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【#英语资源# 导语】端午节,为每年农历五月初五。据《荆楚岁时记》记载,因仲夏登高,顺阳在上,五月是仲夏,它的第一个午日正是登高顺阳好天气之日,故五月初五亦称为"端阳节"。此外端午节还称"午日节、五月节、龙舟节、浴兰节、诗人节"等。端午节是流行于中国以及汉字文化圈诸国的传统文化节日。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today, grandma's house also wrapped zongzi. I took out two large and small zongzi leaves like Grandma, folded a corner like Grandma, put some soaked glutinous rice on the folded corner tube, stuffed a large piece of fat pork, and covered it with glutinous rice. I began to be a little complacent and thought: a simple zongzi can't help the smart me. But when I covered the Zongye again, the glutinous rice jumped out one after another like a naughty child. I was as anxious as ants on a hot pot. Fortunately, my grandmother "solved the encirclement" for me - I lost some glutinous rice, so I breathed a sigh of relief and put down a heavy stone in my heart. After some small setbacks, I finally came to the last step - tying a palm rope. Rice dumplings need to be wrapped tightly to taste good, so I took the palm rope and tied the rice dumplings round and round, and then gave them to my grandmother. At this time, I realized that making zongzi is a craft. It's not easy to wrap it.

  I feel that people commemorate Qu Yuan's great patriotism through various colorful activities, and the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival have been formed over time. It contains the deep feelings of the people of the motherland and carries the gorgeous culture of the Chinese nation. It originated and developed in China. We should protect it, inherit it and let people all over the world know it.


  It is said that Qu Yuan, an ancient poet, threw himself into the river on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. In order to commemorate him, later generations regarded this day as a festival, including eating zongzi, dragon boat racing and other customs.

  Last Sunday, my mother and I made a lot of zongzi. That day, I saw my mother making zongzi. I was very curious. I asked my mother if she could teach me. My mother readily promised me and set a demonstration for me.

  I saw her first pick a large and a small two Zong leaves, fold them together, then hold both ends of the two leaves with both hands, roll them into a funnel shape, put rice and meat, and finally seal and tie rope.

  I learned from my mother and picked up two Zong leaves to roll into a funnel shape. Who knows, the Zongye didn't listen to me and always turned into some strange shapes. Later, my mother helped me make a funnel shape with her hands. Then I scooped some rice with a spoon and put it in. Then I sandwiched a piece of delicious soy sauce. Then I asked for some rice to cover the meat. When I covered the rice dumpling leaves and prepared to tie them with a rope, I suddenly loosened my hand and scattered the rice on the ground. The first time I made zongzi also failed. I was a little discouraged. My mother encouraged me and said, "it doesn't matter. Come on, try it again!" After listening to this, I have confidence again. I don't believe that I can't wrap a zongzi well.

  The second time zongzi began. Everything went very smoothly in the front. The more I went to the back, the more careful I became. When it came to tying the rope again, my mother reminded me: "you are not proficient yet. You should slow down and be careful." I became more and more cautious. I picked up a long hemp rope and wrapped the dumplings around and around until they were tied tightly, and finally tied a knot. After checking several times and there were no loopholes, I safely handed it over to my mother. My mother looked and praised me: "well done!"

  I'm so happy today because I learned to make zongzi. How many times in my life, for the first time, I will keep trying.


  The children's happy songs came from the alley of "May 5 is the Dragon Boat Festival", and the annual Dragon Boat Festival came again.

  Speaking of the Dragon Boat Festival, there is another touching story. Once upon a time, there was a minister named Qu Yuan in the state of Chu. At that time, the state of Chu was in crisis. Because Qu Yuan had always been trusted by the state of Chu, he gave advice to the king of Chu every night. One day, a group of villains sued Qu Yuan in front of the king of Chu. The king of Chu believed it and drove Qu Yuan out of the state of Chu. Later, when the state of Chu perished, Qu Yuan was devastated and jumped into the Miluo River to commit suicide. After hearing the news, everyone fished Qu Yuan's body one after another, but found nothing. People were afraid that fish would eat Qu Yuan's body, so they threw zongzi into the river. From then on, there was the custom of eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, the fragrance of zongzi floats in the streets and alleys. The zongzi is neither square nor round, but diamond. The shapes and varieties of zongzi are different, including red jujube stuffing and meat stuffing... My favorite food is red jujube stuffing. Peel off the zongzi leaves. There are several thin jujubes in the snow-white glutinous rice. Take a bite. It's sweet but not greasy, which gives people endless aftertaste.

  The happiest part of the Dragon Boat Festival belongs to our children. When we came to the street, there was a fragrant pendant on our chest. It was called a sachet. It was woven with fancy cloth and embroidered with various blessings with colorful threads. Sachets have different shapes, heart-shaped, star shaped... Each has a charming aroma.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is really an interesting festival!


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I'm very happy because the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is my favorite. Some people eat brown seeds, some drink yellow rice wine, and many people are watching dragon boat races.

  After school, I ran home right away. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a strong smell of brownies. I found that my mother cooked a lot of delicious brownies.

  Palm seeds taste sticky. Palm seeds contain meat, red dates and salted egg yolk. They are especially delicious

  After we finished eating the brown seeds, we will go to see the dragon boat race. The dragon boat race is really interesting. Once, it was very funny. I found that two dragon boats collided with each other and had a dead knot. My head was stuck in it. I couldn't pull it out. It took a lot of effort to pull out my head. I really laughed to death at that time.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is really fun!


  My family's Dragon Boat Festival

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Our family got up at five and went up the mountain to the dew according to the custom. Along the way, I took up the crystal dew with both hands and wiped it on my eyes. For a time, my eyes seemed to brighten a lot. Until I sat in the classroom reading, I still felt that my eyes were very bright and I could see any word clearly.   After school, I spread my legs and ran home. As soon as I got to the door, I smelled the fragrance of zongzi. As soon as I entered the door, I saw my father cooking a table of good dishes for me to eat at home. I washed my hands and came to the table. First, I solved a zongzi for my parents and sprinkled it with white sugar. Then I solved a beautiful triangular zongzi for myself, sprinkled it with white sugar and ate it with relish. At the dinner table, our family chatted while eating. The room was full of the happy atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival, filled with the smell of zongzi and strong moxa.

  After dinner, my mother put yellow wine on my ears, touched lipstick on my lips, gave me a red line on my wrist, dressed me up as fragrant as zongzi, and let me go to school to learn.

  I love to eat zongzi, love the Dragon Boat Festival and enjoy the happy atmosphere of the festival.

  Your dumplings are so delicious. Can I have a taste?

