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【#英语资源# 导语】实践证明,军训是培养学生良好意志品质的极好形式。军训培养和磨炼了大学生果断、勇敢、顽强、自制和坚韧不拔的优良意志品质。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《新生军训英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.新生军训英语日记 篇一

  How can a seedling grow into a towering tree without experiencing the baptism of wind and frost? How can an eagle soar in the sky without experiencing setbacks of wind and rain? We, as young people, are also like this. Without hard training, how can we see a rainbow?

  In this military training, let me witness the brave and heroic demeanor of the soldiers, and the majestic and powerful steps of the instructors, which vividly impressed me. It is precisely they who are not afraid of the harsh cold and heat, guarding the country, that has given us today's beautiful life. Thinking of this, the instructors are all full of energy. As young people in the new era, shouldn't we, the future of our country, be even more full of energy and energy? I lifted my head higher and the person stood straighter.

  With the scorching sun overhead, our hair and sweat stinging us, we held back and tried to stay as still as possible. Although the expression may be unsightly after a long exposure, it must hold out.

  The song that the instructor taught us to sing is sonorous and powerful, talking about unity and serving the country! Serving the people should be a very difficult but also very happy thing. The instructors are wearing long sleeved pants. Although they are hot, they do not show it on their faces. Military appearance is an iron discipline. Beans of sweat the size of beans were smashed down, and they didn't take it seriously and were still wholeheartedly teaching us. Aren't they tired? Isn't it hot? No! In fact, they are more tired and hot, but their strong willpower has suppressed their emotions in their hearts.

  Military training is spicy, sour, bitter, tired, but also sweet! The most appropriate way to describe it is to say 'bitter comes sweet' or 'bitter first, then sweet'. Military training not only hones our willpower, but also cultivates our character of enduring hardship and hard work. The door to success has always been open to those with strong willpower, even to those with strong willpower.

  Through a brief few days of military training, I will continue to strive and strictly demand myself in my future studies and life, to be a strong willed person like an instructor, and move forward bravely towards the sunshine!

2.新生军训英语日记 篇二

  Primary school life has ended, and junior high school life has begun. The first thing to welcome us is the five day military training. Today is the first day.

  I entered the campus early in the morning with excitement, preparing to embark on a new journey in life. The sun was shining brightly, and all of us gathered on the playground. August is a hot season, and the birds that used to soar in the sky also stop on the branches, unwilling to fly again. The grass was listless from the sun, lazily bending down, and the flowers were so sunburned that they hid their beautiful little face.

  We gathered on the school playground to hold the military training opening ceremony. The instructors responsible for this military training have already lined up neatly. The opening ceremony was presided over by various leaders, starting with the flag raising ceremony. The instructors' upright posture and dard movements left a deep impression on the students. After a speech, the principal announced that the military training for freshmen in junior high school - now begins!

  The instructor who led us, surnamed Li, was not very tall and had an ordinary appearance. However, the military spirit emanating from him from the inside out made me think he was very extraordinary.

  The content of today's training is, and resting. Instructor Li sternly demanded that we maintain our military posture without moving, and at attention with a clean and neat posture. After the training, the students were all sweating profusely, both bitter and sweet, and they also experienced a lot from it.

  As noon approached, the sun became even more scorching, and we finally looked forward to a break. During the break, Instructor Li interacted kindly with everyone. He was very humorous and always made everyone burst into laughter. Originally, he was not as harsh and strict as I thought.

  During the afternoon training, the weather was also very hot, and the scorching sun above my head was unbearable. However, my classmates chose to grit their teeth and persevere. Unable to persevere, he went to the rest area for a brief rest and immediately returned to the class team for training. The class teachers were all with us, very close to us, cheering us on. The camera keeps recording our training time throughout the day.

  A day of fulfillment, a day of harvest, and a day of soreness have come to an end. During training, I realized that unity is the true essence of strength, that we must obey our instructors, and that we must also how to accept trials and tribulations.

  The first day of military training was very tiring, but I couldn't help but pick up a comparison pen, use it, and record this moment with my heart. Looking forward to a beautiful tomorrow!

3.新生军训英语日记 篇三

  Today is the penultimate day of military training, so we had a rehearsal in the afternoon and it arrived before our class time. But I will definitely perform well at tomorrow's conference performance.

  The military posture this morning is not worth mentioning, and there was no standing posture in the afternoon due to time. In the morning and afternoon, I have been practicing several tasks for the performance, namely: resting, standing at attention, walking in unison, running and squatting, turning left, right, and back.

  During the rehearsal in the afternoon, I saw the tall and upright military posture of other classes, and tomorrow I will also showcase my style. Each of our exercises is basically formed. So at tomorrow's big show, I also want to showcase my style. Having said so much, it still depends on tomorrow's performance!

  Today, our head coach gave us some fire protection knowledge. Because all of our instructors are from the fire brigade, tomorrow is the end of the entire military training life. I must do a good job tomorrow and prove myself!

4.新生军训英语日记 篇四

  In the blink of an eye, three days of military training passed. Although it wasn't a long time, in these short three days, I grew, and everyone also grew. Compared to the bold and person who just stepped into school, I can truly say that I have changed my face.

  In the afternoon, we were training on the playground in the scorching sun, and even wearing a thick layer of sunscreen was of no use. We first reviewed all the basic actions from yesterday, and then we started learning the new content for today. The instructor asked us to squat down in the front two rows first, and then let us learn to step in place. This sounds like an easy task for children. No! It's not that easy, first of all, I need to adjust my military posture. I according to the essentials and showcase my spiritual outlook. When hearing the command, first lift your left foot, while keeping your right hand in front, and then follow the command. This is to test our .

  Okay! At the instructor's command, everyone started to move. At first, everything was fine, but soon the speed became very fast. The instructor scolded us and said, 'Too fast.' As soon as it slowed down, I was in a hurry, so I took the opportunity to step on one foot more. Whoa! Finally, I got better. After stopping and practicing a few more times, I couldn't keep up and almost wanted to quit and return to the classroom. But so many classmates have persevered, and I will definitely be able to. If I quit at this moment, I won't be laughed at by others.

  No, I can't make others look down on me. I worked harder and more seriously than before, putting in 12% of my spirit, and finally, I achieved it. I overcame the self who retreated when encountering difficulties.

  Today, after training, my legs hurt everywhere from top to bottom, and my shoulders are sore. However, I am very happy because today I am better and stronger than before.

  I am full of confidence, and I believe that in my future studies, I will no longer be cowardly!

  Struggle! Youth!

5.新生军训英语日记 篇五

  Today is August 17th, the first day of military training. After graduating from sixth grade, it's summer vacation. During the summer vacation, I was too relaxed about my requirements, and today's military training also gave me a lot of feelings.

  On weekdays, I see soldiers dressed neatly and their movements neat and on TV. Their every move and every move exudes vitality and energy, with a majestic upright demeanor. When listening to the teacher talk about military training, people don't care. They think it's just walking and in line, but it's really not like that.

  In the morning, bathed in brilliant sunlight, the instructor led the team to conduct training after listening to the precautions. In the morning, we practice posture. posture is simple to say, but it is not easy to practice. Heels together, toes separated by 60 degrees, calves exerting force, straightening feet... A set of movements were done, adjusted, and after for a few minutes, I felt pain in the soles of my feet, slight numbness in my legs, and stiffness in my body. At the beginning, there was still wind. Later, the sun became strong and toxic, causing sweat all over the body and thirst. Some people felt uncomfortable when exposed to the sun. They stood for half an hour and could feel the pain on their feet. When the instructor ordered a "rest", their legs numbed and the whole body felt a bit soft. When they drank water, it was really comfortable!

  In the morning, we stood in a military posture, and in the afternoon, we delved deeper into the content based on military posture. In the afternoon, we practiced military etiquette and other content, and obviously avoided the scorching sun. However, we were still tired and hot, missing the air conditioning fan at home! This is the idea in my heart.

  Today's training made me realize the difficulty of being a soldier. Today's temperature is only in our early thirties, and we are all a bit overwhelmed. Thinking of soldiers, no matter how hot or cold they may be, they have no complaints about normal operations. Our entire team also spent more than ten minutes, and the soldiers were neat and swift. My respect for soldiers naturally arises.

  Today's military training has also made me realize the gap between myself and soldiers. We must learn from soldiers and become pillars of the country as soon as possible.
