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【#英语听力# 导语】听力学习同其他内容一样,一定要从基础抓起,尤其是语音的矫正与辨别不容忽视。只有从基础的语音入手,逐步过渡到单词、短语、句子、对话和语篇,才能真正起到提高听力的作用。下面是®文档大全网分享的高中英语听力场景词汇。欢迎阅读参考!



  1. spiders are intelligent,inventive and good friends to people.蜘蛛是聪明的,有创造力的,是人们的好朋友。

  2. highly developed nervoussy stems高度发达的神经系统

  3. be capable of remembering 能够记住

  4. remarkable engineers 杰出的工程师

  5. above sea level高于海平面

  6. below the earth's surface在地球表面以下

  7. in caves在山洞里

  8. a stretching strength伸展的力量

  9. superior to most flexible products优于大多数柔性产品

  10. catch and hold animals抓住动物

  11. as large as mice像老鼠一样大

  12. insect昆虫

  13. get stuck陷入困境

  14. the swinging web摇摆的网

  15. without the spider, human life would be in danger.如果没有蜘蛛,人类的生命将面临危险。

  16. most of a spider's energies are devoted to catching and eating insects.蜘蛛的大部分精力都用来捕捉和吃掉昆虫。

  17. Without spiders, insects would multiply and cover the earth,destroying the vegetation.如果没有蜘蛛,昆虫就会繁殖并覆盖地球,破坏植被。

  18. It has been estimated that 据估计

  19. destroy an amount of insects 消灭大量昆虫



  1. Of all the famous Englishwriters, probably the best-known is …在所有的英国作家中,最的可能是…

  2. He was born in… in 1564 onApril 23rd.他出生于…1564年4月23日。

  3. His father was an important man他父亲是个重要人物

  4. be well brought up教养良好

  5. get married to sb与某人结婚

  6. the couple had 3 children.这对夫妇有三个孩子。

  7. write plays and poems.写剧本和诗歌。

  8. stories called tragedies故事叫做悲剧

  9. funny stories有趣的故事

  10. comedies喜剧

  11. romantic stories浪漫故事

  12. stories about historical figures历史人物故事

  13. die on his birthday在他生日那天死去

  14. influence on影响

  15. It was … who came up with many expressions, which we still use today是…他想出了许多我们今天仍在使用的表达方式

  16. be as fascinated by his works对他的作品同样着迷



  1. do all the experiments做所有的实验

  2. keep the results in your lab notebook把结果记在你的实验笔记本上

  3. collect the notebooks收集笔记本

  4. every two weeks每两周一次

  5. be graded被评分

  6. on lab notebooks and quizzes在实验室笔记簿和测验上

  7. safety安全

  8. wear shoes穿鞋子

  9. lab实验室

  10. get caught in something被什么东西缠住了

  11. fall into liquid掉进液体里

  12. clean up清理

  13. waste浪费

  14. containers.容器。

  15. mix liquid with paper把液体和纸混合

  16. fires火灾

  17. responsible负责的

  18. equipment 设备


  1. I’m the teaching assistant forthis lab session.我是这次实验课的助教。

  2. Let me explain a little aboutit.让我解释一下。

  3. It’s a required meeting once aweek.每周必须开一次会。

  4. Don’t wear loose clothes, longscarves, bignecklaces, or loose belts不要穿宽松的衣服、长围巾、大项链或松腰带



  1. rent a car.租一辆车。

  2. warm温暖的

  3. cool凉爽的

  4. comfortable舒适的

  5. surprising.令人惊讶

  6. take any sweaters有毛衣吗

  7. Anyway, I love it.不管怎样,我很喜欢。

  8. the most beautiful city最美丽的城市

  9. charming迷人的

  10. get around绕过

  11. bus公共汽车

  12. streetcars有轨电车

  13. the cable cars缆车

  14. terrific极好的

  15. tourist旅行者

  16. sightseeing观光

  17. old villages古老的村庄

  18. locals当地人

  19. Villagers村民

  20. tired of visitors厌倦了来访者

  21. tour guides导游

  22. disturb their peace扰乱他们的安宁

  23. make rules for tourists.为游客制定规则。

  24. photograp people without asking不经询问就给人拍照

  25. gardens花园

  26. drop litter扔垃圾

  27. local resident当地居民

  28. an open-air museum露天博物馆

  29. resident居民

  30. photographers摄影师

  31. pleasant.令人愉快。


  1. Tourism is playing a more andmore important role旅游业正发挥着越来越重要的作用

  2. the number of tourists willrise by 50% in the next decade.未来十年,游客人数将增长50%。

  3. There are windmills and traditionalwooden houses.这里有风车和传统的木屋。

  4. How was the West Coast?西海岸怎么样?

  5. There's much more to see anddo.还有更多的事情要看和做。

  6. I had a wonderful time.我玩得很开心。

  7. It was really nice to get awayfrom the city for a while.离开城市一段时间真是太好了。

  8. What did you think of LosAngeles?你觉得洛杉矶怎么样?

  9. I liked it better than Ithought I would.我比我想象的更喜欢它。

  10. It's very clean and spacious, and it's got a lot of trees.它非常干净宽敞,还有很多树。

  11. The problem is transportation.问题是运输。

  12. The bus service is terrible.公共汽车服务很差。

  13. They don't have any subway, so it's a little difficult to getaround.他们没有地铁,所以出行有点困难。

  14. Was the weather good?天气好吗?

  15. What is the weather like?天气怎么样?
