

时间:2021-08-23 21:34:46 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】我常常在想我的未来会是怎么样的,会做什么事情,干什么工作?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Light and shadow are like arrows, the sun and moon are like shuttles, and the year 2035 is coming. At this time, I have become a well-known scientist.

  In the morning, I got up and put on the "universal clothes" I invented. This "universal clothes" is very magical. It can change the color arbitrarily according to the weather changes and your preferences. You can also adjust its temperature. It can be said that it is warm in winter and cool in summer. This "universal coat" can be invisible when necessary! Then, I put on my "multi-functional shoes", which can massage the soles of your feet anytime and anywhere. I feel very comfortable anytime and anywhere. Wearing them makes you energetic and light as a swallow.

  After putting on my clothes, I finished the nutritious breakfast carefully prepared by robot sweet for me, sat up and flew to the science research room to start my new day's scientific research.

  In recent years, I have invented countless things, including water, land and air three-purpose bicycles, universal schoolbags, magical small refrigerators and so on. These things are both environmentally friendly and practical. After a morning's efforts, my "100 disaster non invasion" building has finally been successfully developed! The foundation of the building is very deep so that it won't collapse in case of disaster. The building is made of memory metal and is very strong. When a disaster comes, it will send out a protective cover, and the buildings 600 kilometers away or within it will be protected without any damage. Now I want to introduce the structure of the building. There are many secret rooms in the building, which need a password to enter, and some valuables can be put in it, so the thieves can't steal it! How about my "disaster free" building? Is it very practical!

  In the afternoon, I got on the aircraft and came to the intelligent factory. Seeing that the robots here were working hard and there was no abnormality, I went home with the aircraft at ease.

  In the evening, after I had a big meal, I lay on the folding bed and fell into a sweet dream.


  How time flies! In the blink of an eye, I graduated. I missed my hometown very much, so I decided to go back to my hometown. As soon as I got out of the car, the familiar voice smelled from my ear: "daughter..." I saw that it was my father. I went to my father. My father said, "Hey, for ten years, my naughty girl has become a sensible girl." I smiled and listened to my father's introduction to the changes of my hometown in the past ten years.

  When we got into a taxi, there was no one in the driver's seat. Dad said, "now the car is automatic. As long as you input the place you want to go on the GPS (navigation), it will send you safely to the destination." Dad opened the door of a luxury house and said, "come in!" I said in surprise, "is this our home?" an ordinary residential house ten years ago has now become a luxury house with elevators, air conditioners. I walked into my house and a smell of rice floated in front of me. I think: this must be mother's taste. Our family sat together, talking and laughing harmoniously. I haven't tasted this feeling for a long time.

  After dinner, I went to my alma mater with my friends. Stepping into his alma mater, his alma mater has become several tall buildings. The classroom is equipped with air conditioning. A computer is placed on each set of desks. The exams and homework are completed by the students on the computer and reviewed by robots, which also saves teachers a lot of energy. The open space where we used to play has become an amusement park

  Everything has changed so fast, the hometown has become more beautiful, people's life has become rich, and their friends have become beautiful and handsome. Including me, from that naughty girl ten years ago to a sensible girl.


  Dreams fly at the foot of the Great Wall, and hopes ignite in our minds. Dream is a light in the dark, guiding us on the right path. I remember Socrates said: the happiest thing in the world is to strive for ideals. I never doubt, because dreams can come true as long as we struggle. It doesn't matter if we don't succeed. At least we have tried and struggled.

  The Chinese dream is the common dream of the Chinese people. We wander in the ocean of knowledge and absorb the nutrition given by knowledge. How many hardships do we have to go through on the long road of life? When we encounter problems, it's like a bird breaking its feet, unable to walk, and the earth disappears. What choice will you make at this time? Do you want to lose the sky? Wise you will definitely say: No, although my foot is broken, I can still fly. When God closes a window for you, he will open another door for you. Confidence and will are the natural enemies of setbacks and difficulties. Believe in yourself and all difficulties can be overcome. I want to work hard for myself, and I want to work hard to realize the common great dream of the Chinese people.

  As the saying goes, "a drop of water can penetrate a stone, and everything comes naturally." I believe that success has a pair of bright eyes, and he will see my unremitting efforts. "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." Premier Zhou Enlai set the great ideal of "reading for the rise of China" when he was a teenager. This has become the source of strength for his lifelong struggle for the cause of communism, and also let us see his determination to win the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. I also want to learn from Premier Zhou's spirit of paying for the country, work hard and realize the Chinese dream.

  "My future is not a dream" have you heard this song? My future is not a dream. In response to this sentence, the dream will come true sooner or later, and you are trying to move towards the end of the dream. Let's fight for our common future!

