

时间:2021-08-21 08:38:50 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】是您让梦想的翅膀带领我们飞翔,是您为我们青春的理想照亮方向,是您教给我们做人的道理,是您带领我们站在知识的殿堂,敬爱的老师,衷心祝您教师节快乐!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In the morning, I came to school. See many students around, gabbling about something. I put down my schoolbag and hurried over. I only heard one student say what gift should I give Mr. Xu today? Then I knew that today was teachers' day. I went back to my seat and thought what gift should I prepare? I can't think of it.

  After class, I was still thinking about this problem. When the teacher came to the classroom, I wanted to say "Happy Birthday to Mr. Xu", but I didn't have the courage to give a gift, and I didn't have anything good-looking on hand. Just when I was distressed, I thought of giving one made by myself, which was practical, but I knew that what I made was not good-looking at all. Besides, I didn't bring enough money to buy materials today. Oh, what should I do.

  Class, the teacher is still like that, meticulous class, or like that, with youthful vitality in the classroom to show a unique charm! I think it's not easy to be a teacher. I have to repeat this history every day: my voice has been hoarse for only a few days. Teacher, you are really like a silkworms, weaving the dream of spring, and like the spirit of spring, bringing us infinite hope and wonderful.

  After class, the students went to play. I'm still thinking about it. Anyway, I want to wish Mr. Xu a happy holiday.

  Class begins. I still don't have the courage. At this time, the teacher came in. The teacher asked, "don't you bless me?" monitor Qiu Meng counted "one, two, three" to the surrounding students. Everyone said in one voice: "happy teacher Xu's holiday!" I saw the teacher smile, which was so sweet.


  Some people say that the teacher is a light in the dark, pointing out the direction for us; Some people say that teachers are a clear spring in the desert, which brings us hope; Some people say that the teacher is a ray of sunshine in the cold, which makes us feel warm.

  My most admired teacher is our head teacher, Mr. Jin. His deepest impression on me is his carefulness. From the time of preschool education, he asked our team to be neat, the pace should be consistent, and even the position of his arms should be neat. His carefulness in training makes us full of confidence in the display.

  In school life, he is more careful. In normal hygiene, it can find scraps of paper on the ground, watermarks on glass, and even watermarks on glass. This makes our health excellent most of the time. In the usual study, he also asked us not to be empty in our usual homework. When dictating words, he can find that his classmates have written an ellipsis less. It is these seemingly trivial things that make us form the habit of being careful. His care makes us full marks every day in military training, and the team is as neat as one in long-distance running in winter.

  His carefulness makes our grades better and better and our class better and better. Let's play the clarinet neatly and sing the red song euphemistically. We can achieve excellent results in every activity. But his own body became more and more tired.

  ”When spring cicadas die, the wax torch turns into ashes and tears begin to dry. "This sentence represents the selflessness of teachers. They give us all the knowledge they know, but they are tired day by day. Therefore, our teachers are the most selfless people in the world. We can repay them only if we get a good result.


  It's late at night. I think Mr. Liu hasn't slept yet. At the end of our mediocre day, we put down everything and began to rest; Mr. Liu is still working. His busy day is not over.

  ”If you meet the head teacher of class 2, grade 9, you'll be in bad luck. "Yes, we have something to do

  The first time we met was in the seventh grade graduation examination. As a invigilator, he looked at everything below with keen eyes in the Chinese examination. Suddenly, a deafening voice broke out in our examination room, and the echo echoed all over the school,

  A dangerous and tense war is imminent

  When I knew that he was our new head teacher, I suddenly collapsed. The sky seemed to fall down, and the end of the world was coming. The world seemed dark

  After getting along with him for nearly a month, I found that he is not so terrible. He is not a tiger, nor is he a lion. He is our head teacher, the head teacher of class six of eight years. Because he has a bad temper, he roars at every turn. When he roars, he is frightening, and the whole teaching building can hear him. Because he always roars, his voice is not very good. Every time he talks about conversation , drink water. There are too many, too many things that happen to us, turning the world upside down and taking on a new look.

  Fate brings us together, fate makes us friends and fate makes us a family. There are too many fate beside us. They connect us closely like silk.

  Night, deep, past scenes floating in front of us, vivid

