
时间:2022-09-23 21:03:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】道路千万条,安全第一条,交通安全是非常重要的。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  People can't live without safety everywhere, but danger always lingers in the summer. Perhaps, when playing in the summer, a moment of neglect will bring others lifelong regret. Security makes our lives more fragile and valuable. The world is wonderful because of life.

  I once read a news that it is hot in summer. The little boy went to the park to play. On the way, he hit the ball at the roadside and the ball rolled out. He rushed to the middle of the road regardless of everything. Perhaps, his simple thought did not think of the sad consequences. It was unfortunate that a truck came at a gallop and crushed him to pieces, leaving him in the deep land forever. Parents' tears fell from the sky like a downpour. Who can hear them. God is merciful and compassionate. But what can we do? We have to lament helplessly and bear the pain of losing our children. It's really pathetic!

  In summer life, many people do not pay attention to traffic safety and act recklessly. The driver jumped over the car and hurt many people. This is irresponsible for oneself and others. What was left in the rush, only the floating dust? When I was riding in the summer, I saw "a drop of wine for the driver, a drop of tears for the relatives. Be careful in the summer!" Slogan for. I am ashamed of your ignorance. Is it a piece of paper in your heart? Does it only represent emptiness? This made me think deeply.

  Bloody traffic accidents always remind people not to forget the painful lessons and never treat life as a joke. It also tells us that everyone's life is unique. We should cherish life. The lesson of blood has sounded the alarm bell of traffic safety for our modern people. But how many people really care?

  Dear friends, cherish your life, be a person who abides by traffic rules, and let happiness accompany us forever. Let's work together to make our relatives less worried and more happy!


  When I was young, I always liked to stand on a small bench and imitate the traffic police to direct the traffic. On March 16, I finally went to the traffic police brigade. On the way to the traffic police brigade, I was full of curiosity. What new high-tech is there in the traffic police brigade? With this question, I came to the traffic police brigade.

  When we got there, Officer Song of the Traffic Police Brigade warmly welcomed us. A police aunt showed us around the high-tech exhibition hall. What impressed me most was the Wall of Sorrow and the Wall of Happiness. The Wall of Sorrow was full of photos of cars and people killed. On the wall of happiness, there are pictures of a family playing happily. According to the announcer's aunt, there is only one step between happiness and sadness, but the consequences are very different.

  The most interesting is a kind of machine integrating walkie talkies and video cameras, which can investigate and collect evidence, request support and report information at any time. This kind of machine facilitates the work of the traffic police uncle.

  In addition to other small journalists' visits, I interviewed Officer Song: "How many years have you been engaged in the traffic police industry?" "32 years." Officer Song replied proudly, saying that he was not afraid of hardship and tiredness, and loved the profession of traffic police very much. I also asked: What do you think of the violation of traffic rules by primary and secondary school students Police Officer Song said that he kept telling students about traffic "laws and regulations, so that they could develop the habit of abiding by traffic laws and regulations."

  Finally, we solemnly swear in front of the oath wall to be a person who abides by traffic rules. This time, I went to the traffic police brigade to understand the hardships of the traffic police uncle, and also unveiled the mystery of the traffic police brigade.


  On the evening of the 23rd of December, my parents and I went to Amy's Department Store to buy clothes.

  As the New Year is approaching, some shops in the street are decorated with lanterns and decorations, and people are coming and going. The street was jammed with cars on the already narrow road. After walking in Amy's Department Store for a while, I felt that clothes were too expensive, so I wanted to go to Jinling Mall to have a look.

  When I arrived at Anxi Bridge, I suddenly heard a harsh voice, "Zhi......". I looked around and saw a girl lying in a pool of blood, with a van beside her. Soon, several police uncles came to the scene, and then an ambulance came to Anxi Bridge.

  The nurse in white carried the injured girl onto the car, "ding dong ding dong", and the ambulance hurried away. I was shocked by the scene in front of me. In fact, many traffic accidents like this happen every day in China. I was thinking that if the van did not drive so fast, the girls would not be injured and the traffic accident would not occur. If everyone pays attention to safety and abides by traffic rules, traffic accidents will be reduced.


  With regard to traffic safety, the school attaches great importance to it. It has emphasized more than once that students are not allowed to ride electric bikes to school, go against the road, or run through red lights... For this reason, the school has asked us to write a guarantee before.

  Every year, there are more than a few safety accidents caused by electric vehicles, and not only electric vehicles, but also three wheels and four wheels account for a large proportion. However, many students still don't pay attention to safety.

  After the four-wheel electric vehicles stipulated not long ago must have a license plate before they can go on the road, yesterday, various working groups and small groups issued a notice that all two wheel electric vehicles must also have a license plate, and the vehicles can only go on the road with helmets. It's a little sudden, but it's for everyone's safety after all.

  Continuing to talk about traffic safety, the afternoon class meeting is about this topic. Teacher Xie let us watch two videos about electric vehicle accidents. In the videos, many electric vehicles caught fire or even exploded because they were parked in the corridor and charged by pulling wires privately. There are also some electric vehicles, because the road is slippery in rainy days, and the speed is too fast, resulting in accidents such as crashes and slips.

  I always think that the danger is far away from us, and it is safe to ride an electric bike, and there will be no traffic accidents, but what is the truth? Often these dangers are around us, but we are unaware of them.

  How many people have lost their lives because of carelessness and carelessness. Traffic safety is very important for our teenagers. Each of us should pay attention to it. What we should do is to stop riding electric bikes, not going against the road, not running the red light, and try to walk to school.

  Everyone has only one life. We need to cherish it. We can't make a big mistake because of our carelessness!


  On Saturday morning, it was sunny and sunny.

  Xiaoming and Xiaohong are going to play football in the park. They walk and play football. Playing, the ball was suddenly kicked to the middle of the road. Xiao Ming rushed to pick up the ball. At that moment, a car came quickly. Seeing this, Xiaohong hurriedly ran to hold Xiaoming's clothes. The car sped past them. After the car left, Xiao Hong picked up the ball.

  She said to Xiaoming, "Why do you run across the street without looking at the road? It's so dangerous!" Xiaoming bowed his head and said, "Thank you for holding me in time just now. I will never play by the road again." They went to the park with the ball.

  Children, we should pay attention to traffic safety in the future. Don't play by the road!
