Weight Worries May Start Early for Slim Women
There is a range of reasons(一系列原因) why thin women think they're too heavy, but the distorted(扭曲,歪曲)body image may often have its roots in childhood, the results of a new study suggest.
Researchers found that among more than 2,400 thin women they surveyed, nearly 10
percent thought they were too heavy. __ (1)__
According to the study authors, led by Dr. Susanne Kruger Kjaer of the Danish CancerSociety, Copenhagen, society's "ideal" female body is moving toward an underweight physique.(体格)__ (2)
To investigate body image among thin women, the researchers gave questionnaires(问卷) to 2,443 women ages 27 to 38 whose body mass index(体块指数)was at the low end of normal(正常值下限)___(3)
Overall, almost 10 percent of the women thought they were too heavy. Those who reportedcertain "severe life events" in childhood or adolescence, such as having a parent become ill orhaving their educational hopes dashed(使破灭,挫败), were more likely than others to have a distorted body image. __ (4)
In contrast, traumatic events in adulthood(成年), such as serious illness or significant marital problems, were not related to poor body image, the researchers report. __ (5)
A The same was true of* women who started having sex or drinking alcohol when they were Younger than 15 years old.
B Experiences in childhood, including having an iii parent, or sta/'ting to drink or have sex at aparticularly young age, were among the risk factors for having a distorted body image.
C “Our results indicate that the risk of beingdissatisfied with (one's) own body weight may beestablished early in life," Kjaer and her colleagues write.
D Research suggests that many normal-weight women wish to weigh less.
E If worries have altered your appetite or weight, it will help to talk to someone about it.
F The women were asked about factors ranging from childhood experiences to currentexercise habits.
练习答案 1B 2D 3F 4A 5C