

时间:2021-08-21 07:38:54 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】最难忘的一瞬间人生是由无数的一瞬间组成的,有令人兴奋的一瞬间,有令人激动的一瞬间,有令人伤心的一瞬间。一瞬间,时间虽不长,但令人难忘。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  That moment is unforgettable in my life. Why, because at that moment, I really felt the value of friendship.

  When I was a child, I was a bully in my hometown. Many little friends played with me. We "rob the house" every day, which makes the neighbors "chicken fly and dog jump", so the neighbors often "teach" us a lesson. But where will we change? We still make trouble in groups every day. Finally, the neighbors had no choice but to ignore us. So we play together every day. Over time, we don't feel lonely.

  Until one day, as soon as I got home, I found my cousin sitting at the table playing a strange "TV". I ran over curiously and asked, "what's this?" my cousin smiled and said to me, "haven't you seen it? This is your mother's new computer. It's valuable!" then I pointed to the games on the screen and said, "look, so many games can be played as you like..." I was fascinated by this new machine. I couldn't wait to grab the mouse and play the game. I didn't go out with my partner that day.

  Later, I simply took my friends home to play, but I stared at the computer

  Unknowingly, time flies. I'm going to primary school. My mother moved her registered permanent residence to Chengguan. From then on, I went to school in Chengguan and seldom went back to my hometown.

  One night, when I was doing my homework, my mother complained when she came into the house: "go back to your hometown and have a look. Every morning, a lot of your friends are blocking the door of my store, which makes my business impossible. Go back quickly next week and tell them not to come again." I promised the letter suspiciously.

  A week later, I got on the bus back to my hometown. Along the way, my heart was always uneasy.

  After getting off the bus, I hurried to my mother's shop, but I was really disappointed. There was no friend at the door, only pedestrians were shuttling.

  I walked to the door of the store. Suddenly, I heard someone calling me behind me. When I looked back, I was stunned. My friends were waiting for me in the store. No wonder my mother would be angry. I happily hugged them. At this time, I understand that only true friendship can be regarded as happiness. This moment will leave a deep mark on my life.


  Maybe that moment comes from the Chunchun teaching of parents, maybe that moment comes from the words of teachers, maybe that moment comes from the subtle care of friends

  But the moment on the bus made me unforgettable.

  In the anxious waiting, I am impatient. "The bus may be very crowded this day. I forgot to say in the morning. You should be carsick and take the next shift.". The mother asked with attention and love. I said impatiently, "whatever". Finally, I got on the crowded bus. I frowned and turned my head to one side angrily. There's a seat over there. Go and take it. I didn't think so. I walked forward and sat down as if nothing had happened. "This is for your mother. Your mother is not in good health," said the aunt salesperson next to her. I immediately blushed with shame. Forced by face, I forced out this sentence, "Mom, sit down.". He didn't seem to leave his seat. "Sit down by yourself and let him sit down. He'll get carsick." my mother smiled lovingly. My mother has been ill for more than ten years. As a daughter, I seem to have forgotten this responsibility. Suddenly, in my mind... "Mom, I must be a doctor in the future to treat my mother's disease." "baby son, you can do whatever you want in the future, mom doesn't matter." how did you forget that the mother who loved him and loved him for more than ten years was also dizzy!

  At that moment, it seemed that I grew up a lot. My mother was a woman with a knife mouth and a tofu heart. When I was a child, the mother who was holding a feather duster around the table to beat her son still showed a smile at the corners of her mouth. She must hate iron but not steel, love and hate! When I grew up, I learned to be rebellious in adolescence. It often happens without your mother's persuasion, and I often lose my temper because I am not understood.

  The warm wind outside the window blew on my face, like my mother's hand.


  A person's life passes like a white horse. Year after year, what does time leave us? In retrospect, there will be an unforgettable moment that will be firmly remembered in our hearts and will be unforgettable forever.

  It was the summer vacation three years ago.

  Every summer vacation, my father always takes me back to my hometown for a period of time. I cherish the hard won days together. My father always loves me very much. He always brings vegetables for me when I eat. When my sister buys toys, he always buys one for me.

  Time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, ten days passed. I should go.

  The day it's time to go home. In the morning, Xiao Bo called and said that he would pick me up and take me home in the evening. So I've been depressed since the morning. After dinner, Xiao Bo came.

  Dad packed my clothes for me, carried the bag in one hand and put it on my shoulder in the other hand, and sent me to Xiao Bo. "Well, say goodbye to Dad. We should go," said Xiao Bo. I didn't dare to look up at my father, so I bowed my head and said, "bye, Dad."

  So I got in the car. Xiao Bo was about to start the car when he heard a knock on the window. I rolled down the window, saw my father put his head in from the outside, stroked my face with his rough hands, then smiled and said, "next time my father will pick you up and take care of himself." at this moment, after enduring for a long time, tears fell down willfully, looking at my father's gray hair on his temples and wrinkled forehead, My heart is full of sadness and bitterness. I quickly dried my tears with my hand, forced out a smile, nodded hard and said, "well, I will."

  The window closed and tears poured out again. That moment, that old face, that smile, I will never forget.

