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【#小学英语# 导语】假如生活是一条河流,愿你是一叶执著向前的小舟;假如生活是一叶小舟,愿你是个风雨无阻的水手。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《小学五年级英语下册句子【三篇】》供您查阅。




⑴--- Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?
  ---I like +季节+ best. (例:I likespring∕summer∕fall∕winter best)
  ---或:I like summer, because I can swim in the sea.
  ⑵--- Whatis your favourite season? 你最喜爱的季节是什么?
  --- Spring∕summer∕fall∕winter is my favourite season.
  2. 询问天气:
  --- What is the weather like in fall inBeijing? 北京秋天的天气是怎么样的?
  --- It is sunny and cool.
  3. 询问理由:
  --- Why do you like winter best? 为什么你最喜欢冬天?
  --- Because I can play with snow and make asnowman.
  4. 询问想要做什么
  --- What would you like to do?
  --- I’d like to climb∕play sports…… ( I’d = I would )
  5. 询问具体季节
  --- What season is it in March in Beijing? 北京的三月份是什么季节?
  --- It is spring.
  6. 询问能做什么
  --- What can I do there? 我在那里能做什么?
  --- You can go to the Great Wall. 你可以去长城。
  7. 询问接下来打算去哪里?( be going to一般将来时)
  --- Where are you going on vacation? 假期你打算去哪里?
  --- I am going toCanada. 我将要去加拿大。
  8. Summer is fromJune to August. 六月至八月是夏天。
  9. How do Ilook? 我看起来怎么样?
  10. Send me apostcard. 寄明信片给我。
  11. How did THAThappen? 那是怎么发生的!
  12. When is the best time to go to Beijing? Fall. 什么时候最适合去北京?秋天。
  1. 特殊疑问句:
  ⑴which 引导的特殊疑问句,询问喜欢哪个季节: Which season do you like best?
  ⑵why 引导的特殊疑问句,询问喜欢某个季节的原因:Why do you like summer?
  ⑶when 引导的特殊疑问句,询问什么时候:When is the best time to go to Beijing?
  2. 第三人称单数形式: say—says (说) ask—asks (问) come—comes (来)
  3. 单复数:tree—trees (树) leaf—leaves (叶子)
  4. 同义词:fall—autumn 秋天
  5. 同义句:Which season do you like best? ----- What’s yourfavourite season?
  6. snowy 下雪的 cloudy多云的 rainy下雨的

  1. 询问生日的时间:
  ⑴---- Whenis your / his / her birthday? 你的/ 他的/ 她的生日在什么时候?
  ---- My / his / her birthday is in June.在六月。
  ⑵---- Is your / his / her birthday inJuly? 你的 / 他的/ 她的生日在七月吗?
  ---- Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
  2. 询问日期:
  ---- What is the datetoday? / What date is it today? 今天几号?
  ---- It is June 1st. 今天六月一号。
  区分:(问星期)---- What dayis it today? 今天星期几?
  ---- It is Sunday. 今天星期天。
  3. 问节日:
  ---- When is the Teachers’ Day? 教师节是什么时候?
  ---- It is September 10th.
  ---- How many birthdays arethere in January? 一月有多少人生日?
  ---- There are … .
  5. 询问谁的生日在某月:
  ---- Who has a birthday in October? 谁的生日在十月?(同义句:Whose birthday is in Oct.?)
  ---- Me.我。
  6. ---- What areyou doing,John?约翰,你在做什么?
  ---- I am making a birthday chart for ourfamily. 我正在做我们家的生日表。
  7. ---- Does shehave a computer? 她有电脑吗?
  ---- No, she doesn’t. 不,她没有。
  8. ---- Then shewon’t be able to see the card. 那她不可能看见这卡片。(won’t = will not)
  第一、二人称:My birthday is in June. ↔ Is your birthday in June?
  第三人称:John’s birthday is May 1st. ↔ Is John’sbirthday May 1st?
  (这里主要讲的是生日,因此回答一律用 it 来回答:Yes, it is. / No, itisn’t. )
  第一、二人称:Ihave a computer. ↔ Do you have a computer? (Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. )
  第三人称:Shehas a computer. ↔ Does she have a computer? (Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.)
  ⒉肯定句↔否定句:在be动词(am/is/are)后+ not:
  His birthday is in Jan. ↔ His birthday isn’tin Jan. ( is not = isn’t )
  ⑴ My birthday is in Feb.. →When is your birthday?
  ⑵ Amy’sbirthday is Apr. 9th. → Whosebirthday is Apr. 9th ?
  ⑶ John’s birthday is in Oct.. → Who hasa birthday in Oct. ?
  ⑷ There are five birthdays in Jan.. →Howmany birthdays are there in Jan.?
  ⑸ The Children’s Day is June 1st. → When is the Children’sDay?
  ⑴名词后直接+’s ;如:Amy’s , John’s, your father’s
  ⑵以s结尾的名词后+ ’ ,如:Teachers’ Day ,
  ⑴指在某一月份内,月份前+ in ,如:inJanuary , in May
  ⑵指在几点钟时,时间前+ at ,如:at 8:00
  ⑶指具体某一天,或星期几时,日期、星期前+ on ,如,on June5th, on Monday
  如:10月3日,写作:October3rd ;读作:Octoberthe third


1.When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.

  2.When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 noon.

  3.What do you do on the weekend?

  4.Usually I watch TV and go shopping.Sometimes I visit my grandparents.

  5.I often play football.Sometimes I go hiking.

  6.What’s your favourite season?Winter.

  7.Which season do you like best?Fall.

  8.It’s always sunny and cool.

  9.I can play with snow.

  10.Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees.

  11.When is your birthday? My birthday is in June.

  12.Is your birthday in June, too? No.My birthday is in December.

  13.It’s October 1st, our National Day.

  14.Who has a birthday in October? Me.

  15.What’s the date? It’s October 1st.

  16.What are you doing? I an doing the dishes.

  17.What is your father doing? He’s writing an e-mail.

  18.This is Nina.Can I speak to your mom, please?

  19.Please hold on.There’s a call for you.

  20.I see the mother elephant.

  21.What is she doing? She is walking.

  22.What about the baby elephant?

  23.What is it doing?It’s running.

  24.What are the elephants doing? They’re drinking.

  25.What is Mike doing?He’s watching insects.

  26.What are you doing? I’m watching my classmates.

  27.Where are they?They are in the woods.

  28.Are they catching butterflies? No, they aren’t./Yes, they are.

  29.Where is Zhang Peng? He’s in the woods.

  30.Is he taking pictures? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t.

