
时间:2022-06-29 07:45:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】备考是一种经历,也是一种体验。每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  表示主要的,重要的词 primary, major, main, chief, important, essential, significant

  表示充足的 enough, sufficient, plenty, abundant

  表示适当的 appropriate

  表示提升,改善,加强 enhance, improve, strengthen

  表示合法 valid, legal, lawful, rightful

  表示卓越不凡 extraordinary, excellent, uncommon, remarkable, outstanding.

  表示很有名气 well-known, noticeable, famous

  表示义务,有责任去做 compulsory, required, obligatory

  表示积极,主动 positive, proactive

  表示合理 sound, rational, correct, sensible, logical, reasonable

  表示英勇 brave, bold, valiant, heroic, courageous, fearless

  表示巨大 huge, large, giant, vast, enormous

  表示牢固稳定 sturdy, strong, firm, tough, stable, hardy

  表示声誉 reputation, fame, prestige

  表示巅峰、顶点 tip, top, peak, apex, zenith, climax

  表示发现、探索 discover, seek, search

  表示增加 increase, enlarge, multiply, expand, raise, accelerate, broaden, magnify

  表示减少 reduce, decrease, decelerate, lessen, debase, abate, diminish, decline, discount, subtract, deduct

  表示转变 convert, change, transform, switch

  表示提供、提交 offer, supply, provide, furnish, contribute, submit

  表示构成、组成 constitute, consist, organize, form, erect, establish, compose, comprise,

  加快人才培养 accelerate the training of professionals

  与……建立关系 establish relationship with

  在……取得进步 make progress in

  表示有用,有益 helpful, useful, utile, beneficial

  发挥……的作用 play (central, crucial, decisive, essential, fundamental, important, key, leading,) major,primary, prominent, significant, vital) role in


  1、all-round development 全面发展

  2、education background 学历

  3、undergraduate (student) ⼤学本科⽣

  4、freshman/ sophomore/ /junior/ senior


  5、university graduates ⼤学毕业⽣ master graduate 硕⼟毕业⽣

  6、postgraduate (student) 研究⽣

  7、reading quantity of students 学⽣阅读量

  8、school enrollment 招生(入学)人数

  9、stay up late 熬夜


  1、start one’s own business 创业 2、hunt a job 找⼯作

  3、expected income 期望薪酬 4、employed population 就业⼈⼝



  硕⼠学位 a master' s degree

  博⼠学位 a doctors degree

  学⼠学位 a bachelor' s degree

  成⼈教育 adult education ⾼等教育 higher education

  教育⽅式:education pattern

  在线教育:online education

  传统教育:traditional education

  出国学习:study abroad/ overseas

  职业技术教育:vocational and technical education
