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【#四六级考试# 导语】英语四六级考试将要在2019年6月进行,日常的备考,听说读写都要关注,其中阅读理解是考生复习的重点和难点,日常备考多做一些英文阅读,下面是®文档大全网四六级频道为大家整理的《2019年6月大学英语四级阅读练习题:韩国的象征》一文,希望给大家带来帮助。



  Symbols Of Korea

  Hanbok1, as traditional dress of Korean, is a symbol of Korea. The women's hanbok has a wraparound skirt and bolero2— like jacket. The men's consists of3a short jacket and pants. Both garments may be topped with a long coat of a similar cut. Now, people wear hanbok mostly on festivals or for ceremonies such as a wedding or funeral.

  Kimchi represents Korea's best-known food. Koreans serve kimchi at almost every meal, and few Koreans can last more than a few days before cravings get the better of4 them. During the 1988 Summer Olympic Games, thousands of foreigners were introduced to it for the first time. Despite a reputation for being spicy, most people usually develop a taste for it, and many foreigners also find themselves missing it after returning to their home country.

  In Korea, the marriage between a man and woman represents the jointing of two families, rather than the jointing of the two people. As such, the event was often called Great Ritual, and people from all over participated. Rooted in traditional Confucian values, the ceremonies and events surrounding the actual marriage were long and elaborate, from the pairing of the couple to the rituals performed after the ceremony. Professional matchmak the light from wood fires. Mask dance -dramas are basically a folk art, which naturally developed among the common people of the Joseon era. In most cases, the actors and spectators joined together in robust dance at the end of a performance.


  Ⅰ. Put the sentences into right order:

  1. The groom travels to the house of the bride.

  2. The professional matchmakers pair up likely candidates.

  3. The family makes decision .

  4. The groom takes his new bride to his family’s house .

  5. They stay in the bride ’s home for three days.

  Ⅱ. Questions:

  1. What are the symbols of Korea discussed in this passage?

  2. What’s the mask traditionally made of?


  Ⅰ. 2. 3. 1 . 5. 4.

  Ⅱ. 1. Hanbok, kimchi, traditional wedding and masks and mask dance -drama are all symbols of Korea.

  2. Masks are traditionally made of paper, wood, gourd and fur.




  泡菜是韩国最知名的食品之一。韩国人几乎每餐必吃泡菜。几天没吃就想吃了。1988 年汉城( 首尔) 夏季奥运会时, 成千上万的外国游客第一次品尝了韩国泡菜尽管韩国泡菜以辛辣著称, 但人们还是喜欢上了它, 许多外国游客回国仍念念不忘。

  在韩国, 婚姻不仅仅代表男女两个人, 更是两个家庭的结合。因此, 婚礼常被称为“ 大礼”, 亲戚朋友都从各地赶来参加。受传统儒家观念的影响, 婚庆和相关的仪式又耗时又讲究, 包括从结婚到婚庆后要行的礼节。职业媒人介绍合适的双方结成夫妻, 夫妻二人常常在婚礼上才见第一面。男女双方家庭在做婚姻决定时要考虑很多因素, 还与算命人一同讨论, 预测夫妻俩未来的共同生活。新郎通常要先到新娘家举行婚礼, 三天后才能把新娘子带回自己家。婚礼大典由很多小的仪式构成, 要多次叩头, 做象征性的姿势。参加婚礼的人要收敛情绪, 保持严肃。现代韩国婚礼尽管保留了传统婚礼的一些特点, 但大多更像西方婚礼。不过, 民俗村和各地的博物馆定期示范传统婚礼, 以延续这一传统。

  面具和面具舞蹈也是韩国的象征。韩国传统的面具由纸、木、葫芦和毛皮制成, 主要体现韩国人的面部表情和骨骼构造, 有的也代表神或动物。面具舞剧通常是夜晚在篝火旁表演 , 因此面具大多奇形怪状, 极尽夸张。面具舞剧实际上是韩国的一种民间艺术, 是德藏时代在平民百姓中自发形成的。多数情况下, 表演临近尾声时, 观众和演员一起跳起热情奔放的舞蹈。

