

时间:2021-07-30 12:43:48 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】《大林和小林》是二十世纪中国秀的民族童话精品之一,奇特的构思,夸张的手法,大胆的想象,曲折的情节,让人爱不释手,很容易被它深深吸引。《大林和小林》是继叶圣陶《稻草人》之后,中国现代文学第二个现实主义童话里程碑作品。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  During the holiday, I read Zhang Tianyi's children's literature, Stalin and Xiao Lin. The main characters of this book are Stalin and Xiao Lin. The book mainly talks about: there is a poor couple, they are very old, suddenly have children, this is Stalin and Xiao Lin, they are twins. Although they are the same, they are not the same in character and heart. One day, Stalin and Xiao Lin were chased and lost by monsters. Because of his greed, he made fox help, became the son of Baha rich man, and lived a life of food and mouth opening. He didn't learn anything, and finally starved to death. But Xiao Lin was bought four four squares by skin skin. He suffered from the pain there, but he also learned a lot of skills. Although Xiao Lin is not well, he is very happy.

  From this children's Literature: I deeply feel that Stalin is too greedy, and with the help of others, he became the son of a rich man. 200 followers don't have to come to dinner. They are always the number one and the second. I help him to stop the mouth and chew the food. Then I come and take a mirror and look into the food path to see if the food is chewed, Another follower helped him to poke the food down the esophagus, and he didn't even need to swallow it. And... I don't want to say it. He's just too happy. He's like a junk snack. He doesn't do anything. What's the point of living? We still students can not learn from him, or we will never do anything when we grow up. Is it like the end of Stalin's starvation?

  Besides, Xiao Lin, on the contrary, is kind-hearted and has been rescued. He works hard and supports himself with his sweat and lives happily. You say the same brother, why is the gap so big? We should learn like Xiao Lin, be positive and greedy, and create a good life with our own efforts.

  This is how I read this children's literature.


  This summer vacation, I read a book called "Stalin and Xiao Lin", which was published by Xinlei press in September, 2011.

  This book mainly tells about a very old couple, gave birth to a pair of twins, brother name is Stalin, younger brother called Xiao Lin, after a few years, the couple died successively, Stalin and Xiao Lin became orphans, they for life, wandering around, walked for a while, their water was drained, rice also finished. When looking for food, they also met monsters, who wanted to eat them. Stalin Ran East, Xiao Lin ran West, and they ran away. Stalin wants to be a rich man, so he has jewelry for monsters, and he won't run away from Xiao Lin. So he became the son of Baha, and lived a happy life of ease and enjoyment. Soon after that, in an accident, he was blown to the rich island by the wind, and he was starved alive for the sake of gold and silver and wealth. And what about Xiao Lin? He was bought by Sigg and became a slave to Sigg. He gave him breakfast every day, every day, and every day. His strength was greatly improved. He rescued Joe, who was turned into an egg, and helped many people in need. He was unwilling to be a slave, and with the help of his partners, he killed Sigg. He and Joe met the mabber who drove the train, and he became a train driver and lived a happy life.

  This book tells us: don't be greedy like Stalin, money is not everything. We should learn like Xiao Lin and be a helpful person.

  In my life, I also helped others. I remember that one day, after school, the sky was gloomy. In a short time, the big rain of beans fell down from the sky, like countless pearl broken the line. I saw that He Xi didn't take an umbrella, so I went to him and said, "I'll take you home!" I then took him into the rain. We walked and said, when we were happy, we laughed together. The crisp laughter seemed to pull up the rain curtain and usher in the sun. "Come in and have a rest!" he said when he got home“ No, I'm going home. " Then I went home with a trot.


  During this period of time, I read a book "Dalin and Xiaolin" written by Zhang Tianyi. The rich content of this book makes me unforgettable. After reading this book, I also have many feelings.

  "Dalin and Xiaolin" tells us: after the loss of their parents, Dalin and Xiaolin, the poor brothers, met a monster. In order to avoid the monster, they separated again. After being introduced by Fox Baobao, Dalin came to the rich man's home. Xiao Lin and his friends worked hard to become a train driver. Later, Dalin sank into the sea and starved to death.

  This book makes me think too much. First of all, it happened in a backward society. The rich depend on the poor to do free work for them to survive. Look at that king who only cares about his own interests and dislikes the poor and loves the rich. The poor are honest and kind. What an unfair society it is! I hope such a society will always appear in fairy tales, never in real life.

  Dalin and Kobayashi were brothers of the same countrymen, but they had different lives. We can also learn a lot from them. Why did Dalin change from thin to fat? Because he didn't know how to work and depended on his black hearted rich father to support him. It can be found that only a few days after his father died, he was "eliminated" because of his lack of social practice. In the twinkling of an eye, Xiao Lin was not lucky at first, but later he was obviously happier. To support oneself by oneself. From this, I can draw a conclusion: "labor creates a better future." Without the protection of his parents, Dalin drowned and went to the island of rich man, where he starved to death. Xiaolin created a bright future for himself with his own hands.

  After reading this book, I understand these profound principles. Can't grow up in the favor of parents, to learn to create a different future, otherwise nothing will be achieved in the future!

