
时间:2023-08-02 03:19:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】暑假到,快乐的时钟,将开心摇摆;惬意的时光,将轻松播洒;美妙的日子,将身心愉悦;温馨的问候,将心田沁润。愿你逍遥过暑假,心情爽歪歪!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《难忘的暑假英语日记初中生》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.难忘的暑假英语日记初中生 篇一

  Summer vacation life is colorful, colorful, and full of endless fun. Among them, the most impressive thing for me is going to the animal kingdom.

  That day, my mother, my cousin and aunt went to the Silver Animal Kingdom together. After we entered the door, we saw a very large fake tree. I heard it costs 200 million yuan! Then I went to see the parrot, which was very beautiful with green and red colors. Next, we took a small train to see many gentle animals, including giraffes, bell sheep, and monkeys.

  Next, we took a sightseeing bus to the Beast Zone and saw many fierce animals such as tigers, lions, and bears. The animals were right next to the bus and I felt like I was in a big forest.

  Then we went to watch the performance again, but the actors here were many small animals such as dogs and cats, and their performances were very good and interesting. Then we went to see the cute little dog and rabbit again.

  Animal Kingdom is really fun, and I won't introduce it to you one by one here. If you have time, you can go and play around and feel the beauty of the forest!   

  I had a very happy summer vacation. I completed my summer homework on time and went out to play with my parents. I didn't delay my studies and learned a lot from life. This is really a meaningful summer vacation!

2.难忘的暑假英语日记初中生 篇二

  This summer vacation, I not only learned to swim and play badminton. I also went to Jiuzhaigou, Fangte, and bookstores to read a lot of books, and gained a lot.   The most unforgettable thing for me is to go to Jiuzhaigou, which is a world-famous scenic spot and a world intangible cultural heritage. Its scenery is very charming. God knocked over the paint plate and decorated it like a poem or a picture. Jiuzhaigou is named after nine villages. What I remember most is the multicolored pool, which is the smallest Lake in Jiuzhaigou. Although it is called wucaichi, it has more than five colors. Under the sunlight, it looks particularly beautiful. Because the colorful pool is so beautiful. My mother took more than 30 photos of me, which was very beautiful.

  After visiting Jiuzhaigou, we also went to see the performance of "Jiuzhai eternal love", which was very shocking and welcomed bursts of applause from the audience from time to time.

  Before I went, my mother said to me, "Jiuzhaigou is the place you still want to go." At that time, I was skeptical. After going there, I really wanted to go several times, because the scenery of Jiuzhaigou is different all year round.

  Although this summer vacation ended, it left me an unforgettable memory.

3.难忘的暑假英语日记初中生 篇三

  This summer vacation, I can be regarded as a very thrilling, because this summer vacation, there was an unforgettable thing for me.   That day, my cousin and I were playing by the fish pond in our house. Suddenly, I heard grandma telling us to go home and eat corn. My cousin and I hurried home along the fish pond one by one. Suddenly, my cousin running in front plunged into the fish pond, and I shouted, "danger!" Sooner or later, at the moment when my cousin was about to fall into the water, my hands firmly grasped my cousin's feet.

  It was very close. At this time, my cousin's head was only five inches high from the water surface of the fish pond, and my cousin was so scared that he cried loudly. I quickly shouted, "come on, help! Help!" Mom and dad heard the cry and rushed over. Dad and I tried our best to save my cousin.

  Fortunately, nothing happened, but this thing left a deep impression on my summer vacation.

4.难忘的暑假英语日记初中生 篇四

  Today, the weather is particularly hot and the sun is scorching. We came to Yinfeng Lake, which is known as "Little Sanya".

  The Silver Phoenix Lake in summer is a happy world for children. As soon as I arrived at Yinfeng Lake, I saw people fishing, enjoying the shade, and playing with sand... Yinfeng Lake has various fun projects, and I don't know which one to play with. Suddenly, I saw boats on the lake, so I said to my parents, "Mom and Dad, I want to take the Electric boat." Dad agreed.

  We put on Personal flotation device and sat on a white Electric boat. The boat gently rowed across the water and headed for the middle of the lake. The scenery in the center of the lake is really beautiful: the lake surface shimmers like silver satin, and the small willow trees by the lake proudly dance in the wind. Its beautiful posture is reflected on the lake surface, and the gentle breeze floats over the flowing sea, bringing a hint of coolness. It's really comfortable!

  Because it was his first time on a boat, his younger brother was excited and jumping around, and his mother had to hold him tightly in her arms. My sister was afraid of water, so she kept tightly grasping the railing.

  Half an hour of happy time quickly passed, and our family reluctantly returned home.

5.难忘的暑假英语日记初中生 篇五

  At 7 o'clock in the morning, I was awakened from my father's sleep. I said, "What's the matter?" My dad said, "Today we're going to the Daping Flower Sea." I was so excited that I almost jumped out of bed and quickly put on my clothes to wash myself. After washing up, I said to my father, "Shall we have breakfast outside?" "Mmm," my father replied. At 8 o'clock, we took the tourist bus and departed on time.

  Not long after, we arrived at the Flower Sea. As soon as I entered the gate, a faint fragrance of flowers rushed towards me, creating an ocean of flowers. There are red roses, yellow chrysanthemums, and pink dwarf Ipomoea nil...... Colorful flowers dazzle people.

  We walked and unknowingly arrived at the place where we took the small train. We lined up and got on the small train. Mom sat at the front to take photos for us as a memento, my brother and I sat in the middle with various gestures, and Dad sat at the back to be responsible for our safety. Along the way, the fragrance of flowers was fragrant, the scenery was picturesque, and we had a lot of fun with laughter and laughter.

  Near noon, we arrived at the picking garden and I picked up a bamboo basket and started picking. I picked a lot of vegetables, including tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers... These are all the fruits of my labor.

  Ah, you had such a great time this morning!
