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【#六年级# 导语】教育要使人愉快,要让一切的教育带有乐趣。®文档大全网为大家准备了六年级上册英语课文三篇【Unit1】,希望对大家有所帮助!

Unit1 How do you go there? (A)

Unit 1 How do you go there?你是怎么样去那里的?

Let's chant让我们一起唱歌
How do you go to school? 你是怎么去上学的?
Sometimes by bike,有时骑自行车,
Sometimes by car.有时坐小汽车,
But I never go by train.但我从没有坐过火车。
How do you get to Paris?你怎么到巴黎的?
Never on foot,never by bike,从未步行,从未骑自行车,
Always by car, bus,or plane.总是坐小汽车、公共汽车或飞机

Let's learn让我们一起学习

How do you go tos chool?你怎么样去上学的?
I go to school by bike.我骑自行车去上学。
How do you go to Canada? 你怎么去加拿大的?
I go by plane.我坐飞机去的。
by plane坐飞机 by ship坐船 on foot 步行 by bike骑自行车
by bus坐公共汽车 by train坐火车 by subway 坐地铁

Let's try
Listen and circle让我们试试 听录音并圈出

How do you go to school, Mike?迈克,你怎么去上学?

I usually go to school by bike, somtimes on foot?有时候我步行去上学
Is your home near our school?你的家是我们学校附近吗?
Yes, it is.是的
That’s fine. 那很好
Let's talk我们一起说说
How do you go to school, Sarah?莎拉,你是怎么样去上学的?
My home is near.我家很近。
Usually I go to school on foot.我通常步行去上学。
Sometimes I go by bike.有时骑自行车去。
What about you?你呢?
I usually go to school by bus.我通常坐公共汽车去上学。

Let's read 我们一起阅读
Zhang: Sarah,let's go to the park this afternoon.莎拉,下午我们一起 去公园吧。
Sarah:Great! But how do we go to the park?好的。 但我们怎么样去公园 呢?
Zhang:It's easy.Come to my home by bike.那容易。来我家, 骑自行车去。
We can go to the bus stop on foot.我们可以走到公共汽车站。
Then we go the park by bus.然后我们坐公共汽车去公园。
Sarah: OK. But where is your home? 好,但你家在哪里?
Zhang: My home is near the post office.我家在邮局附近。
Sarah: Which floor? 哪层?
Zhang: The fifth floor, Room 5A. 十五层,5A
Sarah: OK!This afternoon.See you at 2 o'clock. 好的。今天下午2点钟见。
Zhang: See you then!-到时见

Unit1 How do you go there? (B)

Let's learn

Look at the traffic lights. 看红绿灯
Remember the traffic rules!记住红绿灯!
Stop at a red light.红灯停
Wait at a yellow light.Go at a green light.黄灯等绿灯行

Let's try. 我们一起试试
Listen and tick.听录音并打记号。

How can I get to the Dongfang Primary School?我怎样才能到东方小学上学?
You can go by the No. 14 bus.你可以坐14路公共汽车去。
It’s next to theNatual Park.这是一thenatual公园。
Thank you.谢谢你.
You are welcome.不客气。

Let's talk.我们一起说说。
Jim:How can I get to Zhong shan Park? 我怎么去中山公园?
Chen: You can go by the No. 15 bus.你可以坐15路公共汽车去。
Jim: Can I go on foot?我可以步行去吗?
Chen: Sure, if you like. It's not far.可以,如果你有自行车,那不远。

Let's read 我们一起读
Look and find the differences.看并找出不同之处。
The traffic lights are the same in every country. 红绿灯是每个城市都一样的。
There are always three lights: red,yellow and green.始终有三种灯:红,黄绿。
Red means "Stop". 红灯意思是停。
Yellow means "Wait",and green means "Go".黄灯意思是等候绿灯意思是走。
In China, drivers drive on the right side of the road.在中国,司机开车在公路的右边。
In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too.在美国,司机开车也是在右边。
In England and Aust-ralia,however,然而,在英国和澳大利亚,
drivers drive on the left side of the road.司机开车是在路的左边。
If you go by car,by bike or on foot,如果你坐汽车,自行车或者步行,
you must know the traffic rules.你一定要知道交通规则。

Unit1 How do you go there? (C)

Task time
/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /i:/ /i/
/i:/ /p/peak山顶 /b/beat敲打 /t/ team 组,队 /d/deal处理
/i/ pig猪 big大 tin罐 dish盘

Let's check 我们一起检测
Listen and tick orcross. 听录音并打勾或叉。

1.How do you go to school,Amy?1。你怎么去学校,艾米?
I usually go to school on foot.我通常步行去学校。
My home is not far from school.我的家离学校不远。
2.How can I get to the post office,please?2。我怎样才能到达邮局,好吗?
You can go by bike.你可以骑自行车去。
It's just in front of our school.就在我们学校前面。
3.Where is the zoo,please?3。动物园在哪里,好吗?
It's near my home.这是我家附近。
You can go by No.4 bus.你可以乘4路公共汽车。
Can I go by subway?我可以乘地铁?
Sure,if you like.当然,如果你喜欢。
4.Is the park far from here?4。是公园离这儿远吗?
Yes,it is.是的。
You can go by the No.5 bus.你可以乘5路公共汽车。
Can I go by bike?我能骑自行车吗?
No,that's too far.不,那太远。
Good to know很好的了解
Look,read and match.看,看比赛。
Let's sing. 我们一起唱歌。
How do you go toschool?你是怎么样去学校的?
I go to school by bus.我坐公共汽车去上学。
I go to school by bus.我坐公共汽车去上学。

I can go to school on foot, but it is very far.我可以步行去上学,但它非常远。
How do you go to school?你是怎么样去上学?
How do you go to school?你是怎么样去上学?
Can you go by ship or train?你可以坐船或火车吗?
How do you go to school?你是怎么样去上学?

Story time故事时间
Zoom: Here are 15 dollars. 这里有15美元。
Let's go to a fast food restaurant for lunch.我们去餐馆吃速食为午餐吧。
Zip: How do we do there? 我们怎么去那?
Zoom: How about by taxi?坐出租车怎么样?
Zip: It's too expensive! 那太贵了。
Zoom: What's your idea?你有什么主意?
Zip: Let's walk there.It's good exercise.我们走路去吧。 那是很好的锻炼。
Zoom: Do you know the traffic rules? 你知道交通规则吗?
Zip: Sure.当然知道。
Zoom: Be quick.There are no people here.快点,这儿没有人。-
Zip: Oh no. It's a red light. 噢,不,那是红灯。
Zoom: Sorry, sir.对不起,先生。
It's against the traffic rules.那是违反交通规则。
That's a 15 dollar fine.那要罚15美元。
Zip: Ah ... But our lunch?! 啊,但我们的午餐?!
Zoom: I'm really sorry, sir.我真的抱歉,先生。

