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新概念第三册 Lesson 35 Justice was done 伸张正义
  【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
  ●justice n. 正义,公正;司法
  ●coust n. 法院
  ●law n. 法律
  ●innocence n. 无辜
  ●undertake v. 承担,着手做
  ●arduous adj. 艰苦的,艰难的
  ●abstract adj. 抽象的
  ●concept n. 概念,观念
  ●mete out 给予,处置
  ●interference n. 干涉
  ●accord n. 一致
  ●premises n. 房屋
  ●convert v. 转变,改变
  ●disused adj. 不再用的,废弃的
  ●fireplace n. 壁炉
  ●muffle v. 捂住,厌抑
  ●chip v. 砍,削,凿
  ●bkacken v. 不变黑
  ●emerge v. (从某处)出现
  ●justice n. 正义,公正;司法
  Justice is done 正义得到伸张
  bring justice to the criminal 把罪犯缉拿归案
  do justice to sb 公正地对待某人
  give oneself up to justice 自首
  in justice to sth/ sb. 为了对……公正起见
  Eg: They decided to investigate the case in justice to person.为了对这件案件公正起见,他们决定调查这个案件
  L34-05_35-01 end 10’59”
  L35-02 begin 10’07”
  injustice 不公平,不公正
  ●coust n. 法院
  ●law n. 法律
  take law into one's own hand 无法无天
  take the law of sb 控告
  at law 在诉讼中
  within the law 合法
  outside the law 不合法
  lawyer 律师
  lawful 有法可依的
  laefully adv.
  lawless 无法可依的
  lawlessly adv.
  ●innocence n. 无辜
  inocent adj. 无辜的
  ●undertake v. 承担,着手做
  take up
  undertake to do 承担,开始做
  start to do sth/ take off doing sth / be engaged in sth / set out to do / set about doing /perform sth.
  ... on the way 在进行中
  The discuss on the way.
  ●arduous adj. 艰苦的,艰难的
  Study English is an arduous job.
  -ous adj.
  ●abstract adj. 抽象的
  ●concept n. 概念,观念
  ●mete out 给予,处置
  ●interference n. 干涉
  ●accord n. 一致
  ==agree with
  in accord with 和……一致
  out of accord with 和……不一致
  of one's own accord 自然而然的
  Justice is down of it’s own accord.
  according to: 依据,根据
  in accordance with 依据(法律,规章,制度),比较正式
  ●premises n. 房屋
  residence 住处,居留地(正式用法)
  dwelling 供人居住的地方
  house 住房
  housing 房(总称)
  The housing problem
  ●convert v. 转变,改变
  ●disused adj. 不再用的,废弃的
  misused 弄错了的
  used 用过了的
  second hand 二手的
  ●fireplace n. 壁炉
  ●muffle v. 捂住,厌抑
  ●chip v. 砍,削,凿
  chop 砍
  ●blacken v. 不变黑
  ●emerge v. (从某处)出现

