【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念系列教材的经典早已不言而喻。其文章短小精悍,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统,历来被公认为是适合大多数中学生课外学习的资料之一。®文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注®文档大全网!
1 When the writer consulted his railway timetable _____ .
a. he wanted to find out how long the express train to Westhaven took
b. he wanted to know the quickest way of getting to Westhaven by rail
c. he did not notice how many stations there were on the way to Westhaven
d. he misread the information concerning the time the journey took
by rail ==by train
2 At what point did the writer realize that the train was not travelling at the speed of anexpress train?
a. When the train had reached the station after Widley.
b. When the train had been held up by signals.
c. After the train had stopped at several small stations.
d. After the train had covered a distance of thirty miles.
at the speed of 以……的速度
express train 特快列车
3 When the writer went to the station master, he complained about _____ .
a. the train scheduled as an express train having in fact been a slow one
b. the lack of colour in the timetable
c. the lack of any express trains from his local station to Westhaven
d. the fact that the Westhaven express had been suspended from service
complain about/of 抱怨
4 We have learnt to expect _____ punctual. (l.1)
a. trains being b. trains to be c. of trains being d. trains are going to be
5 _____ exceptionally heavily might railway services be temporarily dislocated. (ll.5-6)
a. If only it smowed b. Only in case it snows c. Only were it to snow d. Only when snow
only所引导的状语从句用在句首,句子必须倒装, if条件句,如果if省略,were要前置
6 The express train went direct from my local station to Westhaven _____ a mere hour andseventeen minutes. (l.10)
a. in b. lasting c. a journey which lasted d. a journey of
7 One hour and seventeen minutes passed _____ still to cover half the distance. (ll.16-17)
a. before we had b. before having c. when we had d. and we had
8 When he denied the train’s existence, I asked if I _____ borrow his copy. (ll.19-20)
a. can b. may c. might d. was able to
9 Even a mighty express train can be _____ by signals. (l.14)
a. halted b. retarded c. slowed up d. delayed
held up == delayed
halt 停止
retard 防止
slow up 减慢
10 I determined to lodge a complaint _____ on arrival. (l.18)
a. firstly b. punctually c. straight d. immediately
11 _____ , I told him that it was there in black and white. (ll.20-21)
a. Noting my triumph b. Sounding triumphant c. On a triumphant note d. In my triumphantvoice
12 Glancing at it briefly, he told me I should _____ . (l.21)
a. take another look b. review it c. oerlook it d. have second sight
review 复习
overlook 忽视,宽恕,检查,监督
【Key to Multiple choice questions】
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. A
1 In assuming that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture, historians madethe mistake of _____ .
a. relying solely on the written word
b. disregarding the markings that early man had been responsible for
c. supposing that nomadic man had no reason to understand the seasons
d. not connecting the passage of days with the phasesof the moon
2 The scientific evidence that has recently come to light is that _____ .
a. nomads engraved the bones and tusks of the animals they killed
b. noads lived by hunting and fishing
c. nomads travelled widely in various parts of the world
d. the markings made by variousnomadic groups all have a definite pattern
3 The paintings which have been found on the walls of nomadic dwelling places _____ .
a. have taught historians something about the nomadic way of life
b. have no other content than their artistic merit
c. are not thought to be connected with an ancient calendar system
d. are invariably accompanied by odd dots, lines and symbols
4 It _____ as if they could see nad hear us in action. (ll.6-7)
a. was b. were c. should be d. will be
5 Even _____ seem insignificant remains can shed interesting … (ll.8-9)
a. they b. which c. what d. those to
6 Historians are now able to read this difficult code _____ markings made in … (ll.15-16)
a. with correlating b. having correlated c. which correlates d. for they correlate
7 _____ be a definite relation between these paintings and the …(ll.19-21)
a. It could b. There can c. There may d. It might
8 Historians have long tried to _____ dots, lines and … (l.13)
a. puzzle b. puzzle out c. riddle d. detect
9 By correlating markings made in _____ parts of the world … (ll.15-16)
a. different b. several c. many d. other
10 ---- historians have been able to read _____ . (l.16)
a. these puzzling signs b. this hard law c. thesedifficult signals d. this uneasy letter
11 Until recently historians assumed that calendars _____ with the advent of agriculture. (l.10)
a. came to existence b. came toexisting c. cme to exist d. were existential
come to +动词原形: come to record ; come to exist ; come into existence
12 The people who lived by hunting and fishing during the last Ice Age _____ .(ll.14-15)
a. wandered from place to place b. lived in villages c. first learnt to write d. learnt how to farmthe land
【Key to Multiple choice questions】
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. C 12. A
1 Why were the passengers so relieved when the boulders disappeared?
a. Bruce could now drive even faster.
b. They had covered the greater part of the distance to the village.
c. It seemed less likely that they would meet with disaster.
d. They had seen the huge fissure that lay ahead of them.
2 When they reached the fissure, Bruce stopped the car because _____ .
a. the passengers had begged him to do so
b. he wanted to know the exact dimensions of the fissure
c. he thought it was safer to drie across it without the passengers
d. he was not sure whether the car was wide enough to bridge it
In response to renewed pleadings , Bruce stopped.
3 Bruce’s reaction to the final episode shows that _____ .
a. he was not the sort of person to be perturbed by anything
b. he was extremely brave in face of danger
c. he had underestimated the depth of the pool
d. when it came to crossing water, his driving was nto good enough
4 He believed _____ a car as fast as it could possibly go. (ll.7-8)
a. driving in b. he would drive c. to drive d. in driving
believe sb. / sth. that / in
5 _____ when the boulders suddenly disappeared. (l.13)
a. How relieved we felt b. What a relief we were feeling
c. So relieved we felt d. How we felt relieved
what感叹句的主体词是名词;how 感叹句的主体词是形容词。
6 Bruce _____ when the car came to a grinding halt. (l.21)
a. hadcharged through it midway b. charged through it to the middle
c. charged midway through it d. was in the middle of charging through it
7 Bruce cherfully announced that the engine _____ out of oil. (l.22)
a. ran b. had run c. was running d. has run
run out of
8 Glancing at his map, heinformed us that the next village was _____ twenty miles away. (ll.4-5)
a. simply b. boringly c. only d. in significantly
9 ---- where nothing could _____ but clumps of trees. (ll.13-14)
a. hinder our rogress b. spoil our course c. hold up our train d. harm our way
hinder== obstacle
10 When we pleaded _____ , bruce stopped. (l.15)
a. afresh b. aloud c. repeatedly d. forcibly
11 He said: ‘It’s fifteen miles _____ the village. ’ (ll.19-20)
a. until b. to c. from d. before
12 ---- obstacle was a shallow pool of water half a mile _____ . (ll.20-21)
a. side by side b. from top to bottom c. from side to side d. up and down
【Key to Multiple choice questions】
1. C 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10 .C 11. B 12. C
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