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【#英语资源# 导语】初生的生命,还未经历世事的沧桑,写满稚嫩与憧憬;壮年的生命,散发着青春活力,不畏前方的风雨;老年的生命,走过了人生这一长长的旅途,看遍花开花落,经历失败成功,做好准备,回到大地的怀抱。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The creator created life and made the world alive. Life has multiplied in the long river of history and bloomed brilliant brilliance. Life is born for the sake of excellence.

  Seneca said: "life is like a fable, its value lies not in the length, but in the content." Only when life radiates brilliance can it not disgrace the meaning of life.

  In the long history, countless heroes made the choice of life and death in order to make life wonderful. Qu Yuan threw himself into tears in order to make his life wonderful; Jing Ke, a great Xia, chanted "the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return" and shed his blood in Xianyang hall for the excellence of life; Wen Tianxiang, who is famous for his eternal masterpiece of "who has never died in life since ancient times, keeps his heart and shines on the sweat", lay down under the Mongolian sword for the brilliance of life“ Jianhu female envoy Qiu Jin died by the sword of Qinggou for the excellence of her life. Countless heroic sons and daughters, unwilling to be ordinary, sacrifice their lives for justice, so that life blooms a dazzling light.

  Life needs brilliance, and brilliance burns out the brilliance of life.

  Pasteur said: "life is real life in the most dangerous environment.". The grass grows in the rubble, showing the brilliance of its life; Cangsong stands on the cliff, showing the brilliance of its life; The camel shows the brilliance of its life when it runs in the desert. Only wonderful life can live forever in the universe.

  Life will be wonderful if it is meaningful, and wonderful life will be meaningful.

  Van Gogh's life was integrated into the sunflower, leaving the essence of art to human beings, and his life was wonderful. Beethoven devoted his life to music and awakened mankind with the song of life. His life is also wonderful; Marx devoted his whole life to the cause of communism, and his life is also wonderful; Kong Fansen dedicated his life to the Lankao people, and his life is also wonderful... Ba Jin said: "a cold and lonely life is better than a vigorous death. If life is meaningless, end it as soon as possible.

  The grass dedicates green to spring to make its life wonderful; Qingquan flows its glycol into the heart of the thirsty, making its life wonderful; The red sun transmits its warmth to the cold winter, making its life wonderful.

  Flowers bloom not for withering, but for results, and the results are not for the end, but for regeneration. So is life!

  Make life wonderful!


  Life is like a small tree. He gathers many vitality from the ground, stretches under the ice and snow, and breaks its shell bravely and happily in the soil wetted in early spring.

  Everyone gets his own life from birth and gets an opportunity to enjoy life in the world. Life is a beautiful and fragile term. For us, we should cherish and respect our life.

  Sima Qian endured the palace sentence. His physical disability did not kill his will. He did not give up his promise of life and did not make his life tired from now on. Instead, he wrote a masterpiece of historical records, which demonstrated his promise to life.

  In today's society, being disabled and determined shows the spirit of a disabled hero《 I'm Xie Kunshan. It's a familiar book, and its author is even more admirable. An electric shock accident made him lose his arms and a leg and become a "charcoal man". In the eyes of everyone, living is better than death. But he practiced a "mouth" with his mouth to draw well. He deserves respect because he respects his life.

  Helen Keller is a heroine we heard from urination. She was blind. I tried to imagine what that life would be like, but I couldn't believe it. However, Helen lived her whole life under that condition, but it was not pain, but satisfaction and happiness《 If you give me three days of light, it shocked the world. Some people doubt whether this is true, but after confirmation, some just admire it. Because she is interpreting: respect life.

  However, respect for life is not only reflected in the cherish of life, but also in the brave choice in times of crisis“ Since ancient times, no one has died, stay loyal and take care of history "is a well-known famous sentence, which shows Wen Tianxiang's fearlessness of power and strong patriotism. He did not let life be belittled in muddling along, but respected life in heroic sacrifice! In contrast, Qin Hui, who is despised and infamous for thousands of years, and Kun are greedy for life and afraid of death, and love money like life, making life worthless.

  In Mencius' eyes, the country and the monarch are not as important as the people. Now, after the Wenchuan earthquake and Yushu earthquake, the national flag is lowered at half mast to mourn the victims, and the establishment of a national mourning day is the embodiment of the fear of life and the awe and respect for the lives of ordinary people.

  Ethics is to fear life, cherish life, strive to make life shine.


  Is your life meaningful? Maybe we'll all be speechless. Some of us will think about the meaning of our lives. What is the meaning of a person's life? In general, people treat life as the pursuit of pleasure, muddling along and busy coping. That is, many of us are basically meaningless. What do you think of labor or work? Do many people do meaningful things in their lives? Obviously, very few.

  However, since ancient times, successful people often take their lives seriously. The ancients of our country not only understood scientificity and reasonably calculated labor days earlier than those in western countries, but also knew the calculation method of day shift and night shift for a long time. It shows that our ancestors understood the meaning of time and the value of life very early.

  Now the writer Mr. Lu Xun once said: "time is like a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there will always be some." Like him, if he lives one day, he will try to work, work, think and devote his life to the people.

  What about us? Some people don't cherish time and think a lot of time is superfluous; Some people waste their time in limited time, sighing and sighing, and it is difficult to add luster to their life.

  At the age of 14, we live in the youth that many people envy, and it is also the time when our dream has just set sail. In this golden age, we should seize the time and make a good life plan. Strive for the goal of life

  "The sun is always after the wind and rain. How can you see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain."“ No pains, no gains. " All these tell us the importance of paying. As long as there is pay, there will be harvest. To this end, we should start from now, bit by bit around us, cherish time, study hard, exercise actively, and let ourselves live a full life.

  Can we cherish life and the present as the ancients did? Now most of our students are covered with "lazy insects". We look forward to class and don't look forward to class after class. Tired of learning, wasting time. These problems are all on us. During recess, we always like to wander around and don't know how to cherish time. Weekend, in our eyes, two and a half days: Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sunday. As early as Friday afternoon, we were looking forward to the school bell. That seems to mean liberation, like a bird in a cage, flying around after release. These are our current performance. Obviously, these are loose and inattentive.

  We need to arrange time reasonably and study effectively and efficiently. During recess, we should know how to rest our body and mind, have a proper rest, listen carefully in class with a positive attitude, master every knowledge point taught by the teachers, think more and improve our learning efficiency.

  Such an attitude towards life is what we need. We should always check ourselves, let ourselves correct our attitude, study hard, live the meaning of life and deduce the brilliance of life!

