

时间:2023-06-23 04:17:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A fruit vendor in Philippines sold a watermelon to a woman and assured her that it was very sweet because it was red inside.
在菲律宾。 一个女人从一个水果商那里买了一个西瓜,水果商向她保证这个西瓜非常甜,因为是红瓤的。
As she rode home on a bicycle, the vehicle skidded and the watermelon fell to the street and broke open, the woman was surprised to see that the fruit was pale pink but not red. So she returned with it to the vendor and complained loudly. “Madam,” replied the vendor, “when one falls out of a vehicle to the street, one can expect to turn pale. How about a watermelon?”
当这个女人骑车回家时,西瓜在刹车时掉在地上摔裂了,女人吃惊地发现这个西瓜不是红瓤地,而是浅粉色地。 于是她返回去找水果商理论。 “夫人。 ”水果商回答,“如果一个人从车子上摔倒在地上,也会吓得脸色发白。 更何况是西瓜呢?”

