
时间:2021-08-01 16:04:34 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today, I began to learn how to ride a bicycle. I chose the small road on the edge of the community, because there are few people and the road is wide, which is most suitable for learning how to ride a bicycle.

  At the beginning, I asked my parents to help me. Later, when I could keep my balance, my parents let go.

  Once, when I was riding, I suddenly lost my center of gravity and rode towards the light pole. I was so scared that I forgot to brake, so my bike hit the light pole.

  Another time, I just asked mom and dad to let go, but before I stabilized, I tilted to the right and hit the green belt.

  I was very nervous, but I ran into something.

  Cycling is fun!


  What's new in a leisurely holiday? Exciting or ordinary? If we can truly realize our daily dreams in our holiday life, these days must be colorful!

  I hope that I can use my holiday life to satisfy my heart of drawing. I can use my brain to think creatively and make dreams. In this short time, I can turn my good ideas into good things in reality. You can also walk outside, savor the wonderful changes of nature, draw their beautiful figures with paintbrush, and draw a memorable ending for this relaxed holiday life.

  I like to listen to Youmei's music and interesting novels. In this holiday time, I enter into the story book, and travel around the world with the protagonist and Yin Fu. They make our holiday full of simple but beautiful experiences. We can feel the beauty of nature without driving to the tourist destination. Listening to music with novels satisfies all my dreams.

  But sometimes it's also a great pleasure to go out on a date with nature. Watching the exotic flowers and plants all over the mountains and fields makes your nervous heart relax. Taking a breath of fresh air makes your whole body fresh. Watching bees busy collecting honey and butterflies learning to dance, no matter what time, nature is always so busy! Open your heart and enjoy this frightening scenery, which will add a lot of fun to your life!

  When it comes to the holiday of examination, it makes people fidgety! There are not only mountains of papers to write, but also computers and TVs are unwilling to visit. They are living a hot holiday life and can't stop for a second. It's so miserable to cram for Buddha's feet temporarily! So it's better to go step by step so as not to waste this unexpected holiday life!

  In holiday life, some people are boring and rich. How to use this time? It's all in your own hands. Don't waste this seemingly unimportant little time. Time flies. One, two, three... Many holidays add up to a lifetime. Do well every minute of your life with your heart. It's a beautiful colorful life.

  People who know how to use holidays will have a good memory in their life. A leisurely holiday may bring unexpected accidents, but they may also learn a special meaning of life. Different interesting things will happen in each holiday. Treating everything in the holiday carefully will add some breathing time to the busy daily life, It will also add a special exclamation point to every page of life! come on. Let's create new vitality for this holiday life!


  Today is Sunday, yesterday on a day of after-school tutoring class, I can finally sleep at home beautiful a lazy. At ten I got up lazily, brushing my teeth, washing my face, and having breakfast. My father and mother have worked overtime this time. I am alone in my family. I look at the home that hasn't been cleaned for a week. I think, "my parents have been working hard and have no time to clean up. If I can clean my home today, my parents will be very happy to come back!"

  Think about it. Do it. I learned how my mother looked, armed myself: I wore a bathing cap, a apron, a good sleeve, a broom in my right hand, a dustpan in my left hand, and my first happy sweeping.

  First of all, I started cleaning my little bedroom. I saw that I put the chair on the desk, dragged all the boxes under the bed out. I took a broom and swept it slowly and gently from left to right, from inside to outside. Suddenly, a small black thing came up to me from under the bed. "Gee! What is it? " I couldn't help but stretch my head to see what happened“ Ah! Cockroaches! " I was so scared that I stepped back a few steps. I picked up a broom as a defensive weapon, and I was brave and said to the cockroach, "you, don't come here. I'm very powerful!" At this time, the cockroach seemed to be scared by me, and I shrunk in the corner of the wall, and I was a little more brave. I took the broom in my hand and shouted, "come on! The cockroaches are killing! " Call, then take out the strength of milk, and hit the cockroach with a broom. The cockroach just hit my head and died on the spot. "Whoo -" I finally did a big harm for my family. After the ground is cleaned, I take the wet mop to drag the floor of the small room over again, and then gently wipe the dust off the bed head, desk and chair with a wet rag. In a flash, my small room looks neat and clean. Next, I was so angry that I cleaned the big room and living room. I was tired, sore and sweaty, after more than an hour. But I was very happy in my heart, because my hard work made my family clean and tidy.

  Parents came off work, and they were surprised to see the clean ground in the house. After knowing the original Commission, my mother touched my head and said with praise: "my son has grown up! My son knows! "

  It's a different Sunday. Today, I didn't go out and play with my children, but I took the initiative to help my parents clean up. Although the process was hard, I was happy with it, because today I feel full and feel particularly meaningful.

