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【#英语资源# 导语】大家都知道真诚是一种心灵的开放,而诚信就是社会的支撑点,是社会的生命之灯。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone! My speech is entitled "good faith with us".

  Standing under the national flag, I look up at the high flying red flag. There is a picture of the cock standing proudly in front of us - the layout of our great motherland. I can't help but feel thousands of people. At this moment, we are immersed in the sound of the national anthem, solemn and serious to the motherland, silently to the national flag to make their own voluntary. The new generation of us is carrying a thousand pounds of burden. As the most valuable wealth of our country, the first thing that we should do is to speak honesty.

  What is honesty? The farmer said: honesty is the fruitful fruit in autumn; Teachers say: honesty is the pure feelings of white jade between teachers and students; Workers say honesty is hard work under the production of high quality and high-quality products. In short, honesty is the foundation of individual and the root of the nation.

  We will find that there are many stories about honesty and trustworthiness. At the same time, we also see that the case of the country breaking down due to the loss of honesty can also be found: the failure of Shang Zhou accelerated the destruction of the country; The king of Chu Huai lost his faith, not only died of the country, but also made a generation of good officials Quyuan hate guruojiang; Wu Sangui lost faith and left behind a long history of naming... So, taking history as a reference, honesty is the foundation of our self-cultivation and conduct.

  Honesty is important to a person, and more important to a country. A person who does not speak of honesty is a dangerous product of society, and a nation who does not speak of honesty is a great sorrow. Therefore, we middle school students should be more conscientious, from me, so that in the near future, we can shoulder the responsibility of building the motherland.

  As the master of the future motherland, we are facing a new era of information, which is characterized by new technology, new information and new system emerging and increasingly fierce competition. To adapt ourselves to this era and make our nation stand in this competitive world, we must be honest and trustworthy. You can have no money, no honor, no health, but you can not have integrity, because honesty is the foundation of individual and the root of the nation.

  Students do homework in good faith, integrity test, honesty treat people, which is in line with the call of the times, is imperative. Friends, let us start from the small things around us, not let honesty only appear on paper, become the mantra of our China Education Website document channel, let it be active among us, so that integrity is everywhere. Students, as long as we all act, our motherland will be built in the middle of the day and will be prosperous. Students let us shout "good faith with me!"


  Integrity is a little star, small but merged into a dream like the Milky way of gossamer; Honesty is a thunderbolt, shining and stimulating people's false soul lost because of money; Honesty is a delicate fragrance, simple and elegant is transformed into a kind Friendship like Liyang... Honesty may not necessarily create superior success, but I believe it can make people's soul beautiful.

  We can lose our status, honor, success, the icing on the cake, but we must never lose our integrity. Fraud really makes you have nothing and makes you fall into the abyss of crime.

  It was a hot afternoon, but I had no choice when I went home. I should have been blowing the air conditioner in my room early, but I was still in such a mess. Today I was confused and didn't have any money. Now I can only ask the sky without saying anything. I just blame myself for being stubborn and forgetful. The sun is burning every inch of my naked skin wantonly, I feel like I'm going to be "air dried.".

  "God, I don't treat you badly at ordinary times?" As I walked along, I saw a simple money bag. I was a little stunned. It was not a mirage. It was not as hot as that. When I came closer, I found that there was still a lot of money in it. It was stacked neatly from one yuan to one hundred yuan. I was excited: did God hear my prayer? But... Looking at this family, it must not be rich. What should we do if it is urgent?

  A kind of idea drove me to stop the car as soon as possible, regardless of whether he was in urgent need or not, "if I found a treasure on the ground, I couldn't take it." moreover, the pedestrians were all in a hurry, and no one paid attention to this gloomy purse at all. But if it's really urgent, then I'm not bad for others. Maybe the money is still hard to raise. When I reach for it, I always feel that there is a kind of vision condemning me, which contains deep disappointment. I tangled and struggled, and finally reason overcame greed. I waited patiently, looked left and right, and didn't wait for the figure of the owner.

  When I was about to give up, an anxious figure came to me. It was an old lady in her eighties: "little girl, have you ever seen such a big purse?" She is gesticulating, the brow is full of anxious look. I gave her my purse and she left gratefully.

  I continue to walk, the money in the purse is still there, my mood seems to be clear, the sun is no longer so burning, because the light of integrity is far more gorgeous and wonderful than the sun.


  Shakespeare once said: losing faith means that the enemy destroys itself. Honesty is the foundation of being a person. Without honesty, it loses the meaning of life. I have hesitated between interest and integrity.

  What is integrity? I guess you should know. Everyone knows the story of Lenin breaking vase when he was a child. One day Lenin went to his aunt's house to play, accidentally breaking the vase on the table. When the aunt asked, his brothers and sisters were busy shirking their responsibilities, saying they didn't break them by themselves. Lenin hesitated for a moment and finally admitted his mistake. This is a simple story of honesty. Honesty is to be honest and trustworthy, which is reflected in the little drops of life. For example, speaking of doing it, not lying, meeting friends are punctual and punctual. A person who knows good faith can be more successful in life and career. After all, for a child who has learned to panic and cheat since childhood, it is difficult for you to expect such a person to become a great thinker of all ages?

  Honesty is the standard of measuring a person. If one person has achieved the word "honesty", it will certainly be respected by people. It is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and the principle that people should abide by in their communication. I remember one time, I and my good friend agreed to meet at the mall at 9 a.m. Sunday morning and lend her a book. Who knows that morning it was raining heavily. I saw the time was coming. I called her, but I couldn't contact her. What should I do? At this time, my mother said to me, you promised that other people's affairs should be done, and you can't lose faith in others. I had to go in the rain. Although I was wet that day, I kept my promise and got friendship.

  Honesty is sincerity, honesty is trustworthy, honesty is a promise, honesty is the action after promise. With honesty, our life will have more understanding, a smile and more friendliness. Because of honesty, our world will be better.

