【#一年级# 导语】中国人的英语一般让人认为是“哑巴英语”,因为我们做试题很厉害,拿满分,可是口语说起来就笨笨的。为了解决这样的现象十分有必要,从小学生时代开始培养口语能力是非常有必要的。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。
【故事梗概】 星期六上午,Robbie和Grandpa (Malcolm Stewart)在厨房里说话。邮递员送来了一些信。夹在一堆帐单和广告中间的是一封Grandpa大学时的室友Pete Waters写来的信。 Robbie: The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa. Grandpa: Probably a lot of advertising and bills. Why don't you write to me, Robbie, so I can get some interesting mail? Robbie: You were right, Grandpa. Advertising, bills, bills, advertising. Grandpa: It's just like I said, Robbie. Nothing interesting. Robbie: You won't believe it, Grandpa, but there's a letter here addressed to you, Mr. Malcolm Stewart, and it looks like a personal letter. Grandpa: Oh, it must be a bill. Robbie: I don't think so. The return name and address is Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. Grandpa: You're joking. Pete Waters? Robbie: Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. You know him? Grandpa: Do I know Pete Waters? You bet I do! He was my roommate in college. He visited with Grandma and me in Florida about five years ago. [He opens the letter.] 【语言点精讲】 1. The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa. 爷爷,邮递员刚在我们信箱里投放了一些信件。 mailman: 邮递员。近年来由于女权运动者反对含有性别区分的词汇,因此常改称mail carrier。 2. Probably a lot of advertising and bills. 可能是许多广告宣传品和帐单。 advertising: 广告;促销宣传品。 bills: 这里指的是账单。 3. Why don't you write to me, Robbie, so I can get some interesting mail? 你为什么不给我写几封信,Robbie,好让我也能收到有趣的邮件? so I can get some interesting mail: 这里so是so that的省略,引导目的状语从句。 4. You won't believe it, Grandpa, but there's a letter here addressed to you, Mr. Malcolm Stewart, and it looks like a personal letter. 你不会相信的,爷爷,真有一封信是寄给你的。Malcolm Stewart先生收,还像是一封私人信件呢。 a letter here addressed to you: 一封寄给你的信。 a personal letter: 一封私人信件。这是同广告或商业函件相对而言的。 5. The return name and address is Pete Waters, RFD Number 1, Chesterton. 寄信人的姓名地址是Pete Waters,乡村免费递送,切斯特顿1号。 return name and address: 回信用的姓名和地址。通常就是寄信人的姓名、地址。 RFD: rural free delivery的缩写,指的是(邮件的)乡村地区免费递送。这是一种为偏远乡村地区免费投递信件、报纸的邮政服务系统。由邮递员开汽车递送邮件,每个邮递员负责一条线路。在美国,这种服务开始于1896年。 6. Do I know Pete Waters? 反问句,意思是“那还用问,我当然认得他了”。其形式是把对方的问句原句重复一次,稍加重读,有时改用降调。 7. You bet I do! 这是美国口语的用法,表示“当然”,“毫无疑问”的意思。在这里Grandpa想要表达的意思是“我当然认识他”。意思相近的表达还有“Of course I do! ”以及“ I certainly do!”【篇二】
【故事梗概】 面对美食,Richard建议马上开吃,但是Marilyn坚持要先给家里打个电话,问问儿子的情况。早饭后,天气放晴了。雨过天晴,云破日出,真是个完美的二度蜜月。 Richard: Let's eat! Marilyn: First I want to call home and check on your mother and the baby. Richard: Honey, if there were any problems, she would call us. Marilyn: She doesn't know we've changed hotels. Richard: You're right. Of course. Marilyn: [She goes to the telephone.] Hello, operator, I'd like to call Riverdale, New York. [A little later.] Richard: This food is heavenly, isn't it? Marilyn: This whole place is heavenly. Do you remember that old desk? Mrs. Montefiore told me that George Washington sat at that desk and wrote to his wife Martha. Richard: What do you want to do after breakfast? Marilyn: Why don't we take a walk down to the river? Richard: In the rain? Marilyn: No. Look out the window. The sun is shining! Richard: Now this is my idea of a good time! [They hold hands across the table.] 【语言点精讲】 1. First I want to call home and check on your mother and the baby. 我先得给家里打电话,看看你母亲和小宝宝怎样了。 check on: 查核,查询。 2. Honey, if there were any problems, she would call us. 亲爱的,要是有事的话,她会打电话告诉我们的。 这句话是个虚拟的条件句。条件句中用were表示现在(或将来),主句中用would表示将来,意思是说这种情况发生的可能性很小 3. Hello, operator, I'd like to call Riverdale, New York. 你好,接线员,我要打电话到纽约的里弗代尔。 operator: (电话)接线员。 4. This food is heavenly, isn't it? 这饭食真是太丰盛了,不是吗? heavenly: 经过上帝之手,无比、极其美好的。 5. Mrs. Montefiore told me that George Washington sat at that desk and wrote to his wife Martha. Montefiore夫人告诉过我George Washington曾坐在桌旁给他的夫人Martha写信呢。 George Washington: 乔治·华盛顿。美国第一任总统,任期自1789年至1797年。 6. Look out the window. 你看看窗外。更正规的说法应该是Look out of the window.【篇三】
【故事梗概】 在磨坊旅馆的老板Montefiore女士欢迎Marilyn和Richard再次光临,并“自作主张”,为他们准备了非常丰盛的早餐。 Innkeeper: Well, it's nice to have you with us again. Next time, bring the baby. Marilyn: You see, Richard? Max is welcome here. Richard: Not on our anniversary. This vacation is for you and me. Innkeeper: If there's anything you need, please call me. I'll be in the front office all day. [There is a knock at the door.] Innkeeper: Oh, I took the liberty of ordering some breakfast for you. [The bellhop enters.] Innkeeper: Just put it over there, Charles. [The bellhop puts their breakfast on the table.] Innkeeper: Thank you. Charles. Compliments of the Watermill Inn. Richard: Thank you. Marilyn: Thank you so much. Richard: Now, this is my idea of a good time. Let's see…hotcakes and maple syrup, with scrambled eggs. Marilyn: Umm…smell that coffee…cinnamon and cloves. Richard: Homemade buttermilk biscuits. Marilyn: Slices of orange with burnt honey. 【语言点精讲】 1. This vacation is for you and me. 这次休假是专为你我二人的。 vacation: 假期,休假。 2. I'll be in the front office all day. 我整天都在总办公室里。 front office: 旅馆的总办公室。 3. Oh, I took the liberty of ordering some breakfast for you. 噢,我自己作主给你们定了早点。 take the liberty of (doing something): 冒昧地或未征得允许地(做某事)。 4. The bellhop enters. bellhop: 旅馆服务员。也可以称他们为bellboy 或者bellman。 5. Compliments of the Watermill Inn. 请接受我们磨坊旅馆的一点敬意。磨坊旅馆赠送。 有的旅馆或饭店会给特殊的顾客一次免费用餐,以示欢迎。 compliments of: 这是with the compliments of…的省略语,是在免费赠送某物给顾客时常用的套语,也可以说(With the)compliments of the management或 With our compliments。compliments原来是“赞美的话,致意,问候”的意思。在这里指的是“免费赠送,赠品”。 6. This is my idea of a good time. 这才是我所说的享受。 this is my idea of…: 在这里等同于this is what I think…should be like. 让我们来一起看一下让Richard有如此感慨的免费早餐是什么样的吧。 hotcakes: 烤饼。 maple syrup: 槭树汁,枫糖汁。 scrambled eggs: 炒鸡蛋。 coffee…cinnamon and cloves : 咖啡……有桂皮和丁香的香味。 homemade buttermilk biscuits: 自制的乳酪脆饼干。 Slices of orange with burnt honey: 橙子片加焦蜜。 关于英语一年级口语情景对话详解资料.doc正在阅读: