
时间:2022-05-03 05:59:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Ⅰ、Listen and choose。听录音,选出你所听到的单词,并将其前面的字母标号填到题前的括号里, 请认真听。(10分)
( )1. A. make B. cake ( )2. A. lovely B. naughty
( )3. A fast food B. dragon boat ( )4. A. grass B. lake
( )5. A. mum B. dad ( )6. A. feed B.food
( )7. A.fly B. cry ( )8. A.knife B. fork
( )9. A. these B. those ( )10. A. hungry B. quiet
Ⅱ、Listen and number。听一听,为下列图片标上正确的序号。(10分)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Ⅲ、Listen and tick。听一听,用“√”选出正确的句子。(5分)
( )1.Do you use chopsticks in the UK? A. Yes,I do. B. No,we don’t.
( )2.Can you jump far? A. Yes,I can. B. No,I can’t.
( )3.What are those ? A. They’re dragon boats. B. They’re ducks.
( )4.Please be quiet. A. I’m working. B. I’m reading.
( )5.What are you doing ? A. We’re making a cake B. I’m watching TV.
Ⅳ、Listen and tick。听一听,用“√”选出正确答案。(10分)
5、( ) ( )
Ⅴ、Listen,choose and write。听一听,选一选,写一写(5分)
hungry quiet bread easy cry
1.It can _____.
2.It’s ________ for us.
3.Please be ________.
4.I’m __________.
5.Where is the _______ ?
Ⅵ、Listen and judge。听一听判断所给图片是否符合录音内容,并在括号里用“√”或“×”表示(10分)
cake chips dragon boats hamburger ducks
( ) 1.We’re making a _______.
A. make B. cake
( ) 2.These ducks are very _______.
A. naughty B. lovely
( ) 3.People row on this ________ .
A. lake B. take
( ) 4.Can you run ________ ?
A. far B. fast
( ) 5.Can I have an ice cream ?
A. Yes,I do. B. No,you can’t.
1.( )A.She can swim. 2.( )A.She is using chopsticks.
B.She can dance. B.She is using a knife and fork.
3.( )A.I can’t jump far. 4.( ) She is eating rice.
B.I can’t run fast. She is eating noodles.
1.Do you use chopsticks in the UK?
2.We’re making a cake.
3.These ducks are very naughty.
naughty far use drink cake
1.We’re making a _________.
2.Can you jump_________?
3.These ducks are very_________.
4.We ______ a knife and fork.
5.Can I have a ________?

