sack 麻袋,纸袋,塑料袋 a ~of cement
sacred 神圣的 the ~ name of God
sacrifice 献祭,供奉 a law banning the ~ of animals
salute 敬礼,祝贺 ~ one’s superior officer
scan 细看,审视 ~ the doctor’s face for a sign of hope
scare 惊吓,恐惧 The thunder ~d the children
scatter 撒,撒播~ corn for the chickens
schedule 时间表,进度表 a fight ~
scheme 计划,方案 He suggested several ~s to increase sales
scold 责骂,训斥 Dad ~ed me for coming home late
score 得分,比分,分数,成绩 At the end of first half there’s no ~
scorn 轻蔑,鄙视 He ~s lying
scrap 碎片,零屑 ~s of bread
scrape 刮,擦 ~one’s chin
scratch 抓,刮,擦 The cat ~ed me with its claws
screen 屏,幕,帘 a folding ~
secure 安全的,可靠的,有把握的 a castle ~from attack
seek 寻找,探索 ~ shelter from the rain
seize 抓住,捉住 The policeman ~d him by the collar
sense 感官,官能 Sight ,hearing ,touch, taste, and smell are the five ~s
sensible 明知的,合情理的 a ~ choice
serve 服务,履行职责 He ~d as an adviser to the company
set 放置 He set his hand on my shoulder
shade 荫,荫凉处 The group of trees provide some ~ from the sun
sham 假装,虚伪 Her illness was a ~ to gain sympathy
shame 羞耻,羞愧 flush with ~
shape 形状,外形 the ~ of sb’s face
share 一分,分额,一部分 They divided the money into equal ~s
shear 剪,修剪 ~ a lawn
shed 流 ~ one’s blood for one’s country
sheer 完全的,十足的 ~ nonsense
shelter 掩蔽处,躲避处 a bus ~
shield 盾,保护物,防御物 They piled more sand on top as a ~
shift 转移,移动 Don’t try to ~the blame onto me
shower 阵雨,阵雨般的东西 be caught in a hard ~
shrewd 机灵的,敏锐的,精明的 a ~ guess
signify 表示,表明,预示 ~ consent with a nod simulate 假装,冒充 use tricks to ~ illness
sit 坐,就坐 He was sitting over his coffee with a cigar
sketch 素描,速写 make a ~ of a face in pencil
slack 不紧的,不严的 a ~ soft rope
slender 苗条的,修长的,细长的 She is ~ and has long dark hair
slide 滑行,滑动,滑落 The drawers of my desk ~ in and out easily
slim 苗条的,薄的 Regular exercise will make you slimmer
slip 滑倒,滑落,滑行 She ~ed on the wet stones and fell
slit 切开,撕开 ~ the envelope open
slope 倾斜,有坡度 The ground ~s down sharply at this point
sly 狡猾的,偷偷的 a ~answer
smart 聪明的,精明的 Smart students talk earlier than the average
smash 打碎,打破,摧毁 The ball ~ed the window
smooth 平滑的,光滑的~ skin
snatch 夺得,一把抓住 The thief ~ed her handbag and ran off
snob 势力的人,谄上欺下的人 a ~ of the first water
soak 湿透,浸湿,浸泡 You shouldn’t have gone out in the rain-your clothes are ~ing