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【#英语资源# 导语】在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。写起作文来就毫无头绪?©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Everyone will have some absurd ideas and dreams, such as: want to have Aladdin, or jingle cat, flying blanket; Want to be the monkey king and so on. My absurd idea is to become an angel, not an "angel in white", but an angel with a glittering halo on his head, a pair of snow-white wings behind him and a star stick in his hand.

  If I were an angel, I would make those bad people right. As long as I gently tap on the heads of those bad people with my star stick, the dark and evil halo on their heads will become a shining and good halo. If I were an angel, I would make the halo on all the heads of the world shine with a shining and kind halo.

  If I were an angel, I would fly across seven continents and four oceans, fly to every corner of the earth to play, and bring gifts from various countries to my friends. If there is a fire somewhere on earth, I will call God and ask him to let it rain and put out the fire. If there is a flood, I just point the flood with my star stick, and the flood will go back. If someone cuts down trees, I will punish them and let them cut one, so they will plant ten.

  If I were an angel, I would make spring longer, so that everything can grow more prosperous, so that people can enjoy the spring, because "the plan of a year lies in spring".

  If I were an angel, I would let those unfortunate people live like normal people. I point the lame man's foot with my star stick, and the man can run and jump immediately! I use my star stick to point the hand of the person whose hand is broken, and that person can write and work immediately! I use my star stick to point the person who has cancer, and that person won't have to suffer from cancer

  If only I were an angel!


  If I were a little angel, I would make the earth very beautiful and let everyone live a happy day.

  If I were a little angel, I would fly to the earthquake stricken area. Because there is a piece of ruins, there are people shouting for help, but many are of no help, because most people were killed. It would be nice if I could fly here and use an angel stick to restore this place to its former beautiful appearance. People can work and go to school well without disaster. Everything is as beautiful as before, and then let people disappear this short memory of the earthquake without leaving any shadow.

  If I were a little angel, I would fly to everyone's heart and delete their bad thoughts, so as to make them a good person and make the society peaceful and peaceful. For example, I saw a thief going to touch someone else's wallet. I will fly into his heart, dispel his idea of stealing other people's wallets, and equip him with the idea of saving money with his own labor. From then on, he won't steal other people's wallets, and he will become a good man.

  If I were a little angel, I would restore the health of the disabled, improve their facial features, and make people free from disease and pain. For example, I saw a deaf, blind and dumb little girl who slowly groped forward with her hands. I will stick the angel a little, make his facial features sound, lively and lovely, confident and happy

  If I were a little angel, I would make the world very beautiful and let everyone live a happy day, I would be happy.


  Dreams come to my mind

  In the hazy, the perfect face gradually appeared. A dancing angel with white jade wings and magic wand appeared in this wonderful land in the world. I suddenly felt that this angel was myself.

  I dream of getting the magic wand. Maybe God favors me and makes me do it in my dream.

  I decided to do something meaningful, so I took a bunch of flowers and disappeared into the jungle... I walked through the forest and walked in the sea of clouds with fresh air and sunshine. Go to Cinderella's wedding and spread a blessing; Accompany the soul of the mermaid and give her new life; Come to the Aegean Sea and let the kind father see his son's victorious return; Go to the little match girl and wake her up with warm love to let her know what the cake tastes and what the shape of the roast duck is

  I leaped around the sun god and told him the beautiful story of the world; Bring the blessing of Cupid, the God of love,; The wish of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and the golden apple of youth of IDUs, the goddess of youth, shed a piece of love on the world; I will persuade the queen mother to meet the Cowherd and the weaver girl and reunite Chang'e and Hou Yi

  I also went to the ice and snow palace to visit grandma Bing and grandpa Xue. Zeus, the God King, invited me, and menelau, the goddess of justice, also came to visit me

  The world belongs to everyone. Love belongs to everyone. Everyone has the right to share warmth and happiness. The purpose of my life, my whole duty, is to make the world full of love and joy.

  The warm sunshine squeezed into my cabin through the bright window. I opened my hazy eyes and another bright day... When I was very young, I always liked to listen to my father's stories. She was so handsome and happy. She was so happy when my father held her hand! At that time, my father was the "angel" in my heart. However, my father called me affectionately, "baby, you are an angel!"

  I'm not an angel. How could it be my father, not me, who would be taken to heaven?

  "I hope my baby can be as beautiful as an angel!" Dad wrote in his diary. I dry my tears. My father wants me to be an angel, like an angel, so I will be an angel. Even if I am not, I will work hard. But what is an angel like? Maybe like Dad!

  What is an angel? I asked myself in my heart, but I didn't answer. Maybe it's the real beauty, I thought again, so I went to find the real beauty.

  I began to learn to smile like my father. It was warm and comfortable. I learned to give such a smile to everyone, whether rich or poor, high or low, old, weak, sick or disabled. Maybe the world needs such a smile, maybe it's me. My heart becomes transparent and light day by day. The world is beautiful and smiling, but I'm not an angel. My heart and I often talk about how to become the angel in my heart. My heart always has no clear answer, but I'm trying!

  Until one day, I came here with my father's wishes. I seemed to feel that I was going to put my wings here.

  The old people here are lonely and pitiful. Although it's just cleaning the room, teaching them to read some books and playing games with them. Looking at their simple smile, I think they are angels, so am I!

  "Angel girl, you play with me!" Lowering her head, an angel like grandmother smiled at me, "you are very kind!" This is the best appreciation“ WOW! " My wings are open! It turns out that kindness and sincerity are the wings of an angel. I think of dad.

  It turned out that she always wanted me to be kind, sincere and beautiful like an angel!

  I see. I did it.

  I'm an angel. It's beautiful.

