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  【篇一】每个人都有天赋 Everyone Has Talent

Most parents like to compare their children with others and then try to find the sense of pride. Usually, the child who can get high mark is believed to be the smart kid. But the fact is not true, everyone has talent, just depends on their interest. Some kids are good at math, while some are good at art. So there is no need to compare.

  【篇二】早睡 Sleep Early

Recently, I feel tired in the class, because I can’t help playing a new computer game at night. I sleep very late. As a result, I can’t focus my mind on study. I feel really bad and decide to stop sleeping so late. I stop playing the computer game and have enough sleep. Now I feel so good.

  【篇三】我很开心 I am Happy

Today, the biology class is very different. We don’t need to sit in the classroom, because the teacher takes us to do activities. We go to a field that is near our school, and the task for us is to observe flowers. We feel so excited and finish the task very carefully. It is a good way for us to learn knowledge. I am so happy.


小学英语作文:每个人都有天赋 Everyone Has Talent.doc
