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 Ludwig Van Beethoven
  Ludwig Van Beethoven, a major composer of the nineteenth century, overcame many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness.

  Born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770, he first studied music with the court organist, Gilles van der Eeden. His father was excessively strict and given to heavy drinking. ____ (1) ____. Appointed deputy court organist to Christian Gottlob Neefe at a surprisingly early age in 1782, Beethoven also played the harpsichord and the viola. In 1792 he was sent to Vienna by his patron, Count Ferdinand Waldstein, to study music under Haydn.

  Beethoven remained unmarried. ____ (2) ____. Continually plagued by ill health, he developed an ear infection which led to his tragic deafness in 1819.

  ____ (3) ____ He completed mature masterpieces of great musical depth: three piano sonatas, four string quartets, the Missa Solemnis, and the 9th Symphony. He died in 1827. ____ (4) ____ .

  Noting that Beethoven often flew into fits of rage, Goethe once said of him, “I am astonished by his talent, but he is unfortunately an altogether untamed personality. ” ____ (5) ____ .

  A In spite of this handicap, however, he continued to write music.

  B Because of irregular payments from his publishers and erratic support from his patrons, he was troubled by financial worries throughout his adult life.

  C His life was marked by a passionate dedication to independence.

  D When his mother died, Beethoven, then a young man, was named guardian of his two younger brothers.

  E Although Beethoven's personality may have been untamed, his music shows great discipline and control, and this is how we remember him best.

  F Today his music is still being played all over the world.

  参考答案 1-5 DBACE


  1. D 本段介绍贝多芬早年平生。前一句话说他的父亲对他要求十分严厉,而且酗酒成性。D说当他母亲亡故后,还是一个年轻人的贝多芬成为他两个小弟弟的监护人。把D放在这里意思连贯,是最适合的选项。

  2. B 本段介绍贝多芬成年后坎坷的遭遇,选B最合适。

  3. A 句中的this handicap承接上段,指上段最后一句话提到的耳聋这一残疾,全句的意思是说贝多芬身残志坚,继续音乐创作。原文最后一句列举了贝多芬的音乐成就,此处选A与上下文衔接自然,意思连贯。

  4. C 到此为止,作者介绍完了贝多芬的生平,需要做一个简要的概括。C说:他的一生是热切追求独立的一生。放在此处正合适。

  5. E 本段第一句提到歌德对贝多芬性情的评价,说他狂躁易怒,性情不羁。E说尽管贝多芬的性情狂躁不羁,但他的音乐却很有章法,控制有度,这也是他最值得我们怀念的地方。

