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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩是一种美德,学会感恩更是一种品质。在学习英语的过程中,我们不仅要掌握语法和单词,更要学会感恩。我学会了感恩英语作文,让我更加深入地理解了英语的魅力和重要性。®文档大全网为您提供了丰富的英语学习资源和学习经验分享,让我们共同学习,共同进步。

1.我学会了感恩英语作文 篇一

  There are many people in life who we want to thank. They have given us help and are our benefactors, so we should learn to be grateful to others! Give back to others!

  Firstly, I would like to thank my teacher Zhou, who has taught me a wealth of knowledge and has taken great care of me in my daily studies. I remember one time, I knocked off half of my front teeth and injured my dental nerves. Teacher Zhou often comforts me and accompanies me to the hospital to change my dressing, which deeply moves me. Teacher Zhou often perseveres in teaching us despite his sore throat, as is evident to everyone. So, I want to say to Teacher Zhou loudly: Teacher Zhou, thank you!

  Additionally, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents who gave me life and made me feel the gentle breeze of spring. In life, the meticulous care my parents give me makes my heart warm. Every parent hopes for their son to become a dragon and their daughter to become a phoenix, and my parents are no exception, so they always let me learn. Many children complain about this and even run away from home. But under the guidance of my parents, I have become increasingly fond of learning. My parents taught me the correct learning methods and helped me develop good study habits, all of which are closely related to my parents' careful guidance.

  In life, we should have a grateful heart, help others more, and repay those who have helped us. Only in this way can society unite, harmonize, and make Puyang's tomorrow even better!

2.我学会了感恩英语作文 篇二

  From childhood to adulthood, my parents regarded me as the apple of their eyes, and I have always been a 'little princess'. However, as I grew older, I gradually understood the hardships of my parents. Step by step, every drop of sweat, my parents gave me a happy world with their tolerance. In order to reassure my parents and make me independent, I must undergo the baptism of growth!

  One day, the wind and clouds were light. I got up and walked to my parents' bed, quietly and slowly. I look at my parents who have been eroded by time; I looked at my parents' furrowed forehead; I looked at the smiling corners of my parents' mouths, feeling sour in my heart. Despite everything my parents had given me, the raised corners of my mouth were so comforting, without any complaints. My tears filled my eyes, but I refused to drop a drop because my parents had said they didn't like crying babies.

  I arrived in the kitchen, and my mother's tired figure flashed before my eyes. Mom, thank you! I walked lightly, fearing to wake up my parents who were sleeping soundly in the room. Although I'm not very good at it, it's okay to watch my mom do too much and just "draw a gourd and a gourd". Opening the refrigerator, I saw nutritious vegetables and fruits. I picked out two eggs, one radish, and several green beans. Firstly, I will first process the eggs, radishes, and soybeans. After that, I will pour the radishes and soybeans together in the pot and stir fry them. Soon, a plate of fresh radishes and soybeans will be out of the pot! I'm about to start frying eggs. It's cracking and scary when I hit the pot. I turned down the fire a bit, thinking it was "peaceful", but with a scream of "ah!", my hand was injured. I persisted and finally finished frying the eggs. Afterwards, my parents got up and watched the rich breakfast. Two "silver beans" slid down both sides of my cheeks. I didn't dare them to see my wounds because I didn't want my parents to bear a heart for me anymore.

  I was doing my homework in the room when suddenly a difficult problem caught me. I shouted to my dad loudly, but a voice wrapped around my mind, "Why, don't you want to be independent? How can this work?" I was stunned, and before I could regain my senses, my dad had already entered. What's up? "Dad asked me. I hesitated and couldn't speak. With that, I put my dad on his shoulder and asked him to sit on a chair. I rushed out of the room and brought a cup of fragrant tea. Thank you, Dad, "I said. Dad suddenly smiled, took the teacup, and hugged me in his arms.

  Now I have learned gratitude and independence. I am no longer a little princess, and I firmly believe that I will greet life with the most beautiful posture now. I will take firm steps in my future growth journey, leaving behind a series of confident footprints!

3.我学会了感恩英语作文 篇三

  Mother, since I was born, she has selflessly given me love. Every minute and every second of her life is about me!

  On a weekend, my mother happened to be going to work, so I came up with an idea - to help her with household chores. I quickly brought a piece of cloth and carefully wiped away the dust from the table and lamp at home; Then I lifted my broom and swept every corner of the room clean; Then, I grabbed a mop and repeatedly mopped up the floor that had just been cleaned; Finally, I sorted and arranged everything on the table clearly, and looked back to appreciate my achievements. Wow! So clean! At this moment, sweat flowed down my cheeks, and I remembered that my mother had to do so many things every day and also had to go to work... At this moment, my mother came back. She looked around and saw the clean, tidy, warm and comfortable home, tears streaming down her eyes. Those sparkling tears were like small dewdrops playing on my mother's face. I ran into my mother's arms, and those little dewdrops also ran into my face. My mother murmured to me, "Child, you are so good!" "This is what I should do! I will often help you with household chores in the future." I replied. Wow! "My mother seemed to feel happy." Next time, let's work hard together! "" Okay! Come on! "I shouted.

  I am grateful to my mother, who raised me and gave me life. I want to repay my mother and all the people who have helped me in the world. I also want to thank this event for changing my bad habits and giving me a chance to repay my mother well!

4.我学会了感恩英语作文 篇四

  Every night, my mother always drags her tired feet and uses her diligent hands to cook and take care of me. In this growth, I have learned to be grateful.

  I remember one time, my mother was very tired and tired due to working overtime. I looked into my mother's tired eyes and silently thought to myself, 'Mom, I want to be grateful to her for working so hard for me.'. Do as you please. First, I quietly woke up my mother and asked her to turn over. I sat on her waist to help her pound her shoulders, which not only pressed her waist but also helped her pound her shoulders. I looked at my mother's already closed eyes and wanted to help her with eye exercises. First, I lifted her up and let her lie on my stomach. I started doing the first section. My hands first made a good posture, and then I imagined doing it for myself, so I could do it well.

  But the good times didn't last long. When I was doing the fourth quarter for my mother, I couldn't easily change positions. At that moment, my mother smiled and said, "It's great to have a son!" This time, I stopped using my own hand and took my mother's hand step by step, and the result was really good. I happily said, "Dear mother, your journey of enjoyment has come to an end." My mother raised her thumb and said, "Son, you're great

  In this way, I have learned to be grateful in my growth time after time.

5.我学会了感恩英语作文 篇五

  Everyone says' gratitude and gratitude ', but in fact, how many of us have truly achieved' gratitude '? Whenever we see a boy under five or six years old in an advertisement carrying foot wash water and calling his mother to wash his feet, what comes to your mind? Have you ever achieved this yourself? Can it be difficult? Aren't we even inferior to a child under six years old? Seeing this scene, I felt so guilty. I was thinking, from childhood to adulthood, our parents dragged us so much, and we didn't even express a little intention. We didn't even fulfill a small request to wash feet, pour water, and drop by drop. Are we worthy of being their children?

  I can only tell everyone that we need to use facts to prove everything and let our parents know that we have grown up and do not need their constant care... Learn to be grateful, we need to start from small things, so that we can understand the profound meaning of "gratitude"!

  What reminds me is that that day, I did something that made my parents sad. As long as I got home, I would do anything to make them happy, but it was of no use. I really couldn't help it! I thought that filial piety to my parents was the best way. I even poured water and pounded their backs or something. Dad seemed to understand my thoughts and smiled a little. Although I didn't know what it meant, I was still very happy! Because if my parents are happy, I am also happy! Perhaps my parents know that I already know how to be grateful!

  Gratitude is a must-have for us as children and descendants of the Chinese people
