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【#高一# 导语】想要学好英语首先要学好英语单词和短语。以下是©文档大全网整理的《高一英语必修一复习知识点梳理》希望能够帮助到大家。

1.高一英语必修一复习知识点梳理 篇一

  1.Calm down 平静下来;镇定下来

  2.Be concerned about 关心;挂念

  3.Make a list of 列出…

  4.Be crazy about 对…着迷

  5.According to 根据…所说;按照

  6.Get along with 与…相处;进展

  7.Fall in love 相爱;爱上

  8.Try out 试验;试用

  9.add up 合计

  10.set down 放下;记下;登记

  11.get sth. done 做…;使…被做;

  12.share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物

  13.go through 经历;经受;

  14.a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套

  15.on purpose 故意

2.高一英语必修一复习知识点梳理 篇二

  1.Prepare to do sth 准备做某事

  2.Get prepare 准备好

  3.instead of 代替

  4.a number of 大量的

  5.thousands of 成千上万的

  6.it seemed that Shake with 使受震惊

  7.Shake hands with sb.与某人握手

  8.Shake down 安顿下来

  9.Be bursting to do sth.急于做某事

  10.Burst with anger 勃然大怒

  11.Be in ruins 成为废墟

  12.Ruin ones hopes 使某人希望破灭

  13.Judge sb 评价

  14.Judge by/from 从...看来

  15.Be/feel honoured by 对...感到荣幸

  16.Give honour to sb 敬重

3.高一英语必修一复习知识点梳理 篇三

  1. get sb interested in 使某人对……感兴趣

  2. the best way of doing sth/the best way to do sth 干…的方法

  3. care about 关心;忧虑

  4. care for/to do sth 希望或同意做某事

  5. give in 投降;让步

  6. make camp 野营;宿营

  7. dream of doing 梦想做某事

  8. persuade sb into/out of (doing) sth 说服某人做某事/不做某事

  9. try to persuade sb to do 尽力说服某人做某事=advise sb to do sth

  10. insist on sth/doing sth 一定要(某事);坚决主张

  11. make up one's mind 下定决心

  12. put up one's tents 搭起帐篷

  13. set /break(beat)/hold a record 创造/打破/保持记录

  14. have a dream of sb/sth/doing sth 梦见某人/某物/梦想……

  15. dream of/about... dream a dream

4.高一英语必修一复习知识点梳理 篇四


  被动语态的概念:它是动词的一种形式,表示主语与谓语之间的执行或被执行关系。主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,例如:They saw the little boy crying by the river. 被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者,例如:The little boy was seen crying by the river.



  1、 一般现在时 am/is/are + 过去分词

  例如:Rice is planted in the south of China.

  2、 一般过去时 was/were + 过去分词

  例如:These trees were planted the year before last.

  3、 一般将来时 will/shall + be + 过去分词

  例如:A sports meeting will be held next week in our school.

  4、 现在进行时 am/is/are + being + 过去分词

  例如:Your radio is being repaired now.

  5、 过去进行时 was/were + being + 过去分词

  When he got there, the problem was being discussed.

  6、 现在完成时 have/has + been + 过去分词

  His work has been finished.

  Has his work been finished? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.

5.高一英语必修一复习知识点梳理 篇五



  2、时间状语:The next day (morning, year…),the following month(week…),etc.

  3、基本结构:主语+was/were +going to + do+其它;主语+would/should + do+其它

  4、否定形式:主语+was/were+not + going to + do; 主语+would/should + not + do.

  5、一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;would/should 提到句首。

  6、例句:He said he would go to Beijing the next day.他说他第二天要去北京。

  I asked who was going there.我问,谁要去那里。

  二、 现在进行时


  2、时间状语:Now, at this time, days, etc. look. listen

  3、 baihuawen.cn 基本结构:主语+be +doing +其它

  4、否定形式:主语+be +not +doing+其它


  6、例句:How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何?

  He is doing well in his lessons.在课上他表现得很好。

6.高一英语必修一复习知识点梳理 篇六

  1. because of 因为…… (注意和because 的区别)

  2. even if (= even thoug)即使,用来引导让步状语从句

  3. come up 走上前来,走近,发生,出现 come up with 追上,赶上,提出

  4. communicate with sb 和某人交流

  5. be different from… 与……不同

  be different in … 在……方面不同

  Most of my projects are different in performance.


  6. be based on 以……为基础

  7. at present 目前,眼下 for the present眼前;暂时

  8. make (good/better/fulll)use of

  9. the latter后者 the former 前者

  10. a large number of 大量的 the number of …的数量

  11. such as 例如

  12. hold on 坚持住,握住不放;(打电话时)等—会

  13. … you will hear the difference in the way(that/ in which) people speak.


  14. play a role/ part (in) 在…中担任角色;在…中起作用;扮演一个角色

  15. the same …as… 与……一样
