It's so creative. Ah! I'd better make a fruit platter! This is not only creative, but also the result of their own labor, expressing their filial piety. So I started happily.

  First of all, I took out the lid of a transparent pan from the kitchen to make a plate because it is large and rotatable. I also took out a fruit knife to cut fruit. First, I cut a clean fragrant pear into eight pieces with a fruit knife. The "little pyramid" is surrounded by a circle, and the pulp is placed outward along the edge of the pot cover. But as soon as it's put away, I'm not satisfied: because the pear pieces are too small and the gap between the pieces is too large, it doesn't look good. So I decided to add another circle of fruit outside the pear. Which fruit to choose? My eyes scanned the place where I put the fruit in my house, and finally stopped at a huge, red apple. "That's it!" I immediately washed it, cut it into eight pieces, put it in a circle with the skin facing inward, and then put the pear petals in the gap between the apple petals. Later, I peeled another orange and formed a square in the circle of the pear with four oranges. Finally, I built a red pyramid with four strawberries. be accomplished! I looked at my "masterpiece" and felt happy. As I looked at it, I imagined how happy my mother would be to start tasting the fruit platter! Thinking about it, I don't feel laughing.

  The sound of my mother's high heels sounded in the corridor. I was excited and a little uneasy: will my mother like my works? Just thinking, "click", mom opened the door. When my mother pushed the door and entered, I jumped in front of my mother and shouted, "Mom, I wish you a happy women's Day!" Mother was surprised at first. Her mouth became "O". But mother's mouth soon turned into a crescent smile. When my mother began to eat, I quickly played the famous song "go home" played by Kelly king of "Prince of saxophone". Seeing this scene, my mother repeatedly praised me for being considerate. At this time, I found my mother a little excited, with a happy blush on her face. I was happy and sat down to eat fruit with my mother.

  While blessing my mother, I also say to all women in the world: I wish you a happy women's Day!


  Last year's "March 8th" women's day, my mother had a very happy time.

  On that day, in order to celebrate a happy women's day for my mother, my father asked for leave early and went home. My father put on an apron, picked up a kitchen knife, spoon and spatula, and then went to the kitchen with my sister to become a "Chef". Cooking is certainly a piece of cake for my father, but it's almost difficult for my sister, because it's the first time she cooks in her life! With the careful efforts of my father and sister, five dishes have been completed, and there are still two dishes left to eat. One is Coke chicken wings and the other is spicy steak, which are my mother's favorite dishes at ordinary times. However, my mother got home in more than 10 minutes, so I had to go out and "intercept" my mother. I put on my shoes and ran downstairs without saying a word to wait for my mother. After a while, my mother came back. I summoned up my courage, walked up and said, "Mom, look, you're tired after a day's work. I'll take you to the square?" After some thinking, my mother reluctantly went with me, but she didn't play for a while. She always said, "son, mom is tired today. Let's go back." But as soon as my eyes turned, I thought of a way to change the topic, and then "subdued" my mother.

  About half an hour later, I thought, "it's almost time. They should have done it!" "Mom, you're tired. Let's go home!" As soon as we got home, we opened the door. The light was still on. As soon as the door was closed, all the lights suddenly went out. Then I heard the sound of the lighter a few times. A few seconds later, several spray flowers were flashing. With the, all the lights in the room were on. In an instant, my father and sister took the "spray flowers" and sprayed them on my mother. My mother jumped and jumped happily, pressed me and my sister to kiss and kiss. Looking back, I saw the delicious food on the table, and my mother burst into tears. Then we had dinner happily

