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【#英语资源# 导语】在我的家庭里,每天发生很多有趣的事情,经常充满着欢声笑语。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《家庭趣事英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.家庭趣事英语日记 篇一

  On Sunday evening, an interesting thing happened in our living room.

  After dinner, a story will start smoothly with the support of my father and mother. I, the host of this story meeting, proudly walked onto the "stage" and announced the official start of the story meeting, with warm applause from the audience.

  Firstly, the number one player on the stage - my father. I saw my father happily walking onto the stage, his face immediately turning from sunny to gloomy: "On a pitch black night, the wind was blowing, and there was a person walking alone on the road..." He made a terrifying look as he spoke. I was scared and quickly walked onto the stage and said, "Thank you contestant number one. Now let's invite contestant number two to come on stage." My mother stood up, glanced at my father, and proudly stepped on the stage. Hello everyone, my name is Sun Xiaoying, female... "As soon as my mother stepped on the stage, she talked incessantly about herself, introducing herself for more than ten minutes without any intention of starting the story. I was in a hurry and immediately interrupted her lengthy speech, angrily saying, "It's not over. Do you want to tell it now?" My mother didn't care and said, "Okay." My mother started telling, and the story she was telling was not a story at all, but a joke. With a loud snort, there was a burst of laughter. I couldn't hold my breath and said, "Don't... don't talk anymore, if you talk again, your stomach will hurt to death!" "That's it," my dad said. Don't talk, don't talk, always against me, "my mother whispered. I came on stage with a smile on my face, but the joke just now still lingers in my mind, and I've forgotten my words to the bone.

  Family stories can be really interesting!

2.家庭趣事英语日记 篇二

  My home often emits waves of laughter and laughter. Because I have a witty and humorous dad; There is a kind and simple mother, as well as a smart me... Such a 'family has strange and interesting events happening every day, like strings of colorful shells, which are still vividly remembered to this day.

  One night, while I was lying in a room with air conditioning on, my dad told me a joke: "Once there was a monk in the temple who carried water to drink, and two monks carried water to drink. Another monk came, and three monks didn't have water to drink..." As I laughed so hard, I suddenly saw a "Little Qiang" emerge from the air conditioning outlet. I was so scared that I trembled. Maybe it was my dad's joke that was too funny. Even "Xiao Qiang" was attracted to listen to it. Dad casually picked up my homework as a weapon and fiercely slapped it at "Xiaoqiang". However, stubborn "Xiaoqiang" not only did not get killed, but Dad accidentally hit his own hand, causing him to stomp in pain. I couldn't catch my breath with a smile, and in the end, I could only wait for 'Xiaoqiang' to appear again. Not long after, "Xiao Qiang" flew over. Dad had eye problems this time and quickly picked up his notebook. With a sudden jump, he hit "Xiao Qiang" and flew it to the ground. When he approached, he saw that "Xiao Qiang" was on the verge of death, and "Xiao Qiang" was no longer stubborn! My dad and I smiled proudly

  There are many interesting things at home, and I will record every one and let them accompany me to grow happily!

3.家庭趣事英语日记 篇三

  There are three people in my family who have different hobbies. As the saying goes, "Radish and cabbage have their own preferences

  Let's talk about my dad first. He is a computer fan, and whenever he has time, he will turn on his computer and start his "online journey". Once, while I was doing my homework, I suddenly had a question that I couldn't write, so I ran to ask my dad. Dad actually said, "Let me play this game well before teaching you. You should write the next question first." I angrily returned to my room to do my homework

  Dad finished speaking, let's talk about Mom. My mother is a "health supervisor", and I wash my hands with just one flush. At this point, when she sees it, she will say, "Look at you. Can you wash your hands clean like this

  Now it's time to talk to me. I'm a dinosaur fan. Whenever I hear or see the word 'dinosaur', I get excited. Now, there are many books and toys about dinosaurs at home. I also learned a lot about dinosaurs from it. It's great to have hobbies!

  How's it going? My family is very interesting, isn't it?

4.家庭趣事英语日记 篇四

  I have a happy family, with a loving father and mother, a beautiful and generous sister, and an ancient and mysterious me. There are many interesting things happening in our family every day. Because I am a Go fan and a strong athlete, so. Our family holds a Go competition every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and a running competition on Friday and Saturday. The winner has no reward, while the loser has to learn how to bark like a pig.

  Today is the day of the Go competition. The first round was for my mother and sister. After playing for over an hour, my mother won five chess pieces, while my sister only got three. It's my turn and dad's turn, and we've been deadlocked for over an hour. Everyone is very careful and serious because no one wants to learn how to bark like a pig. Finally, after a less intense battle, I won the first place without any suspense. I won ten pieces, while my father only won one. I danced with joy, but my father was furious because he had to learn how to bark like a pig again. When we made fun of him happily, he himself disappeared. It seems that he didn't want to learn how to bark like a pig and hid. My sister and I went separately to find him, but in the end, he fell asleep on the bed. His shocking snoring was no different from a pig's bark, even if he accepted punishment.

  This is my home. Interesting little things like this are cherished in my heart, becoming memories that warm my life.

5.家庭趣事英语日记 篇五

  The night slowly fell, like a huge curtain, slowly spreading all the twilight from a corner of the open sky. The tired bird returns to the forest and has already flown into its warm nest, because for it, the nest is its warmest home. For me, home is the warmest place in the world.

  Fun family events are like comedic movies being staged one after another.

  The night girl brought her unique silence, while the moon sister brought her unique radiance. All of this has not affected the warmth of my family at all. At this moment, only laughter and a strong warmth filled my surroundings.

  Ah! Six. "With a shout, my mother's plane officially took office and embarked on a vast journey. But my plane is still on standby at the airport, not because it hasn't been filled up, but because I haven't received the consent of 'Six'. Mom's plane is already flying halfway, and if she doesn't work hard, she will lose. I closed my hands together, my eyes slightly closed, and prayed very devoutly. I murmured the words "six, six..." Haha, and finally threw a six. I ignited the fire of hope and began my journey. At this moment, my father also came over to participate in this chase, round after round, and through unremitting efforts, I finally surpassed my mother's plane. As a result, I turned around and was the first to reach my destination. Mom followed closely behind, and the most pitiful was Dad. His plane never received the command of Commander "Six" and could only end in failure.

  Although my home may not be wealthy, it has warmth and joy. With such a warm home by my side, how many interesting things cannot bring me the joy of childhood?
