
时间:2023-03-17 02:23:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】世上有许多人值得我们敬佩,像不怕苦、不怕累的城市美容师,像辛勤工作的老师,像刻苦学习的姐姐等等。下面是©文档大全网整理的《我最敬佩的人英语日记》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.我最敬佩的人英语日记 篇一

  Around us, there are many people worthy of admiration: a conscientious and studious sister, a hard-working and brave mother. Today, I want to talk about a cleaner aunt who has quietly paid for us.

  Everyone knows that everyone has a heart for beauty. Many people like beauty, of course, this aunt is no exception.

  She wears ponytails every day, makes her face beautiful, and puts on a yellow overalls. The whole person looks particularly energetic.

  She goes to work from morning to night every day, without calling for work or complaining, and carefully picks up all the garbage worthy of recycling into the garbage bag. If we were ordinary people, we would have stopped picking up dirt.

  In addition, I admire her spirit of returning money.

  Once, on the way to school, I happened to meet the cleaner aunt. She was sweeping the floor. She saw a few hundred yuan banknotes tied up by the roadside. He picked them up quickly. Because there were few people on the road, I thought she wanted to own it. Unexpectedly, she shouted on the road: "Whose money is this? Whose money is this?" The passers-by turned to look at her and saw the money in her hand, He took out his wallet, found it was not lost, and left again. After a while, there was no one to collect it. After she finished scanning, she sent it to the police station.

  Later, in the recent period, she has become my role model, and I have slowly learned her spirit, and awarded me the "Outstanding Primary School Model Award" in the school

  Without this aunt, I would not be an excellent pupil. Here, I hope that more people will learn from this aunt.

2.我最敬佩的人英语日记 篇二

  Some people admire Beethoven, the master of music; Some people admire the basketball star Ronaldo; Some people admire astronaut Yang Liwei; Some people admire Ye Shiwen, a swimmer, while I admire my grandmother.

  Although the old man is in his 60s, he is very energetic. He has nothing to do and will sweep the floor in the street. He wants to "use this old bone to make a contribution to society."

  In the evening, it suddenly began to rain. At first, it was still fine and fragmented, but later it became more and more heavy. I was playing in the park. Seeing this situation, I hurried home. The fine raindrops and the roar of the wind hit my eardrum, and I quickened my pace.

  Because of the rain, there were no people on the road, so I ran all the way smoothly, turned a corner, crossed a road, and finally saw the newly painted green door of my house.

  As I was about to run home, a figure caught my attention. She was wearing a red raincoat and leaning on a big broom. She seemed to be a cleaner. Leave her alone and go! I warned myself, but somehow, I ran to her and found that the "cleaner" was actually a grandmother!

  Although wearing a raincoat, Grandma was still wet.

  A head of silver hair was cluttered on her face, and her clothes were wet as if she had inhaled an ocean. Suddenly, I felt that my grandmother was so thin and small, as if a gust of wind could blow her away.

  "Grandma, what are you doing here to sweep the floor when you are not at home in such a heavy rain? Go home quickly!" I took Grandma's hand. "No, go ahead, Nan, I can't get wet!" My nose was sore and my eyes were hazy. Turning around, he quickly ran home, took an umbrella, and propped it up for Grandma

  Now, every rainy day, I always habitually look for the familiar figure on the road

3.我最敬佩的人英语日记 篇三

  What I admire is not a scientist, not a doctor, but an ordinary classmate: Wang Jingtong. She has a pair of big eyes, a small mouth, and a nose. It's very beautiful.

  I admire her knowledge. She always has excellent scores and good grades. Not only do I admire her, but almost all the students in the class admire her.

  I admire her friendship. She and I are fellow villagers and the best partner of a couple in the world (I think so). Once, I lost my pen bag and the pen in it. I couldn't help crying on the table. Wang Jingtong immediately ran to me and comforted me, saying, "Don't cry! Crying is not the way! Maybe someone else stole it. Let me help you find it!" After a while, Wang Jingtong said, "Sorry, Xiaoxinxin, I can't find it." She saw me crying again, He joked, "Don't cry! Then your tears will flow into a river of tears. That's great! It will wash us into the sewer!" I chuckled. After the second class, a group of fifth-grade students came to our class and shouted, "Our class students stole your pen bag and pen, sorry! Come and claim it!" Then they took out a large pen and 10 pen bags and left. Wang Jingtong helped me find all the pens and pen bags. I really thank her!

  Although Wang Jingtong is the leader of the middle school, she doesn't put on the airs of the middle school leader. She always helps the teacher do some things in the class.

  Wang Jing Tongzhen is an example for me to learn, and is really a person I can admire!

4.我最敬佩的人英语日记 篇四

  Some people admire great scientists, some admire artists, and some admire excellent professionals... But what I admire most is my ordinary mother. Her spirit of "living forever and learning forever" has always been my example to learn. She always makes me feel her extraordinary in ordinary life.

  My mother is a librarian in the county library. She manages more than 40 computers in the electronic reading room at ordinary times. She can do all the simple maintenance and repair. She can deal with any computer problem freely. Mom's superb technology is really admirable!

  The smart and capable mother is diligent and studious in the library, serving the readers wholeheartedly and deeply loved by readers. At home, she is also an expert in housekeeping. Every day, she cooks, sweeps the floor, washes, goes to work, tutors me... She can take care of everything in order, and does it well and quickly. In particular, her exquisite cooking skills are even more admirable. A series of delicious dishes always make my stomach bulge, and I can't bear to put down my chopsticks. If I didn't control it well, I would have to be a fat man if I had to eat and drink so delicious every day.

  "Never too old to learn" is my mother's motto. She reads books and newspapers whenever she has free time. She also often turns over the textbooks I have read and reads my English textbooks repeatedly. She always laments the progress of the times, the development of science and technology, and the constant updating of textbooks. Even the textbooks in primary schools have taught her a lot of new knowledge. Mother studies so hard, why don't I work hard?

  My mother has created a beautiful life through labor, and improved herself through learning. She is an example in my heart, and I admire her from the bottom of my heart.

5.我最敬佩的人英语日记 篇五

  Everyone has his or her own admirers, and of course I do. She gave me life and let me come to this beautiful world. I think you should guess who that person is! She is my mother.

  My mother is a beautician. It is her attitude towards work and family that I admire most.

  Mother is very tired every day and always goes out early and comes back late. Just after getting up in the morning, as soon as the customer calls, she has to rush to the store to do body massage and skin care for others, which takes two or three hours. Every time I help a customer do a good job, I am tired and sweaty, and my back is sore. In spite of this, we should continue to help our next customer with beauty care. Sometimes I don't even have time for lunch, and I don't even have time to drink.

  My mother often comes home after ten o'clock in the evening with a tired body, but she continues to do housework as soon as she comes back to eat. Pick up the mop and drag the floor again, sweating straight; Take a sip of water and see that the table is dirty, and then wipe it again; When delivering the cup, I saw that the bowl had not been brushed, so I brushed it; When we sleep, mother is still washing clothes; The clothes to be dried are folded and put in the cupboard... We have to be busy until late at night.

  My mother is not only diligent, but also very responsible to customers. Her attitude towards customers is the same as that in the advertising words, "customers are God". Before customers can say what they think, their mother will be satisfied. Besides, they are very honest with customers and never make the price of products too high. The quality of products in the store can be guaranteed and affordable. Never sell fake goods, because my mother always treats herself as a "white mouse" in the experiment and does the experiment on her face. Only when she has used it and is not allergic, can she dare to give it to customers. Moreover, she treats the staff fairly and distributes the income of the store fairly and reasonably. Therefore, it won the support and love of the shop staff.

  This is my mother. She is not only responsible for her work, but also hardworking for her family. These valuable qualities deserve my admiration and learning!
