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【#英语资源# 导语】英语是世界上最流行的语言,也是所有语言中使用最广泛的语言,学好英语有利于我们对外交流。下面是®文档大全网整理发布的“大二英语话题作文【三篇】”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!


  Self-discipline is absolutely important in today’s society, especially for college students. Compared with high school students, college students are comparative free to choose what to do and how to do. However, it is such a change that requires our college students to be more self-disciplined.


  Self-discipline is a key to improving ourselves. For one thing, without self-discipline, some college students would be distracted by other temptations, like playing games. To the contrary, college students will motivate themselves and learn something useful to improve their ability under self-discipline. For another, as college students are in an important period of forming characters and quality, self-discipline is indispensable for shaping them to be better. A college student who is self-disciplined will take his responsibility and try to be a better man. He will overcome laziness, greed and other temptations and focus on his way to be better. In addition, self-discipline will help him to be an estimable man in that a self-disciplined man will control himself to follow general rules or morals and avoid doing something harmful to the society and the public.


  In a word, self-discipline is very important and necessary, especially for college students since they are in a crucial period that determines their worldview and sense of value.



  Kids would be overexcited during Spring Festival, for the simple reason that they would receive “lucky money”from their parents as well as other elderships. According to ancient custom, the elder generations put a certain number of money in a red envelope, and give it to the children of the family, wishing that the children would grow up healthily and happily.


  How to reasonably deal with those “lucky money”is a serious question for parents and children alike. As far as I am concerned, two ways below are worth to be considered.


  One sensible way is to save the money for higher education. With the development of economic and urbanization, the competition is becoming more and fiercer. The demand of people with high degree is increasing, which means, the threshold for a “white-collar”job is higher and higher. Therefore, accepted into a college is viewed as a necessary and an initial step for a good job. Given the increasing cost of college education and postgraduate education, saving the “lucky money”is at least an economic guarantees for higher education.

  一种明智的做法是把钱存起来用于高等教育。随着经济的发展以及城市化进程的加快,市场竞争日趋激烈。对于高学历人才的要求日益增加,这就意味着, “白领”的门槛是越来越高了。因此,上过大学被认为是好工作的必要步骤。鉴于大学教育和研究生教育成本的增加,把“压岁钱”存起来至少是对高等教育的一个经济保障。

  The other way is investing, and by investing I do not mean buy stocks or bonds, but investing in self-improvement. For example, purchasing some books, literature, politic, philosophy, whatever you like. As Bacon said, “reading makes a full man”, investing in books you are interested in would expand your knowledge and improve your attainment. However, not only books could attribute to self-improvement, art and sports or other skills could also do. Invest some money to learn piano, guitar, etc.; or to learn dancing, swimming, tennis…Or just to learn how to drive is a worthwhile acquirement.


  All in all, you could name other good ways to use“lucky money” of course, as long as it is worthwhile, and saving for education and investing in self-improvement are definitely among them.



  Different people have different opinions about the length of vacations. In China, the short vacation usually last for three days which is not long enough for people to do the things they really want. And the long vacation is usually a week, which is called “the golden week”. Some people prefer short vacations, for they don’t know what to do when they don’t need to work. Others love long vacations better, for they can spend their precious time on different kinds of activities. As for me, I prefer long vacations for the following reasons.

  不同的人对假期的长度有不同的看法。在中国,短期假期 My Holiday'>假日一般持续三天,对那些想要做些什么的人来说明显时间不够长,而长假一般为一个星期,所以也被称之为“黄金周”。一些人喜欢短假,因为他们不知道不用上班时应该做些什么。另一些人则更喜欢长假,他们可以在长假中进行自己喜爱的各种活动。对我来说,我更喜欢长假,有如下的几个原因:

  First, long vacations provide people enough time to travel remote. We can go to Yunnan, Beijing, even Thailand on the long vacations. But short vacation can not do this, for the time is not enough. The days you spend on the roads will cost at least two days. The long vacations will solve this problem. Second, the long vacation is a perfect time for us to meet old friends from primary and high school. We haven’t seen each other for a while, it’s time that we can get together and have some fun. Third, we can do various activities on the long vacations. Such as barbecue, go to KTV, sleeping all day long without being disturb by phone calls. What’s more, I can reread lots of my favorite books on long vacations. Especially I still haven’t finish reading the series of A Song of Ice and Fire.


  Long vacations are so good, I hope it will last. For me, it’s the most relaxing time for me to do the things I want and forget all about my problems. I think the government should arrange more long vacations for people.


