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【#英语资源# 导语】公开演讲是商务人士、尤其是企业高管的一门必修课,会演讲的人成功机会多两倍。以下3种强有力的方法,将帮助你吸引观众的注意力,并使他们参与到你的话题当中:听你所讲、反馈其所思,进而提升你对这个问题的见解。
众所周知,公开演讲(Public Speaking)是商务人士、尤其是企业高管的一门必修课,会演讲的人成功机会多两倍。以下3种强有力的方法,将帮助你吸引观众的注意力,并使他们参与到你的话题当中:听你所讲、反馈其所思,进而提升你对这个问题的见解。
1) Ensure that people are listening to you before you begin to speak. A piece of news, a good story, a famous sentence or your own experience will gather your audience attention.
“Truth be told, I never graduated from college and this is the closest I've ever gotten to college graduation. I know, all of you may curious about why I am standing here to give you this speech? Today I want to tell you my three stories to see how I became the better me today.”
2) Logical and be clear and straight. People don't have time to listen to anything which is not to the point. Make sure your speech is logical to understand and get straight to what you want to express.
“In today’s news conference, we will first review the predecessor. Then we will introduce you to this new product’s core value and highlight key points. In the last section, you will have 10 minutes to ask questions about this new product. ”
3) You have no need to exaggerate or overstate anything. Make sure that you use visual aids to help audience have better understanding.
导游Michael正津津乐道地向大家推荐最新款的《秘密花园》:Recently this book has become popular. It can help you calm down and release your stress. It is on sale today. If you buy the book, you can get 36 color pens as gift. I hope these colorful paintings can brighten your day.这本书是全球最流行的一本书,老少皆宜,它能使情绪激动的人平静心情并释放压力。这本书目前正在促销中,如果你今天购买的话还可以赠送一盒36色的彩色铅笔。愿这些色彩斑斓的图片能给你带来一天的好心情。

