

时间:2022-01-12 02:12:48 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#高考# 导语】高考对于每位考生来说都是人生中的一件大事,而高考的英语作文在其中也占了重要的一部分,考生可以多积累一些优秀的作文素材。下面是©文档大全网整理的一些关于20xx年山东英语作文素材的相关资料。供你参考。


  Yesterday,in women's singles final match at the 20xx Australian Open tennis tournament inMelbourne, Australia, Li Na, the most successful female tennis player lost toAzarenka at 1-2. During the match, Li fell down twice and received medicaltreatment, because of her ankle injuries. Besides, her head was hit andaccepted concussion test. However, the physical pain and injuries couldn’t stopher finishing the match. Witnessing her falls, some of her fans burst intotears. But Li herself was rather light-hearted and even joked about herself inthe press conference after the match. And we can see that on the Internet,thousands of people sing highly of her performance. They said that Li is alwaysthe best and strongest regardless of win or lose. Her strong will and diligentspirit brings her greatness and respect.



  It’snear the end of this year, and many companies or units hold their annualmeetings in this period. Most of the meetings are held in hotels or restaurants.But a terrible phenomenon has aroused much concern that is food waste. It’sreported that after a banquet, the waste of ort reaches to 40 percent which isa huge waste. Even worse, the dishes are often very expensive. Some waiters saya table leftovers is their one week wages or more. On the contrary, we shouldbe noticed that in many places in China or in the world, there are many peoplenever have a full meal. The food we waste is the feast they can’t expect. Areyou hurt by the both two extreme? I think you are or you should be. On the onehand, the leftovers cost much money and labor but they do not be treasured. Onthe other hand, some people struggle their whole life and never get a fullmeal. I hope people can pay more attention to food waste and remind ofourselves every day that do not waste any food.



  Asis known to us all, the surrounding has a great impact on our study and lives.In recent years, creating a green campus has been a common and popular goal formost universities or colleges. Creating a green campus has a great influence onstudents because most students spend their much time in campus.


  However,in my opinion, to create green campus, what we need to do is not only to plantmore trees and grasses to beautify our campus’s environment but also to createan energy-efficient and resource-cycled campus. Everyone on campus should beinformed to form the habit of using resources properly and saving energy. Inaddition, the institutions should encourage students to use resourcescircularly.


  Ina word, creating a green campus needs us to make joint efforts. And we canachieve it by doing pieces of small matters in daily life, such as turning offthe light when leaving.


