
时间:2022-08-03 00:26:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】演讲稿又叫演说词,它是在大会上或其他公开场合发表个人的观点,见解和主张的文稿。演讲稿的好坏直接决定了演讲的成功与失败。演讲稿像议论文一样论点鲜明,逻辑性强,富有特点。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Dear parents

  good afternoon. First of all, on behalf of all the teachers and students of class 3, let me extend a warm welcome to you and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in this parents' open day, which makes us feel your understanding and support for our work and your concern for the growth of children. It is with your trust, understanding and support that our work can be carried out smoothly. Here, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you with warm applause!

  Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, your child has spent day after day in the kindergarten. In a moment, your child has traveled back and forth between kindergarten and home countless times. Thank you for sending your children to our class, so that we can meet and know each other in this vast world and among all living beings. This is fate! It is children who bring us this fate. We also want to return silent and selfless love to our children.

  Our job is to educate children and change every child in the class. Looking back on the work of the previous semesters, there are both the joy of success and the loss of fragments: happy memories and sad scenes. No one is perfect. Our work is inevitably negligent, with all kinds of deficiencies and deficiencies. Just as there can be no clouds in the sky, there are also colorful clouds and dark clouds in our work. It is hoped that parents, like the sun, will illuminate the teachers and children in our class, help, understand and support our work, help us disperse the dark clouds, see the blue sky, white clouds and birds... In fact, we have also received the tolerant support of all parents; Open-minded help and meticulous care.

  This semester is the last semester for children to go to kindergarten. Children will go to primary school soon next semester. Most parents are worried that their children can't keep up with school. They especially want to feed their children some knowledge in advance during the period before school, so as to prevent their children from losing at the starting line. Unlike their parents, primary school teachers find that what is missing between kindergarten and primary school is not knowledge, It is the cultivation of habits and the ability to adapt to environmental changes, which is also the direction of our teachers and parents' joint efforts.

  thank you.


  hello everyone!

  My XXXX name is XXXX, with light eyebrows, small eyes, big ears, a small hair, like a small hedgehog. As soon as I laughed, my eyes narrowed into a slit, which was as lovely as a crescent moon!

  I'm not tall or short, fat or thin, with a standard body shape. When I walk, I'm windy and unrestrained!

  My nature is bold and unrestrained, and I don't haggle over trivial matters. I remember once, someone accidentally knocked me down and broke my head. Although it hurt, I was not angry. As the saying goes, "the prime minister can prop a boat in his belly." I became the prime minister and forgave him. I listened carefully in class, answered questions actively, and took the initiative to help my classmates after class. Others said I was a good student who was willing to help others. My heart was as sweet as honey after listening to it.

  I have a wide range of hobbies, such as playing football, basketball, learning English and so on. I am good at singing and dancing, and proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I like calligraphy best. Every afternoon, I insist on practicing calligraphy. Every time I practice calligraphy, I concentrate on it and reach the selfless level. I don't even feel itchy when mosquitoes bite me. Every time when I go downstairs, many parents praise me that "XXXX is a good child who studies well, has excellent calligraphy and is sensible". After listening to these words, my heart was happy, and my parents' faces were also full of bright smiles.

  This is me, fresh me, fresh me, energetic me!

  thank you.


  hello everyone!

  There is a worker whose factory efficiency is getting worse and worse, and he is about to enter the track of "death". Most of the workers in the factory are watching and waiting, hoping for the worst to come. After careful consideration, he decided to resign. He wants to fight once. He doesn't give himself a way back. He wants to see how much survivability he has. He used the one-time seniority allowance to open a small business. He was not afraid of hard work and did work that others did not want to do; He is honest, does what he says, and never deceives customers. His shop is remembered by many ordinary people. Sometimes people would rather walk a few more steps than go to his shop to buy things. His business was getting better and better, and he opened a branch in high spirits. He also opened a branch with his reputation.

  A few years later, he became a model for laid-off workers. The factory where he used to work closed down. Those wait-and-see workers also fell into the miserable fate of the factory closure, because at this time, the factory could not even take out any money.

  People, including other animals, release huge self-saving energy at the moment of life crisis. Almost everyone knows the "frog experiment" done by American scientists: slowly heat it with a warm fire at the bottom of the pot, and the frog drifts leisurely in the water. When the water is too hot to bear, the frog can no longer jump out; On the contrary, throw a frog into the boiling water, but it can jump up quickly and escape. If you don't leave a way out, you'll give yourself a way out. As long as you have the spirit of leaving no way back, you will wholeheartedly face what is happening in front of you, and you will have unexpected gains. People often consume themselves in slow waiting. In the meaningless waiting, in the slow adaptation, what dissipates is talent, ability and confidence, and finally only helplessness and melancholy. Like a frog in the slowly heated water, he buried himself unconsciously. The frog that was thrown into the boiling water just jumped gently and gave itself a way to live.

  thank you.


  Dear leaders and colleagues

  hello everyone!

  I think there are no bad jobs, only people who don't work hard. In the same work, the quality of each person's completion does not depend on the difficulty of the work, but on whether he has intention. No matter how difficult the work is, as long as you work hard and do it with your heart, you will achieve something. As long as you pursue, you have a goal, and you have the hope of success. How to be attentive and how to "work attentively"?

  1、 Responsibility is the cornerstone

  A person's sense of responsibility determines his attitude in work and determines the quality and success of his work. Only when we regard the post as a responsibility and work as a career can we seriously think and work hard; Will complete the task on time, with high quality and quantity, and successfully solve the problem.

  2、 Enterprising is the guarantee

  Never do "almost" in daily work, set a high standard in work standards, strive for first-class things, take the initiative to learn all aspects of knowledge, strengthen and improve their own quality, self pressurize, and always require their own excellent work performance. Set high standards and set high goals at all times, everything and everywhere. Make the best preparations for writing, organizing activities, and preparing for meetings. Try your best to keep enterprising, full of passion, devote yourself to work, always think about how to improve, be a good adviser and assistant of leaders, and let leaders rest assured and satisfied.

  3、 Carefulness is the key

  Details determine success or failure. Establish the concept that there is no trivial matter in the work, be meticulous, rigorous and meticulous, deliberate every document drafted word by word, sentence by paragraph, and take every punctuation seriously; Think and improve every activity and meeting you participate in, and strive to make every work perfect without defects.

  If you work hard, you will benefit from yourself; The victims of perfunctory work must also be themselves. Only by working hard can we continuously expand the space for personal growth and progress and constantly reflect our own values.

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  The dream of birds is to fly to the blue sky, the dream of fish is to swim in the sea, the dream of flowers is to bloom in spring, and the dream of grass is to break the ground. What is my dream?

  When I was a child, I had many dreams. My dream is to be a teacher and cultivate more talents for the country. My dream is to become an entrepreneur, so that my family can live a happy life. My dream is to become a calligrapher and a celebrity who can be loved by the world... My childhood dreams are countless, because I want to be happy, to do what I think is right, to do what others can't do, because I thought "I can do it" since I was young, and I think I can do everything well.

  Until I grew up, I became an excellent junior high school student, but at the same time I found that I changed. I'm no longer the ignorant child before, and I always think I'm the best; I am no longer as naive as I used to think. I think I can do everything well and do better than others. I changed my dream, because I know that I am not better than others, and even many people are better than me. My dream is to be a soldier. Yes, I want to be a soldier to defend my country.

  From this moment on, I have my own dream. I still have a long time to prepare for, overcome and realize, because we are still in the spring of life. For this dream, I will try, try, try again. No, only better, I will surpass myself and realize my dream.

  Let's work together for qingxxx!

  thank you.


  hello everyone!

  Integrity is gold! Mom often says to me!: "No matter what a person does, he should do what he says, and be honest in everything he does." after reading my extracurricular books, my mother promised me to buy two more. I'm very happy to hear that! Because I know that my mother said so and did so. As long as my mother promised me, I will do it. Today is no exception.

  I've been thinking about buying books in my heart, so I've been following my mother. My mother seems to see my mind and say, "mom knows your careful thinking! Don't worry, I'll take you after work, and you can choose by yourself". I happily kissed my mother on the face and said, "thank you, mom, I'm waiting for you." The bookshelf of the bookstore displays all kinds of books, including Chinese, foreign, fairy tale books, story books, and technical books, etc... too many, I want to hold all the books in my arms! But I can only choose two! Choose! Choose! I think every book is very good! Which one should I choose? Now I know how difficult it is to make a choice! Finally, a "Gulliver's travels" deeply attracted me, just it! In order to write a good composition in the future, I chose a "winning composition for primary school students". With these two books, I'm happier than my baby.

  My mother came home from work, read it, and said, "yes, I've chosen a very good book, but I must read it well, and write good reading notes and feelings after reading it." I promised, because my mother can do what she said, and I must do what I said. Read carefully, take notes carefully, and write your feelings after reading! Now be a pupil with integrity, and grow up to be an adult with integrity.

  A person with integrity will be trusted by others, and then he will walk wider and wider on the road of life!

  thank you.


  Dear leaders, colleagues and judges

  hello everyone! First of all, I want to thank you for your trust and support, which provided such a platform for me to make this speech.

  As an employee working in the front desk, I deeply understand that service is everything, and service is the life of the enterprise. I also deeply know that only by paying attention can we do a good job in service. The business front desk is the window of bank service, and it is also our most direct display of the image of rural commercial banks. But work is like a glass of water, there are always ripples, so we should do our best to serve.

  Any mistake will bring unnecessary trouble to customers and the work of all links. In the process of "attentive" service, if you are enthusiastic, patient, but not careful enough, it is likely to backfire and do wrong with good intentions; If you are careful, but not enthusiastic, and impatient, even if you can solve the problem, how can a cold face be affirmed by users? If enthusiasm and patience are candlelight to light up a smile, then carefulness is the candlestick to support silently.

  With the continuous development of the financial industry, the competition among commercial banks is becoming more and more fierce. The service quality and service level of banks have gradually become the focus of competition among commercial banks, so service has become the lifeline of banks. What our enterprise needs is the market, and what customers need is service, but the bridge connecting customers and enterprises is integrity.

  In order to improve the quality of service, we are strict with ourselves and go to work on time every day. In the process of service, we insist on using civilized language and receive every customer actively, actively and warmly.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Two hungry people were lucky to get a gift from an elder: a fishing rod and a basket of fresh fish. One of them asked for fish and starved to death after eating it; The other asked for a fishing rod and went to the sea, but it was a long way. He walked to the beach for several days and was hungry before he could go fishing.

  Fish can satisfy hunger temporarily, but it can't solve the long-term livelihood problem; Fishing rods can be used to solve the livelihood problems in the future, but they can't do anything about the current hunger.

  From this point of view, only by combining the two can we completely solve the immediate and long-term livelihood problems. Only when two people cooperate, enjoy this basket of fresh fish together, and go to the sea together, can they be saved at the same time. But unfortunately, they refused to cooperate, and finally ended up with a tragic ending of both lives.

  This story vividly confirms a famous saying: a single person may die, and two people together may be saved. Of course, it means that two people work together to create a miracle of life, but if you knock your Gong like the above two people, and I sing my play, it will only end in a double defeat.

  In today's world, with the rapid development of science and technology, the social division of labor is becoming more and more detailed, but people's intelligence and knowledge are always limited, which requires people to have a strong sense of cooperation and cooperative habits.

  As middle school students in the new century, they should be good at cooperation. Cooperate with teachers and listen to their teachings, and you will grow rapidly; Cooperate with your classmates and explore in the ocean of knowledge, and you will gain infinite wisdom; Cooperate with your parents and be good at listening to their nagging, and you will feel boundless happiness.

  My speech is over, thank you!


  hello everyone!

  To be fair, no one wants his life to be constantly honed. Even if it can increase the beauty of youth, no one will cheer and say, "I like suffering." People always want to be flat and safe, but the reality is often unsatisfactory.

  Youth is beautiful because of exercise. When challenges come, it's useless to be nervous. This is what you have to do, which is to go all out with full courage to meet challenges and bravely accept new challenges. Untrained youth, youth that does not know how to cherish, will not shine, how can we succeed without training!

  Youth is a sketch without coloring. We need to decorate it with the color of our hearts. If you can meet the training with a smile, when you look back on the past after the training, your youth will become more wonderful, because I understand that everything will pass, and a beautiful rainbow will appear.

  Who says that birds don't sing anymore, that flowers don't fragrance, and that youth can't be brilliant. Training may be the most beautiful arc and the most brilliant memory in youth!

  A flower withered and barren can't waste the whole spring, and a setback can't waste the whole life. A trial makes youth more beautiful!

  Thank you.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  My name is XX. Today, I am running for the Committee of literary and sports with an excited heart. Although I know that the elites in my class are competing with me, I want to believe in myself that with my strength and confidence, I will succeed.

  I have great advantages in running for this position. First, I have a loud voice. Second, I have participated in school activities many times. Third, I am cheerful and lively and willing to serve my classmates. I also have many interests and hobbies, such as singing, dancing and badminton. I am good at everything, and I usually get along well with my classmates, and I am also the teacher's capable little assistant. I believe that with the above advantages, I will be qualified for this position and will not disappoint the students.

  If I run for the Committee of culture and sports, I will try my best to serve you, enrich your extracurricular life, and make your extracurricular time colorful and do some meaningful activities.

  If I run for the Committee of culture and sports, I will be strict with myself, lenient to others, not afraid of difficulties, and dare to try until I succeed. I will also establish everyone's sense of unity, let those discordant notes disappear in the class, and let class 54 become a warm family.

  Since it is a flower, it should open; Since it is a tree, it must grow into a pillar; Since it is stone, we must pave a road; Since he is a member of the style Committee, he must become an excellent navigator! Students believe me, vote for me!

  thank you.
