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【#英语资源# 导语】©文档大全网为大家带来了一篇关于《我的梦想英语演讲稿范文》的文章。梦想是人生的动力,是人们追求幸福的源泉。本文将为大家介绍梦想的重要性以及如何实现自己的梦想。相信本文能够给大家带来启示和帮助,让我们一起追逐自己的梦想吧!

1.我的梦想英语演讲稿范文 篇一

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  The dream of Fan Zhongyan is to worry about the world first, and then enjoy the joy of the world; The dream of Cao Cao is to have an old hero and a lofty goal... I also have my own dream. When I was young, my dream was to become the director of a chocolate factory, where I could eat delicious chocolate every day; As I grow up, my dream is to become an economist and contribute to the economic development of the country.

  With you all the way, my beloved teacher, you are my dream navigation. It is you who taught me to boldly explore, search and discover with my own mind; You taught me to view things with a loving eye and discover the beauty around me; It is you who cultivate my confidence, self-reliance, and self-improvement, allowing me to constantly surpass myself and point the way for my dreams.

  Along the way, my dear parents, you are the support of my dream. Who is it? Revise my homework word for word under the light at night; Who is it? In the hot sun and in the rainstorm, I was picked up and sent to school; Who is it again? When I was sick and had a fever, I stayed by my side day and night, never leaving. It is you who silently contribute and support a blue sky for my dream.

  With you all the way, my beloved book, that's the bridge of my dreams. Every time you read a good book, it's like having a conversation with a great soul. When reading Helen Keller's "If You Give Me Three Days of Light," Helen challenged life again and again, giving the world valuable enlightenment and reference, telling us never to give up; When reading Bing Xin's "Starry Spring Water", the strong maternal love and innocent innocence deeply shook me; When reading Faber's "Insect Story", I experienced the beauty of nature... I enjoyed the joy brought by books and the growth my soul gained from them. The books, like rain and dew, have watered my dreams time and time again.

  If my dream is likened to the other side of success, then the teacher's guidance is the beacon that guides the way, guiding me in the direction; My parents' support is the supplies on board, providing me with energy; The function of books is to use the double oars in my hands to help me cut through the wind and waves.

  I firmly believe that my dream will eventually come true because I have you all the way.

  thank you.

2.我的梦想英语演讲稿范文 篇二

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  Everyone has his own dream. Maybe your dream is to be a policeman who serves the people, or a persuasive tour guide. And my dream is to become a people's teacher.

  I think teachers are very sacred and great. It is a teacher who educates an immature child into a respectful and reasonable child; It is a teacher who cultivates a playful child into a diligent, inquisitive, and striving student. Teachers use knowledge nectar to water the flowers of students' ideals, and nourish the beauty of students' sentiments with the spring of their hearts.

  If students are compared to the flowers of our country, then the teacher is a gardener. The teacher prunes and leaves the flowers of our country, fertilizes and weeds them, so that the flowers of our country can thrive. If students are compared to a lost lamb, then the teacher is the guide, who points out the direction for the students and helps them clarify their own direction.

  So, my dream is to become a teacher. Teachers can cultivate talents and make contributions for the motherland and the people. When I was young, I had many dreams, including beautiful literary dreams, colorful celebrity dreams, and wonderful designer dreams. As I grew up, I found my true dream through continuous learning and the dream of making contributions to my country and people, which is to become a teacher.

  I think, with my current knowledge foundation, it would be wishful thinking to achieve my dream. So, I must study hard, prepare well before class, listen attentively in class, review carefully after class, read more extracurricular books, and cultivate good moral qualities. After all, having a good character is also a basic principle of being a teacher.

  I know that no matter how brilliant words are, they are just a fleeting moment of wisdom and passion. Only by studying hard can they be flowers blooming on the road to success. So, I will definitely study hard, strive hard, and study hard to achieve my dreams. I believe that although dreams may be far away, as long as you persist and take action, there will definitely be a day to realize them!

  thank you.

3.我的梦想英语演讲稿范文 篇三

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  Everyone has their own dreams, some people want to become singers, stand on their own shining stage and sing loudly, immerse themselves in the music, and enjoy the screams of their fans; Some people want to become entrepreneurs and walk on the streets. The large chain stores along the way are all their own... No matter what their dreams are, they are all beautiful. As a junior high school student, my dream is to become a professional writer, holding a wonderful pen in my hand, intoxicated by my beautiful writing style.

  Dreams need to be encouraged. Don't assume that children's dreams have nothing to do with their parents, but are actually closely related. Sometimes it happens to be unintentional by parents. In a word, it will make the children's beautiful dream become a foam, which will disappear bit by bit, and finally become a child without goals and dreams. Even if life is full, the vacant space in my heart will never be filled. Every child is a beautiful little angel, and every little angel has a pair of wings for dreams. These wings can help you have goals and achieve something.

  I remember a classmate said that he wanted to be a pirate, but he was a good pirate. I understand his idea. He wants a ship of his own to search for treasures around the world and fight against sea beasts... what a wonderful dream! Really? That's great. Wishing your dreams come true! "I encouraged him. But... "his originally bright and energetic gaze suddenly dimmed." My mother said I'm stupid, I don't know anything, and I should study hard. "Is this still a parent? Can't we achieve what we wish for, not even a space for imagination? Relatively speaking, my parents are doing very well. As soon as I have a dream, they will encourage me without hesitation and provide strong support. If there is any need, they will try their best to help me. Dear parents, please do not tie the wings of your children's dreams with spiritual shackles, and do not let them become angels with broken wings!

  Thank you all!

4.我的梦想英语演讲稿范文 篇四

  Dear teachers and classmates

  hello everyone!

  Dreams are seashells washed ashore by the waves, they are mottled and blurred: their colors are bright and bright; They shine brightly. And my dreams may be forever buried by them, because my dreams are just trying to save the rush of time.

  Belinsky once said that in all criticism, the greatest, most correct, and most talented is time. I know that time is always the most just, it will not turn back, nor can it change because of me. So, I just hope that I can seize the few remaining moments of my childhood and make it more fulfilling and memorable.

  It is also a dream, you need to achieve it, it is your goal, a goal that will be achieved in the future; If you speak eloquently there, tell your dreams, but remain indifferent in action, then no matter how valuable it is, it is not just a dream. I am only a short distance from my dream, and I don't want to see it turn into a bad check. I want to act coquettishly before my parents are full; Playing wild and mischievous with friends... doing things as you please, playing games without restraint, every week, every day, every hour, is filled with joy and joy. I want to record every thing that makes me feel fresh in my memory, feel happy every day, don't do anything against my own ideas, laugh without any image when happy, and enjoy my childhood to the fullest. My dream is always scattered and gathered like a mist, but it always revolves around a word - happiness. In another year, my elementary school years will come to an end, but what will usher in is my junior high school career; In four more years, my childhood will come to an end, but it will be followed by my colorful youth.

  I want to freely enjoy my current time, be prepared for the next stage of life, and make my life happy and regretless. This is my dream. Even if it is not as great as the dream of someone who wants to be a scientist, it is better to have a noble dream of someone who wants to be a doctor. There is no selfless dream of someone who wants to be a teacher, but it is my eternal and unchanging dream - to live happily at every stage of life.

  thank you.

5.我的梦想英语演讲稿范文 篇五

  Dear teacher and classmates

  Everyone has a dream, and my dream is to become a scientist who benefits the people.

  When you don't understand the path ahead, dreams are like a guide, guiding you out of your way; When you go astray, dreams are a hand that pulls you out of the dark abyss; When you are in the darkness, your dream is like a lighthouse, guiding you out of the darkness and towards the future.

  When I was young, I always asked questions. Who invented the electric light bulb, who invented the astronomical telescope, and so on. My parents were bewildered by my questions, so I had to ask myself to look for answers in the book. I finally got the answer. The light bulb was originally invented by Edison, and Galileo invented the astronomical telescope. These inventions made our lives more convenient. Imagine if Edison hadn't invented the electric light bulb, we wouldn't have a light tube. Without these, on a pitch black night, we would have to rely on an oil lamp. What a troublesome thing it would be! So, from this moment on, I aspired to become a scientist.

  Since the seeds of dreams have been planted, they must be watered with actual sweat and hard work tears. I have decided to strive to become a scientist in the future, and I have decided to do more hands-on experiments and read more science books. Sure enough, I am now the leader of the scientific interest group. Although there is still some distance from my dream, I still need to double my efforts.

  When I had a wide range of scientific knowledge, I made a serious mistake - pride. I am self righteous and think I am very powerful. Until one time, a science competition was held in Hengyang City, and the teacher sent me to participate in the competition, but I didn't take it seriously.

  Until the day of the competition, I brought my works to the competition venue and saw that all the other contestants' works were better than mine, which gave me an ominous feeling. Sure enough, my premonition was right, I didn't win the prize. After this competition, I have come to understand that 'there are people outside of us, there are days outside of us'. All my previous pride has disappeared, because from this moment on, I will continue my dream.

  Come on, let's put on the wings of our dreams and keep their wings in our hearts forever.

  thank you.
