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【#雅思# 导语】每年的1、5、9月为雅思换题月。每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%到40%的旧题,并且补充相应数量的新题,大家在备考雅思口语的时候,一定要根据雅思口语话题的变化来变更自己的机经版本。下面就是©文档大全网为大家收集整理了2017年9-12月雅思口语Part 2预测,以供大家参考。
  Describe an invention that changed the world.
  You should say:
  What the invention was
  What it can do
  How popular it is
  Why it is an important invention.
  Invention Of The Automobile
  Some facts:
  The invention of the automobile can be traced back(追溯到)as far as 1769, when one Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, devised the very first concept - a complex, three wheeled(三轮的)steam engine.
  汽车的发明可以追溯到1769年,当时,一个叫Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot的人设计了第一个概念型车——复杂的三轮蒸汽引擎。
  At first, the idea never really took off(大受欢迎), as it could not compete with horse powered(以马为动力的) transportation which were easier to handle, faster, less expensive and more commercially viable(可行的).
  But later, those in favour of(赞成) the car responded, by expressing problems with horses such as the amount of food and water they required; Cars obviously didn't get hungry, tired or produce manure(粪便) like their 4 legged competitors.
  Invention Of The Airplane
  Some facts:
  The discovery of the airplane accelerated(加速) development in the transport industry. The time taken to travel greater distances has been dramatically reduced, and places have become increasingly more accessible(容易到达的).
  Despite the Wright Brothers universally(普遍的) credited with(归功于某人) the invention of the airplane, the emergence(出现) of the plane can be traced back an entire century before the brothers took to the sky. Sir George Cayley, built his first model helicopter(直升机) in 1796.
  虽然怀特兄弟被普遍认为是飞机的发明者,但飞机的出现可以被追溯到怀特兄弟飞上天的整整一个世纪前。George Cayley在1796年创造了第一个直升飞机。
  It was in 17th December, 1903, that the brothers unveiled(推出) their first airplane, the first plane that had been capable of(有能力) a controlled flight with no landing damage and a constant speed.
  The Invention Of The Camera
  Some facts:
  A camera is a device which enables the recording of still(静止的) and moving photographs within seconds. Without the camera, it was not possible to capture and preserve(保存) good memories.
  The camera was first designed by Joseph N. Niepce, a retired French Military Officer. He invented his first camera in 1826 in France, which comprised of(由。。。组成) two wooden boxes out of which one box had a lens(镜片) and the other had a screen, which was green in colour.
  相机首先是被一位名叫Joseph N. Niepce的法国退休军官设计的。他1826年在法国发明了第一台照相机,机子由两个木质盒子组成,一个盒子装了镜片,另一个盒子装了绿色的屏幕。
  The Invention Of The Internet
  Some facts:
  The Internet is something which many of us now take for granted(认为理所当然), but the invention of the Internet, is still recent. The design of the Internet was done in 1973 and published in 1974.
  The Internet grew to phenomenal(巨大的) levels over a short period of time. In 1996, more than 25 million computers had been connected to the Internet across 180 different countries.
  The Internet has changed our world bringing a wealth of(大量的)information to our fingertips(指尖). The sharing of information has accelerated with the introduction of the Internet, with new, fresh content accessible second after second. More applications(应用程序) are being introduced to the Internet, and with the rising popularity of Internet enabled phones, the Internet will only continue to grow at a tremendous(巨大的) rate opening up thousands more opportunities to all of us. The invention of the Internet is indeed, one of the most recent revolutionary(革命性的) inventions which have been a major success and welcome addition(添加) to our world.
  The Invention Of The Computer
  Some facts:
  Personal computers are now commonplace(普遍的) in most homes throughout the world, and are relied on(依赖) heavily by both individuals and businesses. The invention of the computer is relatively new, emerging into our lives relatively late in the 20th century.
  个人电脑现在在世界大部分的家庭中都很常见了, 个人和公司对它非常的依赖。电脑的发明相对较晚,在20世纪末期才进入我们的生活。
  In April, 1977, the Apple II was launched, the world's first personal computer system. The system was designed exclusively(的) by the Apple team and included a keyboard and most notably colour graphics(图形处理). The Apple II retailed(零售) at $1290.
  The Invention Of The Telephone
  Some facts:
  One of the most important and revolutionary inventions which impact(影响)greatly upon modern day communication is the invention of the telephone. The idea behind the telephone is simple, but it took many years and an array of(大批的) different inventors to finally succeed with the technology.
  In 1876, the first comprehensible(可理解的) telephone conversation was said to have taken place between Bell and his assistant, who was sitting in another room.
  Ok, let me talk about GPS, or more commonly referred to as the Global Positioning System, which I guess is the one creation that has greatly influenced the whole world. The mechanism(原理) of GPS, I suppose, is based on time and the known position of specialized satellites(专用卫星).
  I must admit that I don't have a clue at all(毫无线索) about the exact time when it’s created or the person who should be given credited for (归功于)inventing GPS. But as far as I know, it has a history of quite some years. While originally a military project, GPS is now considered a dual-use technology(两用技术), meaning it has significant military and civilian applications(军用和民用).
  Specifically, you see, it has become a widely deployed and useful tool(广泛利用的有用工具) for so many purposes: commerce, scientific uses and more importantly, facilitating everyday activities(使日常活动更便利) such as banking, mobile phone operations, and even the control of power grids(控制电网). Take myself as an example, being a frequent traveler(经常旅行的人), I simply can’t live without a GPS in my hand. Even if I’m in a middle of nowhere(偏远的地方), GPS will quickly locate(定位) me without the need of internet access(网络接入), pointing out the best route for me.
  Also, another great thing about it is the application in delivery of goods. GPS makes it possible for us to track our parcels 24/7(不间断的, 一直地), knowing where exactly the parcel is and when it’s delivered to the place. This just can’t be more useful for online shoppers(线上购物者).
  Actually, this world-changing(改变世界的) invention has tons of other applications that I may not be able to list them all(全部列举出来). Just picture the world without GPS, then no one would deny the fact that it has made our life much easier than before.

2017年9-12月雅思口语Part 2预测:改变世界的发明.doc
