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【#四六级考试# 导语】只有坚定坚持最初的梦想走下去,再苦再累再难,坚定不移,才有可能走向成功。©文档大全网整理了“2021年6月大学英语四级考试短语考点合集”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  ask for 请求,要求,寻求

  assist in 帮助(做某事)

  assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

  assure sb. of sth. 使(某人)确信(某事)

  attach to 使属于,使参加

  attach oneself to 依附;参加党派

  be attached to 附属于;喜爱;爱慕

  attach importance to 认为重要

  attain to 达到(理想的状态)

  attend on 照顾,侍候

  attend to 专心;照顾,护理

  pay attention to 注意;重视

  be attentive to 对…关怀

  be available for 有效

  on an average 平均起来,一般说来

  be aware of 知道,意识到,认识到

  right away 立刻,马上

  back and forth (前后)来回地,往返

  back away 逐渐后退

  back of 在…的后面;在…背后

  get back at 报复

  go back on 丢弃(朋友等);食言

  go back to 追溯到…

  back up 支持,援助;倒退

  keep one's balance 保持(身体)平衡

  lost one's balance 失去平衡;心慌意乱

  off balance 不平稳的,摇摆的

  on balance 总的说来

  based on 以…为基础

  bear away 夺得;赢得(奖品等)

  bear sth. in mind 记住(某事)


  check out 结账后离开;检验合格

  check up 核对,检验

  cheer up 使高兴,使高兴起来

  clear away 把…清除掉;(云)消失

  clear off 消除,摆脱(负担等)

  clear out 把…清出(或出空)

  clear up 消除(误会等);整理

  close about 围住,包围

  close down (工厂等)关闭,倒闭

  close in 包围;迫近;渐短

  close up 关闭;堵塞;靠近

  come to a close 结束,终止

  draw to a close 渐近结束

  come about 发生;(风等)改变方向

  come across (越过…而)来到

  come at 袭击;达到;得到

  come before 在…之前来

  come by 从旁走过;得到

  come down 败落

  come down on 申斥;惩罚

  come for 来接人;来取物

  come forth 出来;涌现

  come home 回家;打中

  come into 进入;得到

  come of 出身于;由…引起

  come off (计划等)实现;举行

  come on (劝说等)来吧;开始

  come out 出版;传出;显现

  come round (非正式的)来访;绕道

  come through 经历(困难);获得成功

  come to 苏醒;共计;达到

  come to terms with 达成协议;妥协,让步

  come true 实现,达到

  come up 走近;(从土中)长出

  come up against 碰到(困难、反对等)

  come up to 达到;符合

  come up with 追上,赶上;提出

  come what may 不管发生什么事

  in common 共用,公有,共同

  keep company with 与…交往;和…亲热

  compare...to 把…比作;与…相比较

  by comparison 比较起来

  in comparison with 与…比较

  as concerns 关于


  take delight in 以…为乐

  depart from 离开,起程;开出

  derive from 取得;起源;由来

  be detached from 把…从…上卸下

  in detail 详细地

  play the devil with 弄糟…;使失败

  devote oneself to 献身于;致力于

  die away 变弱;逐渐平息

  die for 渴望,切望

  die from 由于…而死,因…致死

  die of illness 病死

  die off 一个个死掉

  die out 消失,灭绝;熄灭

  make a difference 有影响,有关系

  in difficulties 处境困难

  make no difficulties 不留难;表示无异议

  dig down 挖下去;掘倒

  dig in 掘土以参进(肥料等)

  dig out 掘出;挖掉

  dig up 掘起;挖出

  dip into 浸一浸;掏;翻阅一下

  in all directions 向四面八方

  have a dislike of 不喜欢,讨厌

  take a dislike to 讨厌

  make a display of 把…炫耀一下

  on display 展出

  at sb's disposal 任某人处理

  in the distance 在远处,远方的

  do away with 废除,去掉;弄死

  do by sb. 对待(某人)

  do down 胜过;欺骗

  do for 对…有效;照应

  do sb. good 帮助某人

  do one's best 尽力,尽努力

  do one's bit 尽一份力

