
时间:2021-08-21 09:30:04 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】又到九月开学忙,早已离开了学堂,当年恩师树榜样,人生得以找方向,如今杨帆在远航,心怀感激热爱岗。老师,您辛苦了,祝您身体健康,教师节快乐。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Teachers are like hardworking gardeners, watering and fertilizing us. Our class also has a hardworking "gardener" - class teacher Li.

  Mr. Li is a male teacher who teaches us Chinese. He is not tall and symmetrical. Although he looks ordinary, he can't be judged by his appearance and the sea water can't be measured. This teacher is a very dutiful teacher. I remember that he began to teach our class in the fourth grade. At first, we thought he was not very good, but later, the teacher's interesting class changed our view. He went to school He requires us to preview before class and review after class. He never uses textbooks in class, but also enables us to master the core content of the book.
  Mr. Li is also a "psychologist". Once, I didn't do my review homework. When the teacher checked, I hesitated and said, "teacher... I didn't bring my review book. "When he saw me talking haltingly, he expected that there must be something strange about it. He asked me if I didn't bring it or write it. I insisted that I didn't bring my review book. Seeing that I didn't admit it, he came over and looked through my schoolbag. Sure enough, he saw my review book. I thought: he would criticize me and maybe call my parents. But the result was much better than I expected. The teacher just told me to sit down. I He blushed with shame. At that time, he really wanted to find a seam to drill in, but later, he thought that the teacher was also for my good. After he found my book, he didn't criticize me and gave me some dignity. I won't lie again in the future. I really admire the teacher's educational level.

  Mr. Li is a "good athlete" ". he loves all kinds of sports, basketball, badminton and football... He is good at everything. I remember once when we played football on the playground, the teacher came to help us when he saw that our team couldn't hold up. God, this usually insignificant teacher is fighting with us on the playground! I saw him break through one defense after another and become the main force of another team I hurried to grab the ball. At this critical moment, the teacher resolutely passed the ball to me. I tried my best, the ball flew to the top right of the goalkeeper and rubbed the goalpost. We cheered. The teacher also came over and stretched out his hand, and I put my hand on it. Then more than a dozen hands also put on it. It was really "teachers and students are united, and their strength breaks the gold"!

  Teacher, we are about to leave primary school and you. I will not forget your interesting class; I will not forget your comfort when I failed in the exam; I will not forget the cheering applause for me at the sports meeting; I will not forget your Chunchun teaching when you corrected me for lying; I will not forget your careful cultivation and endless love for me. My success is because of your education and my love Thanks to your interesting class, I love you, teacher!


  Gather the chapters of life and weave a beautiful memory. In the twinkling of an eye, I have been studying in Wanbao middle school for nearly a year. My teacher has always encouraged me. He taught me to sail in the rough sea. He taught me to run and go up on the road of life.

  In class, the teacher asked us to read, browse and roam in the ocean of knowledge. Look, how serious he is standing on the podium with chalk in his hand! Like a gardener, he poured the rain of knowledge on us who were thirsty for knowledge. Sometimes, when students ask questions, the teacher always explains patiently. With the doubts solved one by one, the students admire the teacher more.

  During the activity, the teacher played with the students. In PE class, the teacher seemed to be back in childhood. He ran with us on the playground. Look, he made a powerful volley and scored. The students cheered loudly, and there was a lively atmosphere on the playground. Teachers and students are happy together. How interesting! This happy picture will become a permanent memory in the students' memory.

  In life, teachers help students come up with ideas, find ways to solve problems. Once, I had a little conflict with my deskmate and quarreled. When the teacher knew it, he took the initiative to help us mediate and said to me sincerely: "Guan Qipeng, students should live in harmony. Don't haggle over trifles. Be tolerant. Don't let trifles affect the unity of students. When I realized my mistakes and corrected them in time, the teacher showed a happy smile. When I participated in the second Olympiad Mathematics Competition, the teacher always silently supported me and encouraged me, so that I had a hundred times of confidence and won the first place When I handed the paper with bright red percentage in my hands to the teacher, the teacher showed a happy smile again.

  Teacher, your eyes are loving and your mind is broad. Whenever I get good grades, your eyes are full of joy, like saying, "you're great, can't be proud, keep trying!" whenever I do something wrong and am scolded by my parents and classmates, you always sincerely help me analyze the reasons and comfort me: "wipe away my tears and say goodbye to the wrong“

  Teacher, you work silently, asking for nothing in return. Just for students to learn more knowledge. Under the light, you tirelessly correct our homework. In class, the floating chalk also whitens your sideburns. But earnest teaching and profound knowledge guide us to the road of life. I know that teacher, you are the eternal pillar in our hearts , is the sun that never sets.


  Teachers are the guides of our culture. It is their dedication that makes our motherland brilliant. I admire this great and sacred profession. In the past six years, I have met many excellent teachers, just like a family!

  Chinese teacher - Miss Zhang

  Mr. Zhang is not only our Chinese teacher, but also our head teacher. She has the same temper as heaven. Sometimes it's sunny and windy, sometimes it's raining cats and dogs. She was very strict with us, but an advertising slogan said well: "the more severe, the more beautiful." once, my words were crooked and very ugly. Mr. Zhang left me and asked me to write again. Mr. Zhang let me go home until I was asked to write neatly and standardized. I hated Mr. Zhang very much at that time and thought: isn't it just a few words? Isn't it the same for good and bad? Why do you write it over and over again? It's a waste of time to just write the words in a standard way. When I got home, I told my mother why I was staying. My mother said to me, "words are a facade. You can see a person's character from writing. Mr. Zhang's strict requirements are right and responsible for you. You write good words by yourself and no one can steal them." after listening to my mother's words, I understood Mr. Zhang's intention and made me admire Mr. Zhang more. Since then, I have been like a primary school student in grade one. I insist on practicing calligraphy every day. No matter what homework I do, I insist on writing neatly and standardized. After a period of time, my words were more beautiful and standardized than before, and I was praised by the teacher many times. This is the result of teacher Zhang's strict requirements!

  English teacher - Grace history teacher

  Grace is an amiable, gentle and generous English teacher. In my mind, she is a good teacher. She is tall, with big bright eyes, snow-white skin and straight black hair. She looks very beautiful. Once she asked me a question in class. I said the answer wrong. At that time, my face turned red and I was afraid that the teacher would be angry and criticize me. Unexpectedly, the teacher kindly told me the correct answer and asked me to repeat it twice, asking me to remember it firmly. Grace often talks and laughs with us after class!

  "Because we are a family, a loving family." I will remember the teachers' teachings and be a person who can contribute to the motherland!

